Wisconsin state Republicans to vote on secession from Union


New member
I guess I should make a comment to show what I think about this.

MORONS!!!!!!!!!!!! they should throw them out and wisconsin would instantly become more intelligent

The Republican Party’s biggest obstacle to winning big is the Republican Party. In terms of optics, most Americans eyes will open wide when they read that a state Republican Party is going to vote on whether to secede from the union. Presumably that means the right to leave the union when a different party is in control. Why leave when you have things your way? But here’s a news story that won’t help the GOP image, no matter what the outcome:

To secede or not to secede.

That will be the question for Wisconsin Republicans at next month’s convention.

Earlier this month, the party’s Resolutions Committee voted in favor of a proposal that says the state party “supports legislation that upholds Wisconsin’s right, under extreme circumstances, to secede.”

A version of the so-called “state sovereignty” resolution was first OK’d last month by one of the state GOP’s eight regional caucuses as an assertion of the state’s 10th Amendment rights. The measure also calls for ending all mandates that go “beyond the scope of the constitutionally delegated powers of the federal government.”

Top Republican officials hoped to kill the fringe proposal during a meeting of the resolutions panel at the Hyatt Hotel in Milwaukee on April 5. Instead, the committee made a few edits to the resolution and adopted it on a split vote.

The right doesn't exist - where does it state that it does? Now, anyone commie enough to actually act upon it is going to have to consider what those moronic traitors down south attempted in the 1860s...

10th amendment. Did it ever make you wonder why it was that the rest of the world ended slavery virtually bloodlessly yet the US did not ? It all happened in generally the same time span starting in the 1830s so it was no mystery to people back then.
I guess I should make a comment to show what I think about this.

MORONS!!!!!!!!!!!! they should throw them out and wisconsin would instantly become more intelligent

The Republican Party’s biggest obstacle to winning big is the Republican Party. In terms of optics, most Americans eyes will open wide when they read that a state Republican Party is going to vote on whether to secede from the union. Presumably that means the right to leave the union when a different party is in control. Why leave when you have things your way? But here’s a news story that won’t help the GOP image, no matter what the outcome:

To secede or not to secede.

That will be the question for Wisconsin Republicans at next month’s convention.

Earlier this month, the party’s Resolutions Committee voted in favor of a proposal that says the state party “supports legislation that upholds Wisconsin’s right, under extreme circumstances, to secede.”

A version of the so-called “state sovereignty” resolution was first OK’d last month by one of the state GOP’s eight regional caucuses as an assertion of the state’s 10th Amendment rights. The measure also calls for ending all mandates that go “beyond the scope of the constitutionally delegated powers of the federal government.”

Top Republican officials hoped to kill the fringe proposal during a meeting of the resolutions panel at the Hyatt Hotel in Milwaukee on April 5. Instead, the committee made a few edits to the resolution and adopted it on a split vote.


Looks more like they're voting on having the right to secede and not a vote on actually doing it. :dunno:
Sounds to me like there are some real Republicans in Wisconsin that actually have some balls and loyalty to the Constitution. Now I'm happy they named an Iowa class battle ship after that State. Very deserving, to say the least. How refreshing it would be if other States stood up for their rights and legally put their State's powers into State law? Just think maybe even another war to end the "SLAVERY" of the federal government.
Yup. Actually a number of states have similar legislation or are looking into it. Texas has had it on the books since it joined up as a state.

this is not accurate. Texas has no written agreement of any kind on seceding. what they DO have, is the written agreement that they can split the state up in to 5 separate states which would give them an advantage in the congress and/or senate.
10th amendment. Did it ever make you wonder why it was that the rest of the world ended slavery virtually bloodlessly yet the US did not ? It all happened in generally the same time span starting in the 1830s so it was no mystery to people back then.

Since it's not a right, it's not covered there.

As for slavery, you must not be aware of the Crittenden Amendment, and the goal of the patrician states to slowly end slavery by incorporating the western territories into the union as free states, which over time would have allowed for a peaceful solution. The southern states still found this notion insulting.
Since it's not a right, it's not covered there.

As for slavery, you must not be aware of the Crittenden Amendment, and the goal of the patrician states to slowly end slavery by incorporating the western territories into the union as free states, which over time would have allowed for a peaceful solution. The southern states still found this notion insulting.

Of course they did as the intent was not as you suggest. How did the rest of the world do it ?
I think we should let all the states that wish to secede do so, then when they realize what a horrible mistake it was we should charge them to re enter the union!
Of course they did as the intent was not as you suggest. How did the rest of the world do it ?

The 10th speaks only to rights, and secession is not a right.

The purpose of the 10th is for the daily business of government to be conducted at the state, local, and individual level. It is intended to foster efficiency, promote liberty, and curb excesses.
I think we should let all the states that wish to secede do so, then when they realize what a horrible mistake it was we should charge them to re enter the union!

We could also make them temporarily suspend their flags for a period of time and fly something hilarious like the smiley.
I think we should let all the states that wish to secede do so, then when they realize what a horrible mistake it was we should charge them to re enter the union!

while that would certainly work for alot of states, what would you do about a state like Texas, who would be self sufficient and in fact would be a huge supplier of oil to the rest of the US?