You Want To Know Why Western Civilizations Are Under Attack

This is wrong. Western Civilization is under attack from the Left because it was too successful. If there is anything the Left abhors, it is anyone or anything that is very successful. The Left hates:

The rich
Honest discourse

Anything that is successful must be abolished and torn down by the Left's thinking. That's why the Left is trying to destroy Western Civilization. Now, the real problem is what they'll replace that with...

Man, you've got to be a new type of stupid when you try to "clarify" the revisionist propaganda of a neo-nazi with some alt-right/maga/teaparty blather. Let me expose your nonsense:

You stated that "The left hates":

The rich - no, the "left" wants the tax code NOT to favor the rich while putting the burden of donations to the "common good" on the working poor, working and middle class. YOU are not "rich", so stop making excuses and carrying their water ... or did the Savings & Loans, Wall. St. and Too-Big-To-Fail bank debacles not teach you a lesson?

Capitalism - See the above.

Individuality - Being a neo-nazi or a christo-fascist or alt-right or maga is NOT individuality, as these groups actively seek to eliminate all who differ from their mindset. Our Constitution protects us from such. Matters of fact, matters of history.

Religion - last I checked, NO "lefty" has advocated for the dismantling of any place of worship or the banning of any religion SO LONG AS IT DOES NOT PRACTICE OR OUT-RIGHT ADVOCATE HARMING WOMEN, CHILDREN OR NON-BELIEVERS. Our Constitution provides freedom of and from religion, as it specifically states that neither the federal or state governments can establish an official religion.

Freedom - See all of the above.

Honest discourse - since I've been engaging in such on this site for years now (as have you), this is just a blatant lie on your part.
Guno צְבִי;5971026 said:
He is a mentally ill homeless guy who has been placed in an institution more then once

He's just another piss-poor Goebbels wanna-be....any attention paid to him is just an excuse to blather more fascist nonsense. He's like the crank who stands on a soap box in a public park braying on and on, thinking he's a young Hitler who will eventually garner a following. Pathetic.
Absurd and childish.
Anyone with firing neurons knows that Trump and his followers are the worst threat to the American experiment since the War of 1812. Biden is governing like all the presidents in the past. He is as mainstream American as you can get. He has worked inside the system for 50 years and believes in it. He is no threat to the country. Trump is.