Woman driving corvette 155 mph kills father of two. Liberals are silent

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls
Joe the Pedophile Vegetable drives a 200 mph corvette too. He says he needs it but nobody needs an assault rifle. All liberals think vehicular homicide is ok but guns are terrible.


march 27 2024 An 18-year-old Arizona woman allegedly driving a sports car at 155 mph slammed into a motorcycle carrying a former police officer — killing the dad of two, whom she tried to save with CPR.

Rachel Berg, 18, was speeding in her brand-new Chevy Corvette on a Mesa highway about 10:30 p.m. March 12 when she rear-ended a Harley-Davidson being ridden by Michael Clark, 46, a Tempe park ranger, AZ Family reported.

The former Tacoma, Washington, cop was thrown from his bike in the eastbound HOV lane of US 60, according to the outlet.

Data from her car’s airbag control module reportedly indicated that she had been traveling at 155 mph five seconds before impact and 87 mph when she struck the bike after slamming on the brakes.

Berg was arrested Monday and charged with reckless manslaughter.
Why do you support murder by car?

It's fucking Arizona or wherever, TDAK.
If you can't drive fast there, where can you drive fast?

People who ride motorcycles know that they're subject to being mangled.
They've signed on for it.

I wish that they still made Lincoln Town Cars, body on frame.
I always felt safe in them.
Joe the Pedophile Vegetable drives a 200 mph corvette too. He says he needs it but nobody needs an assault rifle. All liberals think vehicular homicide is ok but guns are terrible.

I was unaware conservatives were arguing cars shouldn't be able to go this fast. Where are you seeing this?
Text is unhinged. It would be the left who would want cars to be slower. The right wants freedom to be as dangerous as they feel like being.
Text is unhinged. It would be the left who would want cars to be slower. The right wants freedom to be as dangerous as they feel like being.

Weren't you the one who just wrote this?

"The Repubs want to make life decisions for all people."

But now you're saying the right wants freedom for people?

So which is it?
Why are assault vehicles legal.? Why do liberals say it's ok to drive cars that go 200 mph but no one should have a gun (except the government)?

It's fucking Arizona or wherever, TDAK.
If you can't drive fast there, where can you drive fast?

People who ride motorcycles know that they're subject to being mangled.
They've signed on for it.

I wish that they still made Lincoln Town Cars, body on frame.
I always felt safe in them.

I have a 1999 Town Car will
never get rid of it..... I also have a newer MKZ
Weren't you the one who just wrote this?

"The Repubs want to make life decisions for all people."

But now you're saying the right wants freedom for people?

So which is it?

Guns and dangerous cars are right-wing things. Deciding what women can do with their bodies is too. The anti-environmentalism is right wing. The right absolutely wants to decide people's choices. The right is not pro-freedom.
The speed of autos is not a life decision.
Guns and dangerous cars are right-wing things. Deciding what women can do with their bodies is too. The anti-environmentalism is right wing. The right absolutely wants to decide people's choices. The right is not pro-freedom.
The speed of autos is not a life decision.

Guns are not dangerous!

Some people are dangerous

Libs let dangerous people roam the streets refuse to keep them locked up
Joe the Pedophile Vegetable drives a 200 mph corvette too. He says he needs it but nobody needs an assault rifle. All liberals think vehicular homicide is ok but guns are terrible.

Biden's 'vet won't do "200 mph," that old car would top out at about 120 to 130. While it is insanely stupid to be driving 155mph on US 60 in Tempe, the average speed on that road at 10:30 pm is usually about 75 to 85 mph. That puts her doing about double what traffic is doing which is stupid at any speed. Doing 50 when the traffic is doing 25 is no smarter than 155 vs. traffic speed of 85.

Also, when you're in the HOV lane here (in the Phoenix metro area) you better be keeping up with the fast traffic or get the hell out of that lane unless it is one of the restricted rush hour times (7am - 9 am and 3 pm to 7 pm weekdays). Any other time, it's like being in the restricted lane on the autobahn--that's where the fast movers are driving.

That stretch of highway is posted 65 mph, but NOBODY drives that slow in light traffic on it except in the very right-hand lanes. The HOV and left-hand lanes have near 100% traffic exceeding 75 mph and regularly 85 to 90 mph traffic moving in them.

Whether you like that or not, that's how it is for a big portion of the traffic on interstate-type highways in AZ of which US 60 is one. Stay well right if you're moving slow or you become a 'rock in the stream' and a hazard to traffic in general.
It's fucking Arizona or wherever, TDAK.
If you can't drive fast there, where can you drive fast?

People who ride motorcycles know that they're subject to being mangled.
They've signed on for it.

I wish that they still made Lincoln Town Cars, body on frame.
I always felt safe in them.

You felt safe but not the people you crashed into. Penalties for moving violations should vary with vehicle weight.
Biden's 'vet won't do "200 mph," that old car would top out at about 120 to 130. While it is insanely stupid to be driving 155mph on US 60 in Tempe, the average speed on that road at 10:30 pm is usually about 75 to 85 mph. That puts her doing about double what traffic is doing which is stupid at any speed. Doing 50 when the traffic is doing 25 is no smarter than 155 vs. traffic speed of 85.

Also, when you're in the HOV lane here (in the Phoenix metro area) you better be keeping up with the fast traffic or get the hell out of that lane unless it is one of the restricted rush hour times (7am - 9 am and 3 pm to 7 pm weekdays). Any other time, it's like being in the restricted lane on the autobahn--that's where the fast movers are driving.

That stretch of highway is posted 65 mph, but NOBODY drives that slow in light traffic on it except in the very right-hand lanes. The HOV and left-hand lanes have near 100% traffic exceeding 75 mph and regularly 85 to 90 mph traffic moving in them.

Whether you like that or not, that's how it is for a big portion of the traffic on interstate-type highways in AZ of which US 60 is one. Stay well right if you're moving slow or you become a 'rock in the stream' and a hazard to traffic in general.

So you advocate for speeding and increased highway homicide?? The answer is to lower speed limits and enforce them with stiff penalties. Speeders are deadly psychopaths and speeding should be punished with a massive fine and license suspension. You have been brainwashed by the media into accepting assault vehicles and highway homicide.
So you advocate for speeding and increased highway homicide?? The answer is to lower speed limits and enforce them with stiff penalties. Speeders are deadly psychopaths and speeding should be punished with a massive fine and license suspension. You have been brainwashed by the media into accepting assault vehicles and highway homicide.

No, I advocate that speed limits need to be realistic for road conditions. Lowering speed limits only ensures people will speed. Enforcing them with stiff penalties doesn't work either.

Speeding--in and of itself--is rarely the cause of accidents. Speed can contribute to the severity of an accident, but it is rarely the cause. The two leading causes of accidents are inattention (texting while eating a Big Mac for example), and failure to yield (running a red light for example). Rural interstates have the highest speed limits in the US and some of the lowest accident rates. If speed alone was a major cause of accidents, this would not be true.

The other thing with speed is the difference between various vehicles moving together. A vehicle moving faster or slower than the average of all the vehicles is more prone to being one that will end up in an accident. That is, driving too slow--being the "rock in the stream" as I put it--is as dangerous, or more dangerous than going faster than traffic.

The truly dangerous psychopaths on a highway are idiots who get in the fast / passing lane and stubbornly refuse to get over for faster traffic. Their usual, "I'm doing the speed limit!" mantra shows how totally unaware they are to the danger of what they're doing. It doesn't matter if other vehicles are going faster than the limit, they're going faster. That slow driver needs to get the fuck over to the right and out of the way because stubbornly trying to slow traffic only increases the risk of accidents.

It is just as dangerous for a vehicle to be going much faster than the flow of traffic. The need for such a vehicle to dodge slower vehicles increases the potential for an accident, just as dodging a slow vehicle does.

When the Jimmy Carter imposed a national 55 mph speed limit back in the 70's, it became a national joke. That speed limit was completely unrealistic for much of the US and drivers ignored it. In Arizona, rural interstate speeds dropped from 75 mph to 55 mph. It wasn't "safer," it was just slower. People ignored the new limit because it made perfect sense to ignore the new limit.

What you advocate for is people to vote with their foot, just as happened with the Carter 55 mph speed limit.
It's fucking Arizona or wherever, TDAK.
If you can't drive fast there, where can you drive fast?

People who ride motorcycles know that they're subject to being mangled.
They've signed on for it.

I wish that they still made Lincoln Town Cars, body on frame.
I always felt safe in them.

People who ride motorcycles did not sign up to be mangled, Sock.