Will there be guns in heaven?

Of course!

no there will be no guns in heaven as there is no heaven for them to exsist in.

kinda comforting
Many will not like heaven if they cannot take their guns.

But then I would say that fear has no place in heaven?
i hope there are no weapons in heaven.

this is really a dumb thread. there won't be pollution or death in heaven either.

what is your point?
Jesus was a bleeding heart liberal.

He did die for the sins of all didn't he?
He did not shun the tainted ladies, lepers, etc.
He ran the money changers from the temple, for which he was crucified by the established Jewish church. Well they got the Romans to do it for them.
For all of us...

It isn't just maniacs...it's domestic violence as well. Even Marvin was shot by his father....it's insane.

Goldie says it all....
if we do experience heaven after death, it's probably a very individualized experience. If some guy is really into guns, his heaven might include them. If you don't like guns, your fairlytale land doesn't have to include them
It's not lack of guns that will be disappointing. It will be lack will of beer, gold, flat screens, see-through bras and all manner of kinky lingerie, video games, sports, politics, and a host of other material gizmos.
We will have a full-body resurrection and not simply a spiritual one. Seems to me God is up to something there. Especially since we will have perfectly functioning ones, free of impaired senses, enlarged prostates, cancer, diabetes, pain, and absent-mindedness (really looking forward to that one!)...
But so many fun things are sins and will keep you out of heaven.
If no fun there why would anyone want to live forever without fun?

Sounds kinda like just another master race plan to me.
But so many fun things are sins and will keep you out of heaven.
If no fun there why would anyone want to live forever without fun?

Sounds kinda like just another master race plan to me.

Maybe this is all the heaven we will ever know, or maybe heaven is freedom from Gods children.
