
New member
Now that I see it in print, blackascoal, I apologize, for calling you a "MORON!"
What I SHOULD have called you is, "You Logically-Challenged, Keith "Bathtub Boy" Olbermann-Brainwashed SHEEP!", but that was too long.

I am always Fascinated, yet Saddened, to see a substantial percentage of Americans (Liberal Sheep, following the Media and Washington Democrat Shepherds), that seemingly have NO Cognitive Skills, when it comes to Politics, Pres. Bush, especially. They are CONTENT, to just let the obviously Liberallly Left-Positioned Media "journalists", on networks like MESS-NBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, and CBS TELL THEM WHAT TO THINK, instead of FINDING OUT for THEMSELVES. Blackascoal, at the bottom, gives an EXCELLENT Example, and Depiction of this, when he RETELLS the TALE, repeated ad nauseum, by Olbermann, and other Network Hack Losers, who FAILED at Protesting in the 60's, they didnt get their way, so they became Leftist Mouthpieces, in the Guise of "Journalists".

Originally Posted by bravo
Well bac, being the political hack you are, I can understand that you must blame Bush for just about everything you doubt you can find an ally somewhere that will help you blame Bush and Iraq war for just anything that happens in the entire world....
But just to educate you...just FYI...I'll let you in on the REAL reason...even though I know you will continue to be an ignorant hack....that being the role of liberal Dims.

As gratifying as it is to point fingers elsewhere, the mirror is the main place to look for the reasons that oil prices are hovering around $125 a barrel. The nation decided to let the laws of supply and demand work. It was rewarded with two decades of low prices that led to larger cars, bigger homes and longer commutes. Meanwhile, with the Cold War's end, Third World countries suddenly saw the benefits of capitalism, fueling robust growth in places such as China and India. As in the West, oil fuels that growth, first for industry, then for consumers who, naturally enough, use rising incomes to buy cars. That trend more than anything else is behind rising prices. And it has just begun.

It's not rocket science .. and I am forever amazed by the total lack of basic cognitive skills in people who make your argument.

It's real simple.

Before war price equals X

Iraq is attacked, price no longer equals X and continues on a fast meteroic rise.

It doesn't take high school genius to interpret this ...

Blackascoal makes the mistake of a 9th-grade student, studying Causality, which is the study of Cause and Effect, or studying Logic and Reason, a subject taught too infrequently, one of the CAUSES of Ultra-Left Liberalism. He says:
"Before war price equals X"
"Iraq is attacked, price no longer equals X and continues on a fast meteroic rise."

"It doesn't take high school genius to interpret this ..."
No, BAC, it takes a High School DROPOUT. Following YOUR Logic, Cause X = Effect Y,
I can state:
#1.) Every person, who has ever died of Cancer, has eaten Bread, and has drank Water. Therefore, Bread and Water causes CANCER. #2) Every person, who has ever been in a car accident, has handled paper money. Therefore, Handling Paper Money Causes CAR ACCIDENTS.

See how Great your Logic works, now, blackascoal?

:duel: :BKick:
Jollie, in the future when targeting one poster please put it in the title so some of us will not waste time on it. Thank you.
Darla, the fact that you NOTICE those kinds of things, it gives me a Big Smile, and........also........I'm deeply touched, by the fact that you're such a fan........BTW, I'm starting my own Groupie Fan Club! Further Details to come! Stay Tuned!
Anybody have any ideas as to what I can do to get rid of this @$$ boil that I have? Its really festering. I named it Jollie.
Now that I see it in print, blackascoal, I apologize, for calling you a "MORON!"
What I SHOULD have called you is, "You Logically-Challenged, Keith "Bathtub Boy" Olbermann-Brainwashed SHEEP!", but that was too long.

I am always Fascinated, yet Saddened, to see a substantial percentage of Americans (Liberal Sheep, following the Media and Washington Democrat Shepherds), that seemingly have NO Cognitive Skills, when it comes to Politics, Pres. Bush, especially. They are CONTENT, to just let the obviously Liberallly Left-Positioned Media "journalists", on networks like MESS-NBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, and CBS TELL THEM WHAT TO THINK, instead of FINDING OUT for THEMSELVES. Blackascoal, at the bottom, gives an EXCELLENT Example, and Depiction of this, when he RETELLS the TALE, repeated ad nauseum, by Olbermann, and other Network Hack Losers, who FAILED at Protesting in the 60's, they didnt get their way, so they became Leftist Mouthpieces, in the Guise of "Journalists".

Originally Posted by bravo
Well bac, being the political hack you are, I can understand that you must blame Bush for just about everything you doubt you can find an ally somewhere that will help you blame Bush and Iraq war for just anything that happens in the entire world....
But just to educate you...just FYI...I'll let you in on the REAL reason...even though I know you will continue to be an ignorant hack....that being the role of liberal Dims.

As gratifying as it is to point fingers elsewhere, the mirror is the main place to look for the reasons that oil prices are hovering around $125 a barrel. The nation decided to let the laws of supply and demand work. It was rewarded with two decades of low prices that led to larger cars, bigger homes and longer commutes. Meanwhile, with the Cold War's end, Third World countries suddenly saw the benefits of capitalism, fueling robust growth in places such as China and India. As in the West, oil fuels that growth, first for industry, then for consumers who, naturally enough, use rising incomes to buy cars. That trend more than anything else is behind rising prices. And it has just begun.

It's not rocket science .. and I am forever amazed by the total lack of basic cognitive skills in people who make your argument.

It's real simple.

Before war price equals X

Iraq is attacked, price no longer equals X and continues on a fast meteroic rise.

It doesn't take high school genius to interpret this ...

Blackascoal makes the mistake of a 9th-grade student, studying Causality, which is the study of Cause and Effect, or studying Logic and Reason, a subject taught too infrequently, one of the CAUSES of Ultra-Left Liberalism. He says:
"Before war price equals X"
"Iraq is attacked, price no longer equals X and continues on a fast meteroic rise."

"It doesn't take high school genius to interpret this ..."
No, BAC, it takes a High School DROPOUT. Following YOUR Logic, Cause X = Effect Y,
I can state:
#1.) Every person, who has ever died of Cancer, has eaten Bread, and has drank Water. Therefore, Bread and Water causes CANCER. #2) Every person, who has ever been in a car accident, has handled paper money. Therefore, Handling Paper Money Causes CAR ACCIDENTS.

See how Great your Logic works, now, blackascoal?

:duel: :BKick:

Aye yi yi, the lefty fools have all developed mad cow disease in RJS’ absence. Is this the lefty Superfreak? It would not surprise me, you sound like him? I bet he changed his name in embarrassment after getting a RJS skewering the likes of which few have ever had administered? And then started smoking heroin, the blue angel, smackola, among other names? How the mighty have fallen, you look like a real fool now Superfreak, you thought you would fool me?
This thread demonstrates the typical myopia of wingnuts for Bush, it says nothing except that everyone else is to blame. Bush the business major was going to be good for the economy, you remember that BS.

A Weak Dollar, Bad Fed Policies and Hedge Fund Speculators

Why Oil Prices Are So High

By Paul Craig Roberts

"How to explain the oil price? Why is it so high? Are we running out? Are supplies disrupted, or is the high price a reflection of oil company greed or OPEC greed. Are Chavez and the Saudis conspiring against us?

In my opinion, the two biggest factors in oil’s high price are the weakness in the US dollar’s exchange value and the liquidity that the Federal Reserve is pumping out."

Anybody have any ideas as to what I can do to get rid of this @$$ boil that I have? Its really festering. I named it Jollie.

try eating a proper diet,bath properly and stop sleeping with nasty Liberals...Boils are a haven for staff infections! Name it....BAC or Cypress!
try eating a proper diet,bath properly and stop sleeping with nasty Liberals...Boils are a haven for staff infections! Name it....BAC or Cypress!

This reminds me of a poem I once wrote:

Hey there bitch,
Wanna take a peek,
At this big ass boil,
on my butt-cheek?

Big and round,
it looks all swollen,
and smells worse,
than my dirty colon.

I had more but I'd have to go through all my old poetry to remember it.
This thread demonstrates the typical myopia of wingnuts for Bush, it says nothing except that everyone else is to blame. Bush the business major was going to be good for the economy, you remember that BS.

A Weak Dollar, Bad Fed Policies and Hedge Fund Speculators

Why Oil Prices Are So High

By Paul Craig Roberts

"How to explain the oil price? Why is it so high? Are we running out? Are supplies disrupted, or is the high price a reflection of oil company greed or OPEC greed. Are Chavez and the Saudis conspiring against us?

In my opinion, the two biggest factors in oil’s high price are the weakness in the US dollar’s exchange value and the liquidity that the Federal Reserve is pumping out."


Along with this little gem which allows speculation of oil futures to be unfettered.

The CFMA has received criticism for the so-called "Enron Loophole," 7 U.S.C. §2(h)(3) and (g), which exempts most over-the-counter energy trades and trading on electronic energy commodity markets. The "loophole" was drafted by Enron Lobbyists working with senator Phil Gramm [1] seeking a deregulated atmosphere for their new experiment, "Enron On-line"[citation needed].

The prohibition on single-stock futures and narrow-based indices that had been in effect until the passage of this act was known as the Shad-Johnson Accord because it was first announced in 1982, as part of a jurisdictional pact between John S.R. Shad, then chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and Phil Johnson, then chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

Solution: Close the Enron loophole
Some suggested closing the "Enron loophole" as a possible solution to the speculation problem. The loophole, which was codified in the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000, allows oil futures to be traded electronically in unregulated markets outside of the jurisdiction of the Commodities Futures Trading Commission.

"Americans may be surprised to learn that the oil futures markets were substantially deregulated by the CFTC staff decisions that were made behind closed doors," said Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash. "Now this London and Dubai loophole is keeping important U.S. energy trading in the dark and without proper light ... it can give manipulators free rein in energy markets."

As part of the recently-passed Farm Bill, Congress attempted to close that loophole, but Greenburger said language did not go far enough. He said the Farm Bill placed the burden on the public to prove a trade needs regulation rather than placing the onus on the trader to prove it does not need regulation. Greenburger said Congress should return the language of the original bill "this afternoon," saying that overnight it would bring the price of crude oil by 25%.

Greenburger also suggested that Congress impose increased margins for oil traders and regulate hedge fund owners' public speculation on oil prices.

"I find it highly ironic that when you control the price of oil, you can speculate it will go up to $150," he said.

Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley hedge funds own large amounts of oil futures, and have both recently said the price oil could go up to $150 or even $200 this year.