Yo Damocles why is there no outbox?



A Round File would fix both of the scenarios.

If someone asks you just say "I sent it out yesterday" then point at your empty boxes. ;)
If his mailbox is full then it would have bounced as soon as you pushed the button.

Two answers come to mind: you sent it to the wrong recipient or Stone is lying. Personally, Monte, I think it's Door #2 but admit Door #1 is a possibility.

Did you check your sent file to see to whom you sent the PM?

There is never anything in there.
Oh shit there it is! I never knew we had that.

If it's in your Sent file and it's properly addressed and the person claims they didn't get it then the person is lying just like Hillary.

There is no Internet purgatory. The message either goes or it doesn't and it goes to where addressed...which, indeed, might be Purgatory. Most systems will kick back unknown addresses. The fact the message/email goes means it reached it's destination.

Not a computer tekkie, just a user. Anyone know different?