Yes We Can Can: The Amazing, Outrageous, Extravagant Wardrobe Of Michelle Obama

I don't know I can't really hate on her for that. Nothing wrong with looking good.

If you have no money and you spend what you do have on clothes then that's a problem but she has money.
what they talking about...:cof1:
Published: December 24, 2009
IT’S been a tough year for fashion. The juice has been virtually squeezed out of it. Luxury retailers, after seeing margins erode like Nantucket beachfront, have leaned on designers to cut their prices. To stay afloat, design houses are reducing quality and promoting value. Meanwhile fast-fashion chains are eating their lunch as they reproduce runway looks in six weeks. As a symbol of self-inflicted misery, the listless, half-starved model may be perfect after all.

At least the fashion world had Michelle Obama and Sarah Palin to help avoid the impression that, you know, nobody cares about clothes and big dangly earrings. It’s hard to see now why so many columnists got their tights in a twist over Ms. Palin’s spending $75,000 of perfectly good Republican money at Neiman Marcus during the 2008 Republican convention. Have you seen Neiman’s numbers lately? After 18 straight months of declines, it wouldn’t be surprising to find a little shrine erected in Ms. Palin’s honor.

Editors and designers love Michelle Obama, of course. All those magazine covers; the Flotus Tactical Cardigan Collection at J. Crew; her glamorous face-off with Carla Sarkozy, the former model, in France, when both women dressed for the evening in French clothes (Mrs. Sarkozy in Dior, Mrs. Obama in Azzedine Alaïa). Jackie Kennedy, the other White House deity, had to give up her beloved Givenchy because her husband, seeking the support of labor unions, needed his wife to be seen in American-made clothes.

Mrs. Obama, though, has successfully separated the personal from the political. Indeed, the only thing more surprising than the storm over Ms. Palin’s “Pretty Woman” makeover is that almost no one has raised an eyebrow over Mrs. Obama’s wearing of non-American labels, which include Nina Ricci and Junya Watanabe, and some of the most expensive at that.

Maybe the politicos don’t know a Junya from a Juicy, though you can bet that Mrs. Obama and Desirée Rogers, the White House social secretary, do. And maybe the world has gone flat, largely paving over the distinctions, geographical as well as moral and ethical, about where clothing is made. But with garment factories in New York closing on a steady basis, with people losing their jobs in retail and fashion, it’s a hard distinction to sell this year.

Anyway, Mrs. Obama has made it clear that her well-stocked closet is her business. Last March, in an interview about the new White House organic garden, she took a playful poke at her husband. “He doesn’t understand fashion,” she said. “He’s always asking, ‘Is that new? I haven’t seen that before.’ It’s like: ‘Why don’t you mind your own business? Solve world hunger. Get out of my closet.’ ”

Lots of working women who spend their own money for their clothes would identify with that. But I’ve been thinking about those women, and it seems to me that Sarah Palin, and not Mrs. Obama, is closer to how most of them dress. (Obviously this is not a discussion about Ms. Palin’s political views or intellectual gifts, so stay out of my fashion story.)

I like the way she dresses. The straight skirt and white blouse, the trim jacket with an open neck and three-quarter sleeves — the look is clean, tailored and energetic. It’s businesslike without being boring, smart without being insider. You don’t need to read a fashion magazine to understand it. That was how Ms. Palin dressed on her book tour. And it’s the way a lot women would like to dress, and probably do, when they don’t have time or many choices and think that accessories always wind up looking prissy.

read it all here..
Palin riled the campaign for buying the clothes on their dime.

If it was her dime (like Mrs Obama did) then who cares.
Palin riled the campaign for buying the clothes on their dime.

If it was her dime (like Mrs Obama did) then who cares.

hahaha, Palin didn't rile the campaign, she riled you lefties who made it a huge deal, yet the extravagant fashions of this first lady during a recession that was almost as bad as the DEPRESSION (which by way did you they inherited it), trips all over the world, vacations in Hawaii while we have 10% unemployment, a war going on, now terrorist trying to attack us... MEAN NADA...

the two faced double standards as usual..
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Palin riled the campaign for buying the clothes on their dime.

If it was her dime (like Mrs Obama did) then who cares.

As long as it was on the campaigns dime and not on YOUR dime, it was none of your freekin' business was it, hypocrite....
It was my business because as an voter I have a right to know what kind of person Palin is.

She put herself into the public by running for a government job.

Mrs Obama has every right to buy what clothes she wants because she ran for nothing huh?
It was my business because as an voter I have a right to know what kind of person Palin is.

She put herself into the public by running for a government job.

Mrs Obama has every right to buy what clothes she wants because she ran for nothing huh?

Heres what you HAVE to know...
RNC's purchase of clothes and accessories for Palin and her family members at Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue and other upscale retailers did not violate campaign finance law.

And the only thing it told about Palin was she didn't have big bucks to outfit herself in fine clothes....and her clothes were still none of your business...
Not kidding, NP. I do not care what Mrs. Obama is wearing and what her purse cost, who claims that she is wearing what or why.

There are policy issues to speak of, her clothing (unless she goes out without it) matters not at all.
LOL, I don't really care about her wardrobe, I think it's all pretty gaudy and ugly anyway..
I was just looking to see the double standards from the left about the cost of the Mabell Obama's clothes for the stink they howled about Sarah Palins wardrobe....:cof1:
LOL, I don't really care about her wardrobe, I think it's all pretty gaudy and ugly anyway..
I was just looking to see the double standards from the left about the cost of the Mabell Obama's clothes for the stink they howled about Sarah Palins wardrobe....:cof1:

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuure you don't.

After all, that's why you went to the trouble of starting a thread attacking the First Lady.

Because you DON'T care.
Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuure you don't.

After all, that's why you went to the trouble of starting a thread attacking the First Lady.

Because you DON'T care.

ooooooooooooooooo I was ATTACTING the Mabell Obama...waaaaa
you can't breed class into someone who doesn't have any..:cof1:
hahaha, Palin didn't rile the campaign, she riled you lefties who made it a huge deal, yet the extravagant fashions of this first lady during a recession that was almost as bad as the DEPRESSION (which by way did you they inherited it), trips all over the world, vacations in Hawaii while we have 10% unemployment, a war going on, now terrorist trying to attack us... MEAN NADA...

the two faced double standards as usual..

Yet another lame thread from the queen of inanity. Where is your proof that that most of her wardrobe was bought with taxpayer money? She was a working lawyer before the election and one may presume that her wardrobe consists of many pieces she purchased to wear on the job. It wasn't too long ago that you RW morons were criticizing her for buying her clothes at J. Crew and other mainstream stores anybody can shop at. Furthermore, she wears the same clothes over and over, unlike some FLs who wouldn't be photographed wearing the same outfit twice.

Now let's see you criticize Queen Nancy for having a designer, James Galanos, who made all her clothes, or Laura Bush for having a designer, Michael Faircloth, who makes all of hers. I never read a single article indicating that these two bought anything off the rack.

If you want to criticize anybody about Palin, dump on the RNC who decided her own clothes weren't good enough and had to deck her out in designer duds. It wasn't liberals who made that happen, it was YOUR PARTY, so kindly put the blame where it really belongs.
Yet another lame thread from the queen of inanity. Where is your proof that that most of her wardrobe was bought with taxpayer money? She was a working lawyer before the election and one may presume that her wardrobe consists of many pieces she purchased to wear on the job. It wasn't too long ago that you RW morons were criticizing her for buying her clothes at J. Crew and other mainstream stores anybody can shop at. Furthermore, she wears the same clothes over and over, unlike some FLs who wouldn't be photographed wearing the same outfit twice.

Now let's see you criticize Queen Nancy for having a designer, James Galanos, who made all her clothes, or Laura Bush for having a designer, Michael Faircloth, who makes all of hers. I never read a single article indicating that these two bought anything off the rack.

If you want to criticize anybody about Palin, dump on the RNC who decided her own clothes weren't good enough and had to deck her out in designer duds. It wasn't liberals who made that happen, it was YOUR PARTY, so kindly put the blame where it really belongs.

hahaha, the lady on the horse rides to the Obama rescue right on cue..having to bring up the past, AGAIN.
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As long as it was on the campaigns dime and not on YOUR dime, it was none of your freekin' business was it, hypocrite....

Ha. All it showed us was the phoniness of the party who decided Palin's own clothes weren't good enough and had to spend thousands classing up her and her family. And FYI, Palin herself made this point in her book so stop trying to dump blame on liberals and put it where it belongs, on YOUR PARTY.