
Abreast of the situations
ALBANY - Gov. Paterson released a $121 billion slash-and-burn budget Tuesday morning that slams New Yorkers with 88 new fees and taxes

An "iPod tax" that charges state and local sales tax for "digitally delivered entertainment services" - in other words, that new Beyonce song you download.
State sales tax at movie theaters, sporting events, taxis, buses, limousines and cable and satellite TV and radio.
Costlier driving with the repeal of the 8-cents-per-gallon sales tax cap on motor and diesel motor fuel, plus and increase in the auto rental tax.
Tuition increases at SUNY and CUNY, $620 and $600 a year respectively.
A 50 cent tax on cigars. The current tax is equal to 37% of the wholesale price, or 34 cents a cigar.
No more sales tax break on clothes and shoes worth $110 or less, except during two weeks a year.
Higher taxes on wine, beer and flavored malt beverages. He would also impose an 18% tax on non-nutritional drinks like soda.
The rich would pay more for luxury items through an additional 5% tax imposed on cars costing more than $60,000, aircraft costing more than $500,000, yachts costing at least $200,000 and jewelry and furs costing in excess of $20,000.
In addition, a host of a fees, including those related to motor vehicle licensing and registration, parks and auto insurance, would go up, as would various state-imposed fines.
More unemployed and less business profit means less taxes coming in.

someone has to pay for the finiancial industries meltdown, and we know it won't be the ones responsible.
how about cutting the programs and the states budgets before you increase college costs and tax necessities such as clothing and gas.
how about cutting the programs and the states budgets before you increase college costs and tax necessities such as clothing and gas.

yeah right, check college tuitions nationwide for the last few years and see where tuition has gone.

Yeah the old smaller govt talk that republicans have never seemed to walk ?

gas costs are way down btw.
More unemployed and less business profit means less taxes coming in.

someone has to pay for the finiancial industries meltdown, and we know it won't be the ones responsible.

Huh? Right, chase out those that are still viable. Good plan.
how about cutting the programs and the states budgets before you increase college costs and tax necessities such as clothing and gas.

He is making budget cuts Chap.

I guess what I am most upset about over this whole thing, is that I remember as if it were yesterday, the left arguing that if you went ahead with these crazy bush economics, you'd end up with the states having to raise taxes to cover their inevitable shortfalls.

The right in this country thought there would be a free ride. Well, there is no free ride. It's time to take responsibility for the lunatic economic policies that got us here.

It's time to pay for our ride.
He is making budget cuts Chap.

I guess what I am most upset about over this whole thing, is that I remember as if it were yesterday, the left arguing that if you went ahead with these crazy bush economics, you'd end up with the states having to raise taxes to cover their inevitable shortfalls.

The right in this country thought there would be a free ride. Well, there is no free ride. It's time to take responsibility for the lunatic economic policies that got us here.

It's time to pay for our ride.

Bush is an idiot but is NOT responsible for New York the STATE'S high spending. That would be Liberal Democrats, same people who passed these tax incxreases and fees.

I've always said, the biggest difference between a Dem and Repub is when it comes to crunch time Repubs will cut spending and Dems will raise taxes.
Anyone notice that the Liberal Democrat governor didn't just increase taxes on clothing, he ONLY increased them on clothing that is under $110. Clothing that is above that will still cost the same. So richer Liberal Democrats like Darla won't have to pay anything extra for their designer clothing, just poor people will.
Anyone notice that the Liberal Democrat governor didn't just increase taxes on clothing, he ONLY increased them on clothing that is under $110. Clothing that is above that will still cost the same. So richer Liberal Democrats like Darla won't have to pay anything extra for their designer clothing, just poor people will.


Not really, they just want them dependent on government and have control over their money to spend on them - it's more that they trust serfdom over individuals and family's freedom to spend their own money.

No wonder Liberal Democrat run states like New York lose more people than they gain every year.
We'll see what happens, taxes gone wild. 18 % tax on a pepsi, ipod tax LOFL.
What are the other two turbo-libs gone mad on taxes.
Cali and FL where people are leaving in the millions.
We'll see what happens, taxes gone wild. 18 % tax on a pepsi, ipod tax LOFL.
What are the other two turbo-libs gone mad on taxes.
Cali and FL where people are leaving in the millions.

Florida? Florida has had a Conservative (and Republican) majority in their state government and Repub governor and has balanced the budget without tax increases AND their population is increasing. They balanced the budget by doing what they are supposed to do in cutting spending and even cut property taxes:

The national Repubs in DC may not get much praise but Repubs in state government have for the most part stuck to being fiscally responsible.
Florida? Florida has had a Conservative (and Republican) majority in their state government and Repub governor and has balanced the budget without tax increases AND their population is increasing. They balanced the budget by doing what they are supposed to do in cutting spending and even cut property taxes:

The national Repubs in DC may not get much praise but Repubs in state government have for the most part stuck to being fiscally responsible.

Oh really?

Which States have the Best/Worst economies?

According to research by The Kaufmann Foundation, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Maryland have the best economic climate. That's because they are successfully adapting to a global economy by attracting innovative and entrepreneurial companies. For that reason, these states are most likely to create and retain high-value and well-paying jobs. The states that are improving the most are Wisconsin, Vermont, North Dakota and Rhode Island.

The states at the bottom of the list are West Virginia, Mississippi, South Dakota, Arkansas and Alabama. Their economies are more reliant on manufacturing than information technology. The states that are declining most rapidly are Missouri, Maine, Oregon, Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Hawaii.

Maryland - Democrat
Massachusetts - Democrat
New Jersey - Democrat

Alabama - Republican
Arkansas - Democrat
Mississippi - Republican
South Dakota - Republican
West Virginia - Democrat

FACTS always tend to get in the way of ideology.