You Are Actually A Time Traveler Every Time You Fly On A Jet

He brags about making it to 9th grade so no, no science classes.

This discussion started out so intelligently. And then the drooling morons, BullshitBoob and Spazskygoatowicz, showed up.

I wonder how time dilation works for those who are living on the ISS? Not only are they at an extremely high altitude (Cypress's comment about Denver versus sea level cities), but it is also traveling much faster than even a supersonic jet. Did the Kelly twin who went there age more slowly than the Kelly twin who stayed on Earth?

Those are good questions. I wonder if they have synchronized clocks aboard and on Earth. I'll check.
He brags about making it to 9th grade so no, no science classes.

This discussion started out so intelligently. And then the drooling morons, BullshitBoob and Spazskygoatowicz, showed up.

I wonder how time dilation works for those who are living on the ISS? Not only are they at an extremely high altitude (Cypress's comment about Denver versus sea level cities), but it is also traveling much faster than even a supersonic jet. Did the Kelly twin who went there age more slowly than the Kelly twin who stayed on Earth?

The primary ISS clocks are calibrated to GPS time. While GPS has to account for time dilation because its navigation calculations require a time accuracy of about 25 nanoseconds, the time dilation attributable to being in orbit around the Earth is utterly, utterly insignificant to human experience. So far, in the lifetime of the ISS, the total time dilation is less than one-tenth of one second. A watch would have to be onboard ISS for 140 years to exhibit a difference of just a single second. Any watch that has an accuracy that good, is a keeper. Time dilation for contemporary human spaceflight is completely not worth thinking about.
The primary ISS clocks are calibrated to GPS time. While GPS has to account for time dilation because its navigation calculations require a time accuracy of about 25 nanoseconds, the time dilation attributable to being in orbit around the Earth is utterly, utterly insignificant to human experience. So far, in the lifetime of the ISS, the total time dilation is less than one-tenth of one second. A watch would have to be onboard ISS for 140 years to exhibit a difference of just a single second. Any watch that has an accuracy that good, is a keeper. Time dilation for contemporary human spaceflight is completely not worth thinking about.

Well, boogers. There goes my futuristic idea of putting the elderly who can afford it in space, so time slows down and they feel like they're living longer. I was just going to email Elon Musk about it, too. Thanks, Lefty. :laugh:
Well, boogers. There goes my futuristic idea of putting the elderly who can afford it in space, so time slows down and they feel like they're living longer. I was just going to email Elon Musk about it, too. Thanks, Lefty. :laugh:

LOL. Well you can always send them to Mars. It's way much faster. ;)

Also, I find it fascinating that they have to keep correcting the clocks on GPS satellites.
LOL. Well you can always send them to Mars. It's way much faster. ;)

Also, I find it fascinating that they have to keep correcting the clocks on GPS satellites.

Our geomagnetic field is fidgety and won't stay still. Cool article!

"Pick up your cell phone and look at it. That rectangular marvel of modern technology contains thousands of lines of code. Among them is the World Magnetic Model (WMM)–a program that helps your phone navigate. And it’s in a bit of trouble. Researchers have announced that the WMM needs an emergency update because Earth’s magnetic field is changing."
Our geomagnetic field is fidgety and won't stay still. Cool article!

"Pick up your cell phone and look at it. That rectangular marvel of modern technology contains thousands of lines of code. Among them is the World Magnetic Model (WMM)–a program that helps your phone navigate. And it’s in a bit of trouble. Researchers have announced that the WMM needs an emergency update because Earth’s magnetic field is changing."

Oh yes yes the wandering poles.
Seems mellow so far. ;)

It's community service Saturday. :rofl2:

Back to the OP. Wouldn't it be so cool if we could build a time machine that could be sent back (or even forward) to allow those inside to observe? No getting out to interact and mess up history, ala Dr. Who and every other time travel scenario. Just observe. If you could go, when would you choose?
It's community service Saturday. :rofl2:

Back to the OP. Wouldn't it be so cool if we could build a time machine that could be sent back (or even forward) to allow those inside to observe? No getting out to interact and mess up history, ala Dr. Who and every other time travel scenario. Just observe. If you could go, when would you choose?

To watch the games at the Colosseum. It would be epic if a gladiator yelled, "tu non recipitur!!!"

We all know that our clocks change as we cross time zones in an airplane. Did you know however that you are actually traveling a bit further into the future, relative to your friends on the ground when flying? This effect is called time dilation, predicted and later proven by Einstein’s special and general theories of relativity.

Assume you’re flying at 10,668 meters for 8 hours at roughly 1,007 kph, from true south to true north, where your friend is sitting at sea level; when you arrive, your watch will be running about 0.00504 seconds faster than theirs.

Congratulations, you are a true time traveller. ;)


why do you post this hyperbole as physical absolutes. one travels time standing still, still mutually evolving as all reproductions do being alive now as numbers occupying space here. Event horizons show the balance points of multiple movements done simultaneously happening spontaneously here as each are specifically positioned inorganically or ancestrally.

We all know that our clocks change as we cross time zones in an airplane. Did you know however that you are actually traveling a bit further into the future, relative to your friends on the ground when flying? This effect is called time dilation, predicted and later proven by Einstein’s special and general theories of relativity.
A theory is not a proof.
Quantum mechanics theorize that a wave only becomes a particle under observation. Think of time the same way, it's like taking a picture to capture an event. Time only exist when it's being observed.

It is being two different frames of reference.