Will the conservatives create jobs?

His Empire Zone investments consisted mostly of renovating his own buildings - $19 million worth.
According to the CBO, everyone hired to accomplish $19 million in renovations on a public building would count as "jobs created or saved". So what is the author bitching about? After all, isn't that the claim from the near-trillion dollar stimulus package? Stimulus money pays for projects, which in turn hire companies to do the work, right? And according to those figures, there were LOTS of jobs "created" by doing exactly what the article criticizes as doing something OTHER than creating jobs.

So, which is it, liberals? Do renovation projects (be they federal buildings, state/county/municipal properties, highways, parks infrastructure, etc.) "create or save jobs" as is claimed by those defending the stimulus bill, or do they do little to nothing for jobs, as is implied by this article?
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According to the CBO, everyone hired to accomplish these $19 million in renovations would count as "jobs created or saved". So what is the author bitching about? After all, isn't that the claim from the near-trillion dollar stimulus package? Stimulus money pays for projects, which in turn hire companies to do the work, right? And according to those figures, there were LOTS of jobs "created" by doing exactly what the article criticizes as doing something OTHER than creating jobs.

So, which is it, liberals? Do renovation projects (be they federal buildings, state/county/municipal properties, highways, parks infrastructure, etc.) "create or save jobs" as is claimed for defending the stimulus bill, or do they do little to nothing for jobs?

Is the continuation of "stimulus" spending the Tea Party's plan?
According to the CBO, everyone hired to accomplish $19 million in renovations on a public building would count as "jobs created or saved". So what is the author bitching about? After all, isn't that the claim from the near-trillion dollar stimulus package? Stimulus money pays for projects, which in turn hire companies to do the work, right? And according to those figures, there were LOTS of jobs "created" by doing exactly what the article criticizes as doing something OTHER than creating jobs.

So, which is it, liberals? Do renovation projects (be they federal buildings, state/county/municipal properties, highways, parks infrastructure, etc.) "create or save jobs" as is claimed by those defending the stimulus bill, or do they do little to nothing for jobs, as is implied by this article?
They create temporary jobs and permanent debt.
paladino is NOT a member of the ubiquitous tea party....merely because some group supports you does not make you a member of that group...the guy was a democrat for over 30 years and just recently switched to the gop

once again a liberal rag plays fast and loose with the facts in order to slam the tea party
Is the continuation of "stimulus" spending the Tea Party's plan?
No. Where did that question come from?

The POINT is the liberal media makes a huge deal about how many jobs are being "created or saved" by the stimulus. However, when a private company spends private money in the same manner (ie: renovations on their buildings), then, for some reason, it does not count toward creating jobs so they can claim that only a few jobs were created by their targeted victim.

So, I am asking liberals which it is: do renovation projects create jobs or not? Because you can't have it both ways.
Here's the thing, the government doesn't create jobs. Just like they don't control the economy. At best, the government can create conditions favorable to job creation, just as they can create conditions favorable to the economy, but that's about all they can do. The rest is up to the private sector. That said, it is far more likely you'll see jobs created under capitalist policies, as opposed to anti-capitalist ones.
Here's the thing, the government doesn't create jobs. Just like they don't control the economy. At best, the government can create conditions favorable to job creation, just as they can create conditions favorable to the economy, but that's about all they can do. The rest is up to the private sector. That said, it is far more likely you'll see jobs created under capitalist policies, as opposed to anti-capitalist ones.

The only thing that creates jobs is demand. That is people wanting to spend money for product. Corporate tax cuts and deregulation do NOT create demand. The only way to create demand is to make sure the masses have money to spend. Republicans Want low corporate taxes, low wages, no collective bargining and no benefits for workers. Big business has used the recession as an excuse to get rid of higher paid workers and re-hire and substantially lower wages and benifits. Big business is also anti small business.
I love right wing idiots like bravo. They can and do believe anything without a shred of evidence. You can't argue with them, they they just drag you down to there level and beat you with experience. That's why the FAUX NEWS Network (that means fake, bravo) knows they can say anything, because no one who listens to them will question anything they say.
To create jobs in america, we need massive trade protectionism to keep our jobs here. This is the truth the globalist financials dont want you to think about too long.
Will the conservatives create jobs? Hell No!




To create jobs in america, we need massive trade protectionism to keep our jobs here. This is the truth the globalist financials dont want you to think about too long.
So we should keep jobs here, even though many of those jobs cannot find peopled skilled to do them? How are you going to fix that?
The only thing that creates jobs is demand. That is people wanting to spend money for product. Corporate tax cuts and deregulation do NOT create demand. The only way to create demand is to make sure the masses have money to spend. Republicans Want low corporate taxes, low wages, no collective bargining and no benefits for workers. Big business has used the recession as an excuse to get rid of higher paid workers and re-hire and substantially lower wages and benifits. Big business is also anti small business.

You are incorrect, demand doesn't create jobs. Demand typically creates supply, but supply can be created through increased production and efficiency without creating new jobs, so new jobs do not necessarily follow demand. New jobs are created when capitalism expands, which can happen as a result of increased demand, as well as speculation for increased demand. Expansion of capitalism is far more likely in an economical environment which encourages it than one which discourages it. Higher tax burdens and regulations discourage it, lower taxes and deregulation encourage it.

Republicans want capitalist expansion, because that is what generally creates jobs. No one has proposed nationwide bans on unions and forbidding collective bargaining.... these are emotive bleats heard from the leftist socialists of this country, who can't engage in an honest debate. Because a single Republican governor dared to say that his state's budget problem was partially the result of bloated union pension plans and perks for retired state workers, we have this current LIE being circulated by the left, and it is insidious at best. How about stop lying to people and be honest... you are a STATIST... you believe in massive government controlled socialist rule, and you will literally destroy America as we know it, in order to obtain it.
You are incorrect, demand doesn't create jobs. Demand typically creates supply, but supply can be created through increased production and efficiency without creating new jobs, so new jobs do not necessarily follow demand. New jobs are created when capitalism expands, which can happen as a result of increased demand, as well as speculation for increased demand. Expansion of capitalism is far more likely in an economical environment which encourages it than one which discourages it. Higher tax burdens and regulations discourage it, lower taxes and deregulation encourage it.

Republicans want capitalist expansion, because that is what generally creates jobs. No one has proposed nationwide bans on unions and forbidding collective bargaining.... these are emotive bleats heard from the leftist socialists of this country, who can't engage in an honest debate. Because a single Republican governor dared to say that his state's budget problem was partially the result of bloated union pension plans and perks for retired state workers, we have this current LIE being circulated by the left, and it is insidious at best. How about stop lying to people and be honest... you are a STATIST... you believe in massive government controlled socialist rule, and you will literally destroy America as we know it, in order to obtain it.

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker on Friday signed a controversial bill sharply limiting collective bargaining rights for public workers, but it will take months, maybe years, to sort out the winners and losers.

Walker, a Republican who sought changes limiting the clout of unions, also rescinded the layoffs of 1,500 mid-level state employees who were threatened with job losses because of a budget crunch and a stalemate on the bargaining bill, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported. Walker said the reforms, which also demand larger pension and health care contributions from workers, will save $30 million and put the state on a path to fiscal health.


its not bleating, its real. And demand does not create supply. Saying so is moronic. Your thinking is irrational.
its not bleating, its real. And demand does not create supply. Saying so is moronic. Your thinking is irrational.

You continue to prove what an absolute idiot you are with comments like this. Yes... TYPICALLY demand creates supply. Notice the word "TYPICALLY" there, it has profound significance. There are certain situations where increased demand will not increase supply, especially where the supply is finite and limited. Take crude oil for example, it doesn't matter how much demand there is for the product, or how many extra people you hire, there is only so much crude oil available. When supply can't be increased to meet demand, the price increases accordingly, it is called the principle of supply and demand. The thing that demand doesn't typically do, is create jobs.
You continue to prove what an absolute idiot you are with comments like this. Yes... TYPICALLY demand creates supply. Notice the word "TYPICALLY" there, it has profound significance. There are certain situations where increased demand will not increase supply, especially where the supply is finite and limited. Take crude oil for example, it doesn't matter how much demand there is for the product, or how many extra people you hire, there is only so much crude oil available. When supply can't be increased to meet demand, the price increases accordingly, it is called the principle of supply and demand. The thing that demand doesn't typically do, is create jobs.

LOL. What about scott walker really actually attempting to suppress individuals rights to collectively bargain? you decided to focus on the supply demand thing. And you even fucked that up too. Shall i tell you how, or shall you just slink away? i really prefer not to have to type it all out.