Will the conservatives create jobs?

LOL. What about scott walker really actually attempting to suppress individuals rights to collectively bargain? you decided to focus on the supply demand thing. And you even fucked that up too. Shall i tell you how, or shall you just slink away? i really prefer not to have to type it all out.

Rights to collective bargaining? Where are these rights spelled out in the Constitution, I wasn't aware of them? Look, fucking retard, we don't have the right to collective bargaining, we never have. Do you even comprehend what "collective bargaining" means, or are you just emotively following the other sheep on this? Walker ended collective bargaining for STATE WORKERS because his state is nearly bankrupt and something has to be done in order to prevent it from going under. Apparently, Liberals don't comprehend or care if a state goes bankrupt... we have no explanation for this, but it must be the case.

I didn't fuck anything up, but if you want to parade around acting like you know it all, please do continue to do so, I wouldn't expect anything else from your retarded ass. I honestly don't know how you keep from being totally embarrassed by your ineptitude, but if you are okay with people laughing profusely at your stupidity, it's fine by me... the world needs more clowns!
Rights to collective bargaining? Where are these rights spelled out in the Constitution, I wasn't aware of them? Look, fucking retard, we don't have the right to collective bargaining, we never have. Do you even comprehend what "collective bargaining" means, or are you just emotively following the other sheep on this? Walker ended collective bargaining for STATE WORKERS because his state is nearly bankrupt and something has to be done in order to prevent it from going under. Apparently, Liberals don't comprehend or care if a state goes bankrupt... we have no explanation for this, but it must be the case.

I didn't fuck anything up, but if you want to parade around acting like you know it all, please do continue to do so, I wouldn't expect anything else from your retarded ass. I honestly don't know how you keep from being totally embarrassed by your ineptitude, but if you are okay with people laughing profusely at your stupidity, it's fine by me... the world needs more clowns!

We have a freedom of association, we have a right to appoint a representative in our negotiations with others. And individual rights cannot be disposed of just because some entity is "going broke". I seem to be kicking your ass, contrary to your perception.
We have a freedom of association, we have a right to appoint a representative in our negotiations with others. And individual rights cannot be disposed of just because some entity is "going broke". I seem to be kicking your ass, contrary to your perception.

No, you seem to be kicking your own ass, it's amazing how you are able to do that with such grace and proficiency, it takes real talent!

You do not have an individual right to collectively bargain. Sorry, that just is not the case. You can pretend this right exists, but it doesn't. You can twist around words and phrases and create speeches to deliver from your fake moral high horse, but you still can't make this the reality, because it isn't. The PRIVILEGED to bargain collectively, can be altered or changed at any time, for any number of reasons, and such was the case in Wisconsin.

None of this has a damn thing to do with job creation, or the topic of this thread. Again, a testament to you only known attribute, the ability to derail conversations with your stupidity. While it lends nothing to intelligent debate, you are somewhat entertaining to watch. What will the clown do next, to distract from the fact he has totally been pwned? Who knows! It's anybody's guess! But rest assured, the AssClown will not disappoint!
No, you seem to be kicking your own ass, it's amazing how you are able to do that with such grace and proficiency, it takes real talent!

You do not have an individual right to collectively bargain. Sorry, that just is not the case. You can pretend this right exists, but it doesn't. You can twist around words and phrases and create speeches to deliver from your fake moral high horse, but you still can't make this the reality, because it isn't. The PRIVILEGED to bargain collectively, can be altered or changed at any time, for any number of reasons, and such was the case in Wisconsin.

None of this has a damn thing to do with job creation, or the topic of this thread. Again, a testament to you only known attribute, the ability to derail conversations with your stupidity. While it lends nothing to intelligent debate, you are somewhat entertaining to watch. What will the clown do next, to distract from the fact he has totally been pwned? Who knows! It's anybody's guess! But rest assured, the AssClown will not disappoint!

It is a restriction on individual rights to restrict freedom of association, or the freedom to join with others and choose a representative. Are class action suits constitutional? Of course they fucking are. get your fascist head out of your ass.
It is a restriction on individual rights to restrict freedom of association, or the freedom to join with others and choose a representative. Are class action suits constitutional? Of course they fucking are. get your fascist head out of your ass.

What in the living fuck are you even yammering about? Who is being denied the right to associate or the freedom to join others and choose a representative? The Wisconsin state employee unions have a collective bargaining structure that is untenable and the state can not continue to support financially, what the fuck part of that are you not comprehending here? It simply doesn't matter what "RIGHT" you want to falsely claim here, the state doesn't have the money to do what you want to do! It's fucking sure not your right to yell about your rights being violated until the state goes belly up, I am sorry, that isn't in the Constitution.
What in the living fuck are you even yammering about? Who is being denied the right to associate or the freedom to join others and choose a representative? The Wisconsin state employee unions have a collective bargaining structure that is untenable and the state can not continue to support financially, what the fuck part of that are you not comprehending here? It simply doesn't matter what "RIGHT" you want to falsely claim here, the state doesn't have the money to do what you want to do! It's fucking sure not your right to yell about your rights being violated until the state goes belly up, I am sorry, that isn't in the Constitution.

You are trying to deny those rights when you make collective bargaining illegal. You say it's untenable. Others believe it's untenable to arbitrarily deny the rights of others. I want to fucking increase tax receipts by increasing domestic activity by saying no to the current level of outsourcing and globalization.
You are trying to deny those rights when you make collective bargaining illegal. You say it's untenable. Others believe it's untenable to arbitrarily deny the rights of others. I want to fucking increase tax receipts by increasing domestic activity by saying no to the current level of outsourcing and globalization.

Nothing is further from the truth! Collective bargaining is a union policy which allows negotiations between parties over pay and benefits, the state is not obligated to do this, it is not a right mandated in the Constitution, and in fact, MOST of America doesn't enjoy the benefits of collective bargaining. So you can shove it all up your well-used ass, you are just plain outright WRONG about this, moron!

You want to drone on like an absolute fucking idiot about some isolationist protectionist bullshit that isn't ever going to happen in the real world. To me, that's a pathetic waste of your life, but it's YOUR life, not mine... more power to ya! It's a free country, and you are entitled to be an idiot as long as you wish! Bitch and complain about "globalization" until you die of old age, moron, you won't change a thing in the end. If you want to stop (or curb) outsourcing, you have to start by making conditions here more conducive to capitalist venture. Standing up like a retarded idiot for unions having some "right" to demand outrageous pay and benefit packages, is NOT making things more conducive to capitalist venture, it is doing precisely the opposite of that. Barking like a circus seal every time someone suggests a budget cut, is not doing a thing to help balance budgets and live within our means. At some point, you need to grow the fuck up and join the rest of us in the real world. Perhaps that day will come soon, what do you think?