wtf, sarah palin as potential president

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
talk about a weak candidate - but she may make women and conservatives happy

where is her national experience

where is her international experience
talk about a weak candidate - but she may make women and conservatives happyexperieninternational experience
Dq, you are asking the same question that's been asked of obama. You have two choices foreign inexperience at the top of the ticket or in the VP position. Which do find more important?
McSame is just trying to get the hardcore ticked off Hillary supporters.
some of whom are also racist.

I wonder where she stood on "the bridge to nowhere" ?
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McSame is just trying to get the hardcore ticked off Hillary supporters.
some of whom are also racist.

I wonder where she stood on "the bridge to nowhere" ?

What about sexist? I'm sure there are a few women steamed over hillary getting nudged out of the circle by the boy's club.
McSame is just trying to get the hardcore ticked off Hillary supporters.
some of whom are also racist.

I wonder where she stood on "the bridge to nowhere" ?

Whuuu??? You mean the Liberal Democrat Big Tent has actual racists??? :eek:

On the Bridge to Nowhere, she opposed it. Looking at her political positions, McCain could have picked me, and had a more 'moderate' candidate. :cool:
talk about a weak candidate - but she may make women and conservatives happy

where is her national experience

where is her international experience
If you are this upset about the VP, why do you maintain silence on somebody at the top of the ticket?
McSame is just trying to get the hardcore ticked off Hillary supporters.
some of whom are also racist.

I wonder where she stood on "the bridge to nowhere" ?
She was instrumental in its total failure. Catch up, we've already covered this.
If you are this upset about the VP, why do you maintain silence on somebody at the top of the ticket?

Where's McCain's international experience (POW???). The guy can't even figure out the different groups in Iraq without Lieberman whispering in his ear.
She was instrumental in its total failure. Catch up, we've already covered this.

Actually, she didn't speak out about the "Bridge to Nowhere" until Congress cut funding for it. Only after it became clear that Alaska would have to pay for it did she decide to scuttle the project.
Where's McCain's international experience (POW???). The guy can't even figure out the different groups in Iraq without Lieberman whispering in his ear.
The same place Obama's is, trips to other nations. The only difference is McCain has done it far more often. Like Biden.
I have seen her on Glenn Beck. She is actually taking a legal stand against the EPA for falsly adding the polar bears to the "threatened" list (not the endangered list) to stop future drilling of much needed oil. She shoots from the heart, and is the real thing. But, yea--I know, the homesexual mafia does not like her. She has more experience than the Dem nominee, (Obamie the commie) so that experience argument is a bit mute. She does not seem like a party leader, but a people leader. The only reason whay you freaks don't like her is because she won't push any of your personal agendas on other people. You need to learn how to live your own lives, and people like Pailn will actually allow you to do that. I might even switch my vote, because I think that woman is in a position to take the citizen interest to a new level. Watch her go. Please---underestimate her, but watch your grand children thank you for not letting your parties throw her out. pretty soon, the people will not allow the parties to touch her. I hope she is that good anyway. Wait until the debates start. She speaks well, with common sence. Something themajority knows is non existant anywhere else in the public eye right now. Consider Palin the start of the consertative movement of the 21st century. Her audiance is not hand picked from a sea of modern day communists---the cheers are real Americans. Not a bunch of familyless, moralless, indoctrinated modern day commies. Step aside commies and homesexual mafia----the real consertatives gonna let us live our own lives again. I will get to buy what ever light bulb I want, and drive what kind of car I want, eat what I want, wear what I want, keep my home at 72 deg in the winter if I want---ya kow--those little things that commie liberials think we are too stupid to make a decision about.

Palin, and people like her are our future---because this is the USA--not the UN.

Please--underestimate Palin--knock her down (you wish she gave you 1/10 the ammo obomie the comie has given us). You will suffer the backlash, because she connects with themajority. It is going to feel good to feel some real freedom again.

If your worried about her filling McCains shoes as the top dog if something happens to McCain, it would only get our freedoms back faster. I guess you just hate her because she is a woman----right? LMAO a lot. Obama is black---but he is no Martin Luther King (a American hero of mine, because he had faith in people--like Palin does)
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If you are this upset about the VP, why do you maintain silence on somebody at the top of the ticket?

i am not happy about mcsame either, but at least he could be a competent pres

same for b&b although i prefer their platform more than mcsame's

i supported hil

i have no love for any of the candidates

as i have explained before, i will not vote for any of them

i have asked the people on this board for third party candidates and reasons but have received none so i guess i will vote for my perennial favorite - alfred e neuman

on the local and state level i think that i will just let my wife fill out my ballot - she cares more although there are a few propositions that i think should either pass or fail, but then she and i usually agree about those

perhaps it is a smart political move on mcsame's part since all of the other possibilities would have pissed off some part of the electorate

i do think that it is b&b's election to lose but more likely win
i must be a woman hater right? if so, then why did i support hil

but do not worry, the big contributors will prevail as usual and they are neither conservative nor liberal - they just do not want their bottom line disturbed
talk about a weak candidate - but she may make women and conservatives happy

where is her national experience

where is her international experience

I got called a woman hater whan I did not support the modern day communisum of Hillery. I know your not a woman hater--just a American hater.

You will see how week she is. You have no idea how strong she is. Obamas exp makes your point for VP a mute point--ten fold. I would vote for Palin before McCain. If I vote for McCain, it wil, be only because i think a person like Palin will take the next term. In fact, I will make that prediction for the next election. I think Palin is in a postition to relfect real American values--and they will support her heavily--because they are sick of modern day communsium.

The more you try to knock her down--the faster she will rise with the real Americans.
I got called a woman hater whan I did not support the modern day communisum of Hillery. I know your not a woman hater--just a American hater.

You will see how week she is. You have no idea how strong she is. Obamas exp makes your point for VP a mute point--ten fold. I would vote for Palin before McCain. If I vote for McCain, it wil, be only because i think a person like Palin will take the next term. In fact, I will make that prediction for the next election. I think Palin is in a postition to relfect real American values--and they will support her heavily--because they are sick of modern day communsium.

The more you try to knock her down--the faster she will rise with the real Americans.

I got called a woman hater whan I did not support the modern day communisum of Hillery. I know your not a woman hater--just a American hater.

You will see how week she is. You have no idea how strong she is. Obamas exp makes your point for VP a mute point--ten fold. I would vote for Palin before McCain. If I vote for McCain, it wil, be only because i think a person like Palin will take the next term. In fact, I will make that prediction for the next election. I think Palin is in a postition to relfect real American values--and they will support her heavily--because they are sick of modern day communsium.

The more you try to knock her down--the faster she will rise with the real Americans.

the tide is turning and it is the dems turn to screwup the nation - palin is too radical for the average voter so the best you can hope for is for mcsame to win and then get assassinated :)

me, i am too old to really care (except for my children and grandchildren) - i have passed my weapons on to my older son

of course no matter who gets the nod for pres, there is still congress to contend with...:eek:
i am not happy about mcsame either, but at least he could be a competent pres

same for b&b although i prefer their platform more than mcsame's

i supported hil

i have no love for any of the candidates

as i have explained before, i will not vote for any of them

i have asked the people on this board for third party candidates and reasons but have received none so i guess i will vote for my perennial favorite - alfred e neuman

on the local and state level i think that i will just let my wife fill out my ballot - she cares more although there are a few propositions that i think should either pass or fail, but then she and i usually agree about those

perhaps it is a smart political move on mcsame's part since all of the other possibilities would have pissed off some part of the electorate

i do think that it is b&b's election to lose but more likely win

I feel your pain. It is sad that we hardly ever get a chance to vote for somebody we actually like as real Americans. For me--Ron paul, Bob Barr, and Sara palin are good people to vote for---if you actually like America, and wish it to remail the free sanctuary for all other citizens of all other unfortunate countries that accepted socialism. have you ever noticed, humans don't accept socialism, unless their economic environment is poor?

SSN is a prime example---so is Hitler.

But---don't let the commies get you down. we do have to fight for freedom--it is not free.