women - the endless victims - usually by men

Your welcome!

Wow, you know her? I just read her blog. Which is awesome.

How cool that you know her! I think she has a new book out. :)

I worked on two feminist event/panels with her, one of them where I got her to speak for my group actually. She is really smart, and that video just cracked me up. See, they are all over the internet. And they are the same all over the internet.
I worked on two feminist event/panels with her, one of them where I got her to speak for my group actually. She is really smart, and that video just cracked me up. See, they are all over the internet. And they are the same all over the internet.

She seems awesome! You know who I was thinking of when I as listening to her? Some of the goons from the bush board. And, that goon that Damo knows from another board who came over here a few times, to harass you. LOL. What a loser!
Is it really sexist to state the truth that men are judged on how much money they make more than women are? I think not. It's just the truth. We all know it.
NOt corrrect AHZ. Just take Topper for instance. Would he judge any other men based on how much money they made ?
Men will always make more money because money is more central in the life of a man. How much money he makes determines most of his social standing. Men will make more because they will ACTUALLY LEAVE if they don't get it, because it is MORE CENTRAL in his life. Women will just bitch about it.


tell that to a single mother trying to make ends meet...:pke:
some men will leave AHZ, some have more limited options and have to support a family.
And job options are more limited in some areas than others as well.
Your generalization is far too braod.
some men will leave AHZ, some have more limited options and have to support a family.
And job options are more limited in some areas than others as well.

But relative to women, men are more likely to insist on a higher wage, as they are more expected and socially obligated to provide. Your comments are also strained, tangential and idiotic.
Damn I will have to get out a dictionary now.

Not sure what my statement has to do with a subtropical fruit.
She would probably admit that men are judged more on their income, if she was honest. Your comment is tangential, strained and idiotic.


tell that to my wife who spent too much time as a single mom

i had it easier as a single parent than she did as a single mom

we get along with each of us using our strengths complimentary to the others weaknesses - she works harder than i do, but that is because i am both mentally and physically disabled

between us, we have four children and six grandchildren with one on the way

i have an alpha personality and have had to seek out strong women so that i would not run over them

we are both polymath geniuses and well educated (she better than i as she has a masters degree and i only have a two year degree (i left home after getting my degree due to my brother's death) i did not like academia and did a lot of ojt)

tell that to my wife who spent too much time as a single mom

i had it easier as a single parent than she did as a single mom

we get along with each of us using our strengths complimentary to the others weaknesses - she works harder than i do, but that is because i am both mentally and physically disabled

between us, we have four children and six grandchildren with one on the way

i have an alpha personality and have had to seek out strong women so that i would not run over them

we are both polymath geniuses and well educated (she better than i as she has a masters degree and i only have a two year degree (i left home after getting my degree due to my brother's death) i did not like academia and did a lot of ojt)
As a genius, she would probably also admit that men are judged more on their income.

Sorry about your disabilitude.
As a genius, she would probably also admit that men are judged more on their income.

Sorry about your disabilitude.

ahz, thank you, i will have to ask her as she majored in sociology and would have a better idea of what is going on than i do

right now she is watching the sunset and enjoying herself :)

me, i like watching the trees and other growing things here :)

i hope all is well with you and yours
throughout recorded history it seems that men have endlessly treated women as property that they have the right to control - often 'for their own good' as defined by men

even this land of the free, women are still treated as second class citizens

men fear the perceived power that women have over them rather than looking at fixing their own problems, they blame them on women

gah, i am in a lousy mood

still it sickens me how men still want to possess women both by law and by custom :(

If women want something they should simply take it and quit whining that someone one won't give it to them. Ditto to any other oppressed people. The feminista chick says " fuck you, mysoginists" on youtube. omg :gives:
they are rejected shrimp,not to be put on the bbq,thrown out with the trash!:cof1:

Down here if it weren't for the sheilas this country wouldn't operate - the blokes would all be in the pub :clink:

Anyway, on the sub-text about equal pay. It isn't equal here either. But I have to say my employer was forced to give equal pay to women employees way back in 1918 when our union (only formed in 1911) took on the state government over pay and pension issues. The government eventually buckled and made an offer but specifically ruled out the very few women members. The union told them to shove it unless the women members got the same deal. The government gave in.
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