Yeah, the Musk Trump interview went well

Donnie does not listen to WOMEN- Donnie feels he is superior to WOMEN!

Donnie feels that WOMEN were put here on this EARTH for man's self-indulgence, arm candy, and monkey-like sexual pleasures.

Donnie is a broken man and unfit to serve in public office!
Oh Trump loves women. You are just listening to a woman who is a air head. :laugh:
You are correct. Glitches aside, once the servers here unjammed and Trump's mic was fixed, listening to the plain conservation between those two was interesting.

Far more interesting be a conversation between Heels Up Harris and Musk. She has already turned down Musk's generous offer for the same amount of time.
Biden pushed EVs which require 40% fewer auto workers to build. That means fewer auto workers who have a job.
I am not shocked that you cannot understand the problem. There are mega millions of cars that will be fading away. They will be replaced by EVs. Mechanics who deal with EVs will be starting up. Fast charging stations will be built. There will be zillions of EVs designed and built. That calls for more manufacturing plants .There are already several battery plants being built. You are ignoring the scale that is required to supply enough EVs and the infrastructure required.
Just taking the ICEs off that road and recycling the parts will offer many jobs.
How are union leadership angering union members when those members elected and keep electing that leadership
We could start with that about 40% of union members are Republicans...

The rank and file in unions don't particularly like the Democrats today either

So, while the leadership is all-in on the Democrats and Progressive Leftist policy, the rank and file members want their unions to stop funding that bullshit and increasingly vote Republican.
Oh Trump loves women. You are just listening to a woman who is a air head. :laugh:
You are an AIR HEAD who is listening to another AIR HEAD- DONALD TRUMP!

Kamala Harris is the leader now, and you can join our COALITION TO DEFEAT DONALD TRUMP- AND REMOVE HIM FROM OUR NATION'S HARM'S WAY- or grab a CRYING TOWEL!

Because you and your CULT are just helplessly and hopelessly in the way now, and are totally outnumbered and insignificant now!

No one wants what YOU AND DONNIE had to sell!
You are an AIR HEAD who is listening to another AIR HEAD- DONALD TRUMP!

Kamala Harris is the leader now, and you can join our COALITION TO DEFEAT DONALD TRUMP- AND REMOVE HIM FROM OUR NATION'S HARM'S WAY- or grab a CRYING TOWEL!

Because you and your CULT are just helplessly and hopelessly in the way now, and are totally outnumbered and insignificant now!

No one wants what YOU AND DONNIE had to sell!


Elon Musk is just another DONALD TRUMP- thinks he can own the world!

Thinks he can buy the world!

The truth is- DONALD TRUMP and ELON MUSK are just convenient IDIOTS for one another!

The world is not for sale- and neither is the UNITED STATES and THE PEOPLE!

Now sit back and watch what happens to those who think they can rule and control the world along with everyone in it!

Hilarious notion by YOU, DONALD TRUMP, ELON MUSK. POOTY PIE, HITLER, KIM KONG DONG, and many other idiots through the course of history!

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Elon Musk is just another DONALD TRUMP- thinks he can own the world!

Thinks he can buy the world!

The world is not for sale!

Now sit back and watch what happens to those who think they can rule and control the world along with everyone in it!

Hilarious notion by YOU, DONALD TRUMP, AND ELON MUSK!

RICH Oligarchs just told Biden he could not run and you who to vote for. And you are obeying.

And you are obeying like a little bitch.

Democratic megadonors to withhold $90 million if Biden stays in race, report says
