women - the endless victims - usually by men

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
throughout recorded history it seems that men have endlessly treated women as property that they have the right to control - often 'for their own good' as defined by men

even this land of the free, women are still treated as second class citizens

men fear the perceived power that women have over them rather than looking at fixing their own problems, they blame them on women

gah, i am in a lousy mood

still it sickens me how men still want to possess women both by law and by custom :(
Of course men fear giving women equal rights. Don't be silly. To paraphrase Julius Ceaser. "If you give men the gift of knowledge they will use it to conquer. If you give it to women they will use it to emasculate."
The emasculation is in the brain of men.

Heres the big secret about why you think women seek to emasculate men, women seek power just like men do. When you are not being "emasculated" by who you are with she is loving you. You know as in being a partner and caring for your emotional needs. Its called that dreaded word "compromise". Men often get into to trouble in a relationship with women when they see it as the man himself has compromised too much and the woman is getting more than her fair share. The woman on the other hand thinks she has found the perfect partner who is willing to meet all her needs. Then one day the man feels too emasculated (usually because the guy friends have told him hes pussy whipped) and blam the whole thing blows up.

The man walks away saying to himself "women are just too damned selfish".

Men have historically treated women as chattle because the marriage thing was a financial arragement and she was an assest much like a cow (Please ladies give me a minute or too to flesh this out). Healthy Offspring were the differance between a good life and a shitty life. The offspring were also treated like assests. They would be put to work at very early ages and increased a mans wealth. The power over women by men in a brutal world stemed from her being the one who bares the child. Believe me you when I was pregnant I would have wrestled a bear to protect my little growing guy inside but I could not run as fast or been as effective in a fight when I was heavy with child as I am now. Right now I could give most the men here a hard god damned time even as an ole bitch but 8 months pregnant Im pretty sure most the guys and girls on here could have taken me. Vulnerability was the reason women were seen as the weaker sex. Now you switch that puppy arround and I could take out any guy here right now if he was 8 months pregnant , problem is then he would be a woman wouldnt he?

You inject the modern idea of romantic love and you give a whole new twist to it huh?
Romantic love is a fairly new idea in society. Now the woman and MAN have the power to pluck the heart strings. This dynamic is a new form of power struggle. Well most men see it that way anyway. They are so historically ingrained with the habit of it being about who wins they sometimes forget they are shopping for a teammate and not milking cow with benifits.

I have been lucky to know some of the finest men on earth who treat a woman like a teammate and know how to compromise in an honest and healthy way. Not my Dad ( loved him but he was a confused soul) but my Husband , his brother, some of my own brothers , my Father in law.
All men who Love women in the right way. They see them as buddies, friends, people with ideas, people who can help and with "benifits".

Women are 50 percent of the population and we are real soon going to hit our steam in this world. The pregnacy vulnerability has pretty much been negated in this new modern life. All women have to do now is keep doing the best job they can and make money(todays power). You make your company money and I can guarentee you they will sit up and listen when you go in and ask for that raise. Women make less then men for the same job still and I submitt some of this can be changed by women being willing to ask for a raise when they know they deserve it. Dont wait for them to give it too you. I wouldnt even say "hey wally makes more than me aso I want a raise" I would say " My work has value to you and I should be compensated so pay me what Im worth and fuck wally cause Im better than him and you know it". When Hillary was called a Bitch in this campaign that was a show of sexism by the right wing pundants. I think Hillary should have said something like, "If you want to call me a Bitch for having the guts to stand tall for what I believe and fight what I believe will harm this country then you better get out the tattoo needle and tattoo it accrossed by head because I will take that as a compliment from now on" I believe this is the stage in this fight we are in ladies. Its time to "woman up" and say I can take this shit because I am woman and words are a paltry attack on the strength with lies right here in this female body.

Get ready guys your team mates are here and if you dont pick us for you team then we will be on the opposing team and will kick you ass seven ways to hell.

Good morning all.
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throughout recorded history it seems that men have endlessly treated women as property that they have the right to control - often 'for their own good' as defined by men

even this land of the free, women are still treated as second class citizens

men fear the perceived power that women have over them rather than looking at fixing their own problems, they blame them on women

gah, i am in a lousy mood

still it sickens me how men still want to possess women both by law and by custom :(

liberal women are the ones you are referring to,they are treated as they deserve to be treated as,the enabler ho's they are!
The emasculation is in the brain of men.

Heres the big secret about why you think women seek to emasculate men, women seek power just like men do. When you are not being "emasculated" by who you are with she is loving you. You know as in being a partner and caring for your emotional needs. Its called that dreaded word "compromise". Men often get into to trouble in a relationship with women when they see it as the man himself has compromised too much and the woman is getting more than her fair share. The woman on the other hand thinks she has found the perfect partner who is willing to meet all her needs. Then one day the man feels too emasculated (usually because the guy friends have told him hes pussy whipped) and blam the whole thing blows up.

The man walks away saying to himself "women are just too damned selfish".

Men have historically treated women as chattle because the marriage thing was a financial arragement and she was an assest much like a cow (Please ladies give me a minute or too to flesh this out). Healthy Offspring were the differance between a good life and a shitty life. The offspring were also treated like assests. They would be put to work at very early ages and increased a mans wealth. The power over women by men in a brutal world stemed from her being the one who bares the child. Believe me you when I was pregnant I would have wrestled a bear to protect my little growing guy inside but I could not run as fast or been as effective in a fight when I was heavy with child as I am now. Right now I could give most the men here a hard god damned time even as an ole bitch but 8 months pregnant Im pretty sure most the guys and girls on here could have taken me. Vulnerability was the reason women were seen as the weaker sex. Now you switch that puppy arround and I could take out any guy here right now if he was 8 months pregnant , problem is then he would be a woman wouldnt he?

You inject the modern idea of romantic love and you give a whole new twist to it huh?
Romantic love is a fairly new idea in society. Now the woman and MAN have the power to pluck the heart strings. This dynamic is a new form of power struggle. Well most men see it that way anyway. They are so historically ingrained with the habit of it being about who wins they sometimes forget they are shopping for a teammate and not milking cow with benifits.

I have been lucky to know some of the finest men on earth who treat a woman like a teammate and know how to compromise in an honest and healthy way. Not my Dad ( loved him but he was a confused soul) but my Husband , his brother, some of my own brothers , my Father in law.
All men who Love women in the right way. They see them as buddies, friends, people with ideas, people who can help and with "benifits".

Women are 50 percent of the population and we are real soon going to hit our steam in this world. The pregnacy vulnerability has pretty much been negated in this new modern life. All women have to do now is keep doing the best job they can and make money(todays power). You make your company money and I can guarentee you they will sit up and listen when you go in and ask for that raise. Women make less then men for the same job still and I submitt some of this can be changed by women being willing to ask for a raise when they know they deserve it. Dont wait for them to give it too you. I wouldnt even say "hey wally makes more than me aso I want a raise" I would say " My work has value to you and I should be compensated so pay me what Im worth and fuck wally cause Im better than him and you know it". When Hillary was called a Bitch in this campaign that was a show of sexism by the right wing pundants. I think Hillary should have said something like, "If you want to call me a Bitch for having the guts to stand tall for what I believe and fight what I believe will harm this country then you better get out the tattoo needle and tattoo it accrossed by head because I will take that as a compliment from now on" I believe this is the stage in this fight we are in ladies. Its time to "woman up" and say I can take this shit because I am woman and words are a paltry attack on the strength with lies right here in this female body.

Get ready guys your team mates are here and if you dont pick us for you team then we will be on the opposing team and will kick you ass seven ways to hell.

Good morning all.

Men will always make more money because money is more central in the life of a man. How much money he makes determines most of his social standing. Men will make more because they will ACTUALLY LEAVE if they don't get it, because it is MORE CENTRAL in his life. Women will just bitch about it.
throughout recorded history it seems that men have endlessly treated women as property that they have the right to control - often 'for their own good' as defined by men

even this land of the free, women are still treated as second class citizens

men fear the perceived power that women have over them rather than looking at fixing their own problems, they blame them on women

gah, i am in a lousy mood

still it sickens me how men still want to possess women both by law and by custom :(

Patriarchy is bad for everyone Don. Men and women. Obviously, women by far get the worst end of the deal.

On a related note, this is awesome. Jessica Valenti humiliates online misogynists like Asshatezombie, battleborne, Indisputable, and assorted other goons who show up here occassionally.

Cypress, that made my day. I know Jessica, she's not one of my best friends or anything, but I've worked with her. She's so fucking great, a total hot, kick-ass feminist. And i missed this youtube that she did, I was laughing and clapping. Thanks!
Cypress, that made my day. I know Jessica, she's not one of my best friends or anything, but I've worked with her. She's so fucking great, a total hot, kick-ass feminist. And i missed this youtube that she did, I was laughing and clapping. Thanks!

Your welcome!

Wow, you know her? I just read her blog. Which is awesome.

How cool that you know her! I think she has a new book out. :)