You know the economy isn't so great when...

98% are not in foreclosure
it will be Hillarious for the same dems to proclaim the same economy as great under Obama.
98% are not in foreclosure
it will be Hillarious for the same dems to proclaim the same economy as great under Obama.

Assuming--that he is electable. Hillery, Biden, and many of his supports said not to long ago that he was not ready. Hillery said he is not electable--and she is correct. her communist party threw her under the bus--but they would have a much better chance with Hiullery at the top, and Obama at the VP.

Still--no way they woud beat McCain---but only because of Palin IMO.
in college you would have learned about the business cycle ya moron

yeah and if you kept an open mind you would see that the finiancial environment and rules have changed. the old models are not as valid as they once were. But you are locked into a textbook mindset based on 60's data.
yeah and if you kept an open mind you would see that the finiancial environment and rules have changed. the old models are not as valid as they once were. But you are locked into a textbook mindset based on 60's data.

GED you don't even know the rules, had you gone to college you would.
If you not dead in a couple years, I'll come back and tell you like the 12 bad recession calls in a row you were wrong about our best years being behind us.
Closed minded hillbillies usually aren't market experts, so I'm not surprised.:pke:
market flat as hell right now up and down up and down. making me sea sick.

But chaps gotten some good $$$ fortune past 2 weeks. recall on Toyota, sweet Stock grant, and class action lawsuit on stock took beating on in 2000 promising some cash.

this is me being jealous: :(