Would You Like Some Skirt With That Bush?


First, Bush In A Skirt, claims executive privilege and refuses to turn over her emails. Now, Bush In A Skirt, refuses to cooperate in any way, including by meeting with the investigater, in the investigation she once claimed she "welcomed, HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE".

Is she Bush In A Skirt, or is the skirt just a cover? This sounds more like Bush On Steroids, to me.

Lying, Stonewalling, Claiming Executive Privilege to circumvent the law, Abuse of Power...Yeah, we need more of all that.

But hey, did you see what she was wearing?? Squeal! Lord & Taylor is going to have the knock-off within a week, and OMG, I am sooo looking for that (80's) lipstick shade, and I told my hairdresser "make me look like Sarah!" and he said, he'd walk off the job first, he doesn't do cheap, 80's redux disguising itself as Hillbilly Chic. Gay men; could they even be anymore jealous?

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Gov. Sarah Palin is unlikely to speak with an independent counsel hired by Alaska lawmakers to review the firing of her public safety commissioner, a spokesman for Republican presidential candidate John McCain said Monday.

Spokesman Ed O'Callaghan said he has not spoken with Palin, but she was "unlikely to cooperate" with the inquiry "as long as it remains tainted."

Democrats charged that the McCain campaign was trying to stall the investigation.

"The partisan presidential campaign of McCain/Palin has interfered and is picking partisan targets to smear in order to make this investigation look like something it isn't," said Patti Higgins, chairwoman of the Alaska Democratic Party. "Rather than cooperating with the investigation, the Republican presidential campaign is doing everything it can to stall and smear."

O'Callaghan also said he did not know whether Palin's husband, Todd, would challenge a subpoena issued Friday to compel his cooperation. Thomas Van Flein, the Palins' lawyer, who has accepted service of the subpoena, did not return messages seeking comment. The governor herself has not been subpoenaed, but the Legislature's investigator, Steve Branchflower, has said he hopes to speak with her.

Palin and her husband campaigned Monday in Colorado and Ohio. Palin also planned appearances Tuesday in Ohio.

McCain's campaign insists the investigation into the firing of Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan has been hijacked by Democrats.

Palin initially said she welcomed the inquiry. But after she became McCain's running mate on Aug. 29 her lawyer sought to have the three-member state Personnel Board take over the investigation, alleging that public statements by the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Democratic state Sen. Hollis French, indicated the probe was politically motivated.

The Palin phenomenon is beyond surreal right now. Her whole theme is "reform" and ethics, but as details are starting to come out about how she has governed, it's all cronyism, secrecy, & the kind of corruption that would kill a Governor in New York.

Now this - the investigation has somehow been "tainted," so it's over.

I heard her yesterday...she was saying how she & McCain were "going to Washington" to "shake things up." Just to repeat: McCain, "going to Washington."

The world is a little weird right now.
Got facts? Nope.

Lets see....

Palin is being investigated, that much you have to agree with.

Its not a secret that she is not cooperating with the investigation by making a full disclosure of emails and other info. She has even said she may not meet with the Troopergate investigator.

The campaign has been very open about being about change.

Exactly what facts are you missing?
The Palin phenomenon is beyond surreal right now. Her whole theme is "reform" and ethics, but as details are starting to come out about how she has governed, it's all cronyism, secrecy, & the kind of corruption that would kill a Governor in New York.

Now this - the investigation has somehow been "tainted," so it's over.

I heard her yesterday...she was saying how she & McCain were "going to Washington" to "shake things up." Just to repeat: McCain, "going to Washington."

The world is a little weird right now.

I just am thankful that I have friends and am really surrounded by people, who are just as bewildered as I am. If I lived in a redstate and was surrounded by these people, I would feel as if I were on drugs. It's almost as if they are trying to gaslight the sane people, and make us think that we must be the ones who are crazy.
Lets see....

Palin is being investigated, that much you have to agree with.

Its not a secret that she is not cooperating with the investigation by making a full disclosure of emails and other info. She has even said she may not meet with the Troopergate investigator.

The campaign has been very open about being about change.

Exactly what facts are you missing?

LOL You must have a lot of patience to talk to this guy.
It's almost as if they are trying to gaslight the sane people, and make us think that we must be the ones who are crazy.

Hey you figured out the secret part of the Republican plan that the rank and file republicans do not even know.

congratulations :clink:
It's almost as if they are trying to gaslight the sane people, and make us think that we must be the ones who are crazy.

Hey you figured out the secret part of the Republican plan that the rank and file republicans do not even know.

congratulations :clink:

LOl, I know, right? That is what they are doing.
LOL You must have a lot of patience to talk to this guy.

Eh, I just have a slow morning at work. The people who would normally be making my life busy and my job trying are all located in Houston.

So I don't expect to have a difficult week.

I have time to tutor the great unwashed masses.
you lead the guy dunbasses with ib1 and watergerber. Wich should be embarrassing cause they are students.
Lets see I'm siteseeing in San Fran with a beatifull woman, your doing your daily routine of angry grampaw blame my shitty life on bush gag.
You could never skewer me, I'm Rick James Bitch.
Dhula, Im down a couple hundred grand in a year and not even depressed. Why
I still have about several hundred grand more than most of you and the San fran tripos awesome.
YOUR a lefty retard that's obvious.
Both of them lie equally, Mcfossil is not bush.
Obama crushes on the issues, simpletons like you and Dhula fuck this up with your Dukakis like strategy piles of shit.
I suppose that's true, but I wouldn't say the Dems entire campaign is based on lie & distraction.

I would say that about McCain/Palin at this point.

I very much dislike Palin.. and i certainly think we need to change directions as a country. But i refuse to believe McCain does not love this country and would want to serve it as best as he could and he has a track record of going against the tide on some major issues.

That being said I think hes to old and there is to much risk with that freak Palin behind him. Shes scary as hell.