You need to know this..........


Well-known member
There are no aliens from other worlds traveling here and there never were. They have always been here. They are the fallen angels who rebelled against God. They despise us because we can be redeemed,...they cannot. They created their own blood line by having Sex with Human women. Their offspring, the Nephilim , are behind much of the worlds problems and suffering. Do not be deceived.
There are no aliens from other worlds traveling here and there never were. They have always been here. They are the fallen angels who rebelled against God. They despise us because we can be redeemed,...they cannot. They created their own blood line by having Sex with Human women. Their offspring, the Nephilim , are behind much of the worlds problems and suffering. Do not be deceived.

Does anybody think that it's fair and humane
to not put this poor soul down
for both his good and ours?

Fallen angels? I wonder if they include Bigfoot?
Does anybody think that it's fair and humane
to not put this poor soul down
for both his good and ours?

Fallen angels? I wonder if they include Bigfoot?

I feel sorry for you. Hopefully you find the truth before it is too late.
There are no aliens from other worlds traveling here and there never were. They have always been here. They are the fallen angels who rebelled against God. They despise us because we can be redeemed,...they cannot. They created their own blood line by having Sex with Human women. Their offspring, the Nephilim , are behind much of the worlds problems and suffering. Do not be deceived.

Sounds like a blast!
There are no aliens from other worlds traveling here and there never were. They have always been here. They are the fallen angels who rebelled against God. They despise us because we can be redeemed,...they cannot. They created their own blood line by having Sex with Human women. Their offspring, the Nephilim , are behind much of the worlds problems and suffering. Do not be deceived.

OK, and Trump shits glitter and Fart's rainbows! Yes, we know! :palm:
There are many Bible passages that both describe why and when these kind of responses will come. As I said,...I hope people begin to wake up before it is too late.
There are many Bible passages that both describe why and when these kind of responses will come. As I said,...I hope people begin to wake up before it is too late.

If your belief that the Bible is more than a pulp fiction best seller

brings you comfort, Stoner,

than maybe that's a good thing for you.

I just wouldn't subject myself to scorn
by advertising it on the internet. :laugh:
If your belief that the Bible is more than a pulp fiction best seller

brings you comfort, Stoner,

than maybe that's a good thing for you.

I just wouldn't subject myself to scorn
by advertising it on the internet. :laugh:

This isnt scorn,......not in the least. Just the ramblings of those willfully ignorant or not to the truth. What Jesus Christ endured was actual scorn with a big helping of pure hatred. As I said, is my sincere hope that you and others like you wake up and find the truth one day.
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John.15 Verses 18 to 20

[18] "If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.
[19] If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
[20] Remember the word that I said to you, `A servant is not greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you; if they kept my word, they will keep yours also
There are no aliens from other worlds traveling here and there never were. They have always been here. They are the fallen angels who rebelled against God. They despise us because we can be redeemed,...they cannot. They created their own blood line by having Sex with Human women. Their offspring, the Nephilim , are behind much of the worlds problems and suffering. Do not be deceived.

The Nephiim are extinct, they were giants and God killed them all.

Also there is no reason aliens can’t exist alongside everything else.
Does anybody think that it's fair and humane
to not put this poor soul down
for both his good and ours?

Fallen angels? I wonder if they include Bigfoot?

So basically YOU are advocating for the murder of 3 quarters of the planet as 3 quarters of the planet also believes in some form of creator. A bit arrogant of you dont you think? Not that I wish it on you because I surely dont but wouldnt it be much easier for you to just go then to have several BILLION people killed?
Does anybody think that it's fair and humane
to not put this poor soul down
for both his good and ours?

Fallen angels? I wonder if they include Bigfoot?

Basically you are saying that Hitler was 100% correct for having over 6 million Jews murdered because they too believe in a God that is creator. They also believe in the existence of Angels both fallen and un fallen. How very NAZI like of you. Does your friend Guno know this? Something tells me he might not approve of your thinking. . Words have meaning Nifty, would think a man of your age would have come to that realization by now.
There are many Bible passages that both describe why and when these kind of responses will come. As I said,...I hope people begin to wake up before it is too late.

to be fair, doesn't the Bible also say "those were the days when the Nephalim still walked on the earth"?........I would think that would lead literalists to conclude they aren't here any more......
So basically YOU are advocating for the murder of 3 quarters of the planet as 3 quarters of the planet also believes in some form of creator. A bit arrogant of you dont you think? Not that I wish it on you because I surely dont but wouldnt it be much easier for you to just go then to have several BILLION people killed?

Good point, Stoner.
If "easy" is the game plan, yes, that might be a bit easier.
You're becoming a perceptive motherfucker this late in the game?:laugh:
Basically you are saying that Hitler was 100% correct for having over 6 million Jews murdered because they too believe in a God that is creator. They also believe in the existence of Angels both fallen and un fallen. How very NAZI like of you. Does your friend Guno know this? Something tells me he might not approve of your thinking. . Words have meaning Nifty, would think a man of your age would have come to that realization by now.

Even crackers are expected to read better than that, Stoner.

I'm happy for anyone who finds comfort in something, even it is religious superstition.

My ONLY real gripe has been people proselytizing,
but much worse than that,
trying to incorporate elements of their religious superstitions into the laws of our land.
Nope. The Bible says they were there before AND after the flood.

Yeah, but they went extinct after that. I think their females couldn't reproduce and they had to breed human women, and birthing Nephilim would kill them.

They dwindled into extinction.
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