World Trade Center Movie


Junior Member
Stupid, don't go see it waste of money... it was mostly about these 2 cops trapped under the rubble and this guy from Connecticut who is a marine (and partially nuts) goes to WTC to rescue them, i won't give the outcome if you want to see it but i thought it was lame-o
Stupid, don't go see it waste of money... it was mostly about these 2 cops trapped under the rubble and this guy from Connecticut who is a marine (and partially nuts) goes to WTC to rescue them, i won't give the outcome if you want to see it but i thought it was lame-o

Ok. I was kind of planning on skipping it, and now I defintely will. I haven't heard any buzz about it, and don't even know people who have seen it, or say they want to see it. Weird. Must be bad word of mouth.
Yeah, all my friends that have seen it say it was one awesomely powerful flick... So far one bad review about 10 great reviews. I'll probably go see it soon.
eh......I have no desire to see any of the 9/11 movies. I'll watch documentaries, but I don't know if I'm quite ready for a hollywoodian take on it yet.
I see that "movie" in my nightmares to this day...why in the world would I want to go see it on the big screen?
Maybe in twenty years, a good movie could be made about 9/11 in retrospection.

For now, why are we celebrating and obsessing about defeat? I don't mean to sound like a war monger, but 9/11 was in essence a major military defeat for the united states. The dead of that horrible event should be remember by tasteful monuments, and moments of quiet respectuful retrospection on the anniverseary.

But, from the waving of the torn flag from the WTC at the 2002 winter olympics, to the over-the-top publice memeroial ceremonials, to this movie is just ridiculous. Its celebrating defeat. Its narcissistic.

FDR and Truman and the american public. were certainly never this narcissistic about pearl harbor.
We are obsessing about a rallying cry. It wasn't just a "defeat" it was a central theme that united Americans toward one goal. There are many who wish to have that united feeling again.
We are obsessing about a rallying cry. It wasn't just a "defeat" it was a central theme that united Americans toward one goal. There are many who wish to have that united feeling again.

It must be the oprah winfrey generation that needs over-the-top celebration of disasters and military defeats. I don't deny that tasteful monuments and quiet reflection are appropriate.

To me, its over-the-top. Like I said, in twenty years maybe a good movie could be made. For now, its narcissistic. I cringed, at the waving of the torn flag at the 2002 olympics.

And I think you underestimate americans. Americans didn't need Oprah Winfrey style narcissism to "rally" them after pearl harbor.
I didn't say "need" I said "wish"... For a moment they remember how it was when almost unanimously we were actually united for some it is a powerful moment.
I didn't say "need" I said "wish"... For a moment they remember how it was when almost unanimously we were actually united for some it is a powerful moment.

actually no we weren't remember FAlwell... it was the gays and feminists fault.
Maybe in twenty years, a good movie could be made about 9/11 in retrospection.

For now, why are we celebrating and obsessing about defeat? I don't mean to sound like a war monger, but 9/11 was in essence a major military defeat for the united states. The dead of that horrible event should be remember by tasteful monuments, and moments of quiet respectuful retrospection on the anniverseary.

Shut up mudlap, and take off the panties for a change! Explain how 911 was a defeat, and a military one at that? what a total tool........
it was a failure of our intelligence services.... and Dubya not only did not FIRE the heads of those services, he gave 'em fucking medals!
though the movie did point on W's 7 minutes reading my pet goat to school children while New Yorkers were jumping 100 stories to their death.
It was a bunch of dirtbag coward that took over commercial flights, and flew them into buldings. There was no military for to be defeated at this time. Now if you wanna get into intelligence and all that good stuff, and how it was all bush's fault fine, but lets not be silly about it and talk how it was a military defeat!
Next thing ya know you will be telling me how you were once the heavy weight champ of the world because you showed up ringside to a fight were the champ was'nt!
though the movie did point on W's 7 minutes reading my pet goat to school children while New Yorkers were jumping 100 stories to their death.

I've been told that Bush ONLY had two options:

1) Read to children and keep them calm.


2) Run around waving his arms above his head, like a madman, screaming "run for your lives you little fuckers! We're all gonna die!"

There were no other options for bush.

I've been told that Bush ONLY had two options:

1) Read to children and keep them calm.


2) Run around waving his arms above his head, like a madman, screaming "run for your lives you little fuckers! We're all gonna die!"

There were no other options for bush.


It was a bunch of dirtbag coward that took over commercial flights, and flew them into buldings. There was no military for to be defeated at this time. Now if you wanna get into intelligence and all that good stuff, and how it was all bush's fault fine, but lets not be silly about it and talk how it was a military defeat!
Next thing ya know you will be telling me how you were once the heavy weight champ of the world because you showed up ringside to a fight were the champ was'nt!

that is like calling the kamakasis in ww2 cowards!

what ever they were they were cowards dont sacrafice their own lives!

you are still stuck on bush mind bend talking points!