Words and numbers

Are your responses other people's intellectual property rights? pretty patented answer aimed by scripted typecast people serving idealists promising better tomorrows than genetics sustains now. What is your trademark social identity anyway? See it requires no physical description of what you look like, but who you rather be instead of the body life holds you to the moment with now.

Ahh...look at all you player go here with all your "stories"...when will your stories really end player and you tell us what do you think is really happening around you genius..?

remember players...other players are also reading here, it isn't just you and me...so...

Next time player that you read something on the internet that is nonsense, remember that you can ignore it...

and player, you can keep on ignoring nonsense, unless people forget that...

Money reduces the time and effort to trade…

as then... we are stuck with idiots wasting our time and effort, with their endless money stories...

Get it now player, or are you still wondering what to reply to me?

You didn't really think about it players, did you really?
Cause if you really think about it players, you will really understand...this is exactly why...

Ahh...look at all you player go here with all your "stories"...when will your stories really end player and you tell us what do you think is really happening around you genius..?

remember players...other players are also reading here, it isn't just you and me...so...

Next time player that you read something on the internet that is nonsense, remember that you can ignore it...

and player, you can keep on ignoring nonsense, unless people forget that...

Money reduces the time and effort to trade…

as then... we are stuck with idiots wasting our time and effort, with their endless money stories...

Get it now player, or are you still wondering what to reply to me?

You didn't really think about it players, did you really?
Cause if you really think about it players, you will really understand...this is exactly why...


the director of anything is possible typecasting everyone believing anything else is possible than genetics is actual limits reproductions reach as the whole numbers of each species occupying time inhabiting space in the atmosphere here now.

the director of anything is possible typecasting everyone believing anything else is possible than genetics is actual limits reproductions reach as the whole numbers of each species occupying time inhabiting space in the atmosphere here now.

when one imagines something, something else is happening around one in reality, or it doesn't seem to me where inside one really imagine something...does it seem to you playahh?

Ahh...look at all you player go here with all your "stories"...when will your stories really end player and you tell us what do you think is really happening around you genius..?

remember players...other players are also reading here, it isn't just you and me...so...

Next time player that you read something on the internet that is nonsense, remember that you can ignore it...

and player, you can keep on ignoring nonsense, unless people forget that...

Money reduces the time and effort to trade…

as then... we are stuck with idiots wasting our time and effort, with their endless money stories...

Get it now player, or are you still wondering what to reply to me?

You didn't really think about it players, did you really?
Cause if you really think about it players, you will really understand...this is exactly why...

Exactly. I think about the whole relative to the whole of each kinetic part that induces static charges of potential outcomes that never existed and those evolving forward now. Actual existing here universally each an event horizon within itself and the total sum present from molecular content to each lifetime of any species native to this atmosphere that has existed or does exist as a reproduction equally occupying space in their event horizon displacement.

Realities defying the real moment's total sum changes compounding ever changing total sum forward as individually happening here as you and I do these exchanges of information in context and numbers. periods, decimals, talking points.

word eternity describes something, and eternal life means something one point of origin shared. Now or woN I own my brain, my time being alive here not a collective we say so? I spent 1/3 of my life making realities work as intellectually designed by homo sapiens fooling themselves. Humanity cannot have another 1/3 of my time to live as the 3/3 is needed to rest from the other 2/3.

REally have become frustrated with malcontents collectively running around psychologically intimidating me with loss of all the things I earned in my time compromising with deniers have greater good intentions. I know the separation between context and content, symbolism over substance, metaphysical maybes over physical absolutes. I understand molecular migration between erosion and decomposition in motion now to all things native to this atmosphere since this atmosphere became part of universal perpetual balancing outcomes now in plain sight my body navigates around instinctively.

You keep calling me player and that makes you lost in the illusion you are Otto Preminger making the world a stage with you the intellectual Lord of humanity's tomorrows now. Shove your 0-9 defined as literally 1-10.

universe is a compounding binary code of 0 or 1 inorganically or ancestrally in one atmosphere. Spontaneously here as a combined total sum of each simultaneously as an ever changing whole present. Eternity and eternally evolving forward as existing here now. Kinetics without doubt.

What it turns out playah is that you don't know what money does playah...here read playh...

Next time player that you read something on the internet that is nonsense, remember that you can ignore it...

and player, you can keep on ignoring nonsense, unless people forget that...

Money reduces the time and effort to trade…

as then... we are stuck with idiots wasting our time and effort, with their endless money stories...

Get it now player, or are you still wondering what to reply to me?

You didn't really think about it players, did you really?
Cause if you really think about it players, you will really understand...this is exactly why...

and remember players, I am not the only one reading here...

You have no real sense of humor, especially when it comes to irony in life. read my new thread coming up in current events. It is deadly serious about why this species has brought itself to point of extinction inside out self inflicted on purpose by those in charge of world order by context over content behavioral patterns established since dawn of civilization.

humanity isn't doing anything to itself.

A few bad apples "those in charge of world order" are trying to do it.

They're failing though, because they're psychotic criminal failures.
humanity isn't doing anything to itself.

A few bad apples "those in charge of world order" are trying to do it.

They're failing though, because they're psychotic criminal failures.

player...time to learn how you are going to have fun in life...ready player?

1. You need patience to have fun in life player! Why?
2. You need patience to find out why player. Why again?!
3. Because you find this out in a funny way player!
4. Sometimes, it is more fun than what you player can handle at that moment in your life...
5. Sometimes, it is less fun than what you player want at that moment in your life...
6. But...when you are having a good time, then it is just the right amount of fun...
7. And to find those times player, I am afraid it comes back to the beginning...
8. You need patience to have fun in life player.

so playa...

Next time player that you read something on the internet that is nonsense, remember that you can ignore it...

and player, you can keep on ignoring nonsense, unless people forget that...

Money reduces the time and effort to trade…

as then... we are stuck with idiots wasting our time and effort, with their endless money stories...

Get it now player, or are you still wondering what to reply to me?

You didn't really think about it players, did you really?
Cause if you really think about it players, you will really understand...this is exactly why...

and remember players, I am not the only one reading here...

What it turns out playah is that you don't know what money does playah...here read playh...

Next time player that you read something on the internet that is nonsense, remember that you can ignore it...

and player, you can keep on ignoring nonsense, unless people forget that...

Money reduces the time and effort to trade…

as then... we are stuck with idiots wasting our time and effort, with their endless money stories...

Get it now player, or are you still wondering what to reply to me?

You didn't really think about it players, did you really?
Cause if you really think about it players, you will really understand...this is exactly why...

and remember players, I am not the only one reading here...


I correspond with someone that works same methodology you use here on two others websites, you have to belong to the same ideology or same person using a different screen name here. Doesn't matter either way. Money is an arbitrary value system governed by a 6th sense of proportioning who's who by family, community, local residence, geographical region, state, country, in this atmosphere.

8 hemispheres governed by orchestrated doubt controlling the outcome of native occupants of this atmosphere by native occupants of this atmosphere. Power of suggestion gone wild and rouge.
I correspond with someone that works same methodology you use here on two others websites, you have to belong to the same ideology or same person using a different screen name here. Doesn't matter either way. Money is an arbitrary value system governed by a 6th sense of proportioning who's who by family, community, local residence, geographical region, state, country, in this atmosphere.

8 hemispheres governed by orchestrated doubt controlling the outcome of native occupants of this atmosphere by native occupants of this atmosphere. Power of suggestion gone wild and rouge.

What it turns out playah is that you don't know what money does playah...here read playh...

Next time player that you read something on the internet that is nonsense, remember that you can ignore it...

and player, you can keep on ignoring nonsense, unless people forget that...

Money reduces the time and effort to trade…

as then... we are stuck with idiots wasting our time and effort, with their endless money stories...

Get it now player, or are you still wondering what to reply to me?

You didn't really think about it players, did you really?
Cause if you really think about it players, you will really understand...this is exactly why...

and remember players, I am not the only one reading here...

When one counts phrases with numbers
When one counts phrases with numbers , one doesn’t end up with a phrase that makes sense for humans at any time in their history up to now, because if you REALLY think otherwise…

When one counts phrases with numbers , one can end up with a phrase that makes sense for humans at some time in their history up to now, but if you think this REALLY makes sense to you…

If in the end mathematicians, when one counts phrases with numbers , one can end up with a phrase that makes sense for humans at some time in their history up to now, then it doesn’t seem to me that all humans up to now throughout their history made sense by talking to one another honestly and not only by counting one another with numbers without any regard to honesty ever spoken…does it seem to you ?

When numbers happen before words happen
When numbers happen before words happen, words don’t make sense after numbers happen, or else

When numbers happen before words happen, words can make sense after numbers happen, but…

If in the end when numbers happen before words happen, words can make sense after numbers happen, then it doesn’t seem to me now what numbers where counting before, that is worth saying…does it seem to you?

When numbers happen after words happen
When numbers happen after words happen, words make sense before numbers happen, or else

When numbers happen after words happen, words don’t make sense before numbers happen, but…

If in the end when numbers happen after words happen, words don’t make sense before numbers happen, then it doesn’t seem to me now that numbers make sense to happen after those specific words…does it seem to you?

Do you really have to spend time and effort replying to me if this is nonsense to you?


Did you idiot wrote an argument for you conclusion, or did you idiot think that you idiot don't have to argue on this thread?

You have to argue idiot on this thread...

...whether you really can, remains to be seen idiot...

When one counts phrases with numbers
When one counts phrases with numbers , one doesn’t end up with a phrase that makes sense for humans at any time in their history up to now, because if you REALLY think otherwise…

When one counts phrases with numbers , one can end up with a phrase that makes sense for humans at some time in their history up to now, but if you think this REALLY makes sense to you…

If in the end mathematicians, when one counts phrases with numbers , one can end up with a phrase that makes sense for humans at some time in their history up to now, then it doesn’t seem to me that all humans up to now throughout their history made sense by talking to one another honestly and not only by counting one another with numbers without any regard to honesty ever spoken…does it seem to you ?

When numbers happen before words happen
When numbers happen before words happen, words don’t make sense after numbers happen, or else

When numbers happen before words happen, words can make sense after numbers happen, but…

If in the end when numbers happen before words happen, words can make sense after numbers happen, then it doesn’t seem to me now what numbers where counting before, that is worth saying…does it seem to you?

When numbers happen after words happen
When numbers happen after words happen, words make sense before numbers happen, or else

When numbers happen after words happen, words don’t make sense before numbers happen, but…

If in the end when numbers happen after words happen, words don’t make sense before numbers happen, then it doesn’t seem to me now that numbers make sense to happen after those specific words…does it seem to you?

Do you really have to spend time and effort replying to me if this is nonsense to you?
