World Trade Center Movie

that is like calling the kamakasis in ww2 cowards!

what ever they were they were cowards dont sacrafice their own lives!

you are still stuck on bush mind bend talking points!

Desh - see the problem within most arguments here is simply picking sides, I am hardly speaking for anyone except myself when I post an opinion. Unlike the point you make about them being non cowards for sacrificing their own lives, were did ya get a thought like that from, Bill Maher?

You wanna make em' to be anything more than what they were, feel free! My point was for mudflap to explain how it is a military victory, and feel free to give an explanation yourself.

And yes, I think the japs were as cowardly as this bunch!
only propaganda minded people see their advisary as living under different rules of life than them.

The soldiers who have sacraficed their lives in any war on any side are NOT cowards!

You can say they were led astray , brainwashed ,Lied too or whatever you want but to call them cowards is to call any soldier of ours a coward.

When bill Maher lost his show for trying to point out the INSANE sheeple thought that was being fed to us by this government I KNEW we were in alot of trouble.
People unwilling to question their government are SHEEPLE!

If you want to pretend NO ONE butr Americans can display heroics (even for a idiotic misconcieved idea) than you are not an honest or rational person and its the likes of you who should be held intirely responmsible for the IDOTIC pack of lies that got our heros killed in this war.

You see its been proven we were lied too, by idiotic misconcieved assholes yet our soldiers who scaraficed themselfs are STILL HEROS!!!!
only propaganda minded people see their advisary as living under different rules of life than them.

The soldiers who have sacraficed their lives in any war on any side are NOT cowards!
Ok, I can see how terrorists can be considered soldiers....:rolleyes:

You can say they were led astray , brainwashed ,Lied too or whatever you want but to call them cowards is to call any soldier of ours a coward.

When bill Maher lost his show for trying to point out the INSANE sheeple thought that was being fed to us by this government I KNEW we were in alot of trouble.
People unwilling to question their government are SHEEPLE!
LOL, I kinda figured that is where that came from.

If you want to pretend NO ONE butr Americans can display heroics (even for a idiotic misconcieved idea) than you are not an honest or rational person and its the likes of you who should be held intirely responmsible for the IDOTIC pack of lies that got our heros killed in this war.

You see its been proven we were lied too, by idiotic misconcieved assholes yet our soldiers who scaraficed themselfs are STILL HEROS!!!!

Well go ahead and talk assholes all ya want, call terrorists soldiers, call Bill Maher a brilliant guy, and last but not least this was an excellent post ya meade here as to how it was all a military defeat! I think I can make my own conclusion who is a misconcieved asshole......