Would President Obama Defy the UN?

Not emo over the board Damo. I am just here for fun.
Just getting disgusted with the average US citizen who votes.

If we as a country are not smart enough to want a change from the last 7+ years I will just retreat to local and state level. And observe the decline of america until I die. Doing what I can to help family and friends.
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yep we will, and if McSame is elected president I will probably never vote for president again. Just give up on the USA.

Damn son, you gonna give me a good reason to vote for McCain! You should probably just shut up while I'm still pissed off at the R's and hope your racist-filled socialist party can pull off the upset.

Here's some 'education' for ya... The vast majority of liberals have already "given up on the USA". You people don't believe in the ability of the people anymore, you seek to have a central government control everything. You've given up on the American spirit, as well as individual responsibility. In your eyes, the USA is a helpless entity, unable to handle the day to day problems it faces, which is why you support Communist socialism as an alternative. You don't believe Capitalism and Free Markets can solve any problem, because you've given up on the USA. Instead, you want a bunch of elected politicians making our choices for us, controlling our lives and providing cradle to grave entitlements.

You also want to blame the USA for the world's problems, instead of believing in the USA and understanding what all we have historically done for the free world, and what we stand for. We have been the beacon of Freedom, Liberty, and Hope, for generations of people around the world, but it is this very thing you hold contempt for the most. Instead of believing in the USA, you've given up on the USA, you think it is a terrible mistake for us to liberate Iraq or anyone else, for that matter. You want to appease the terrorists who declared war on us, because you don't believe in the USA, you've given up on what the USA stands for, and think we should just stick our heads in the sand and wait to be destroyed.