Young men in the US used to lean left. Could they now hand Trump the presidency?


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Until now, twentysomething voters were a thorn in Donald Trump’s side, opposing him robustly in previous elections and making their resistance corporeal as leaders in the Women’s March, Black Lives Matter protests and climate movement. Yet recent election polls suggest that while young women remain committed to the cause, there has been a tremulous withdrawal from young men.

In 2016, 51% of young men identified with or leaned toward the Democratic party. By last year, it was down to 39%. Young men now favor Republican control of Congress and their support for Trump has grown since 2020.

Until now, twentysomething voters were a thorn in Donald Trump’s side, opposing him robustly in previous elections and making their resistance corporeal as leaders in the Women’s March, Black Lives Matter protests and climate movement. Yet recent election polls suggest that while young women remain committed to the cause, there has been a tremulous withdrawal from young men.

In 2016, 51% of young men identified with or leaned toward the Democratic party. By last year, it was down to 39%. Young men now favor Republican control of Congress and their support for Trump has grown since 2020.

I have a theory. Many young men are watching their opportunities for good jobs, families and homes circle the drain, while they sit in their mom's basements playing video games. They're tired of it. And even though young women remain committed to the (lost) cause, they probably don't want to be involved with a bunch of broke, unemployed pro-palestine abortion activists.

It could also be that these guys are looking at the current foreign policy shit show and not looking forward to basic training at Ft. Leonard Wood, followed by a combat tour in some islamic sandbox, an Asian jungle, or a frozen trench in putin's next NATO victim. Sound far-fetched? Checkout the military recruiting statistics for the past few years.

Much more likely, they have simply matured. They are young, and young people make mistakes. To paraphrase a famous quote that I will not attempt to attribute, "If you’re not a socialist before you’re twenty-five, you have no heart; if you are a socialist after twenty-five, you have no head."
I have a theory. Many young men are watching their opportunities for good jobs, families and homes circle the drain, while they sit in their mom's basements playing video games. They're tired of it. And even though young women remain committed to the (lost) cause, they probably don't want to be involved with a bunch of broke, unemployed pro-palestine abortion activists.

It could also be that these guys are looking at the current foreign policy shit show and not looking forward to basic training at Ft. Leonard Wood, followed by a combat tour in some islamic sandbox, an Asian jungle, or a frozen trench in putin's next NATO victim. Sound far-fetched? Checkout the military recruiting statistics for the past few years.

Much more likely, they have simply matured. They are young, and young people make mistakes. To paraphrase a famous quote that I will not attempt to attribute, "If you’re not a socialist before you’re twenty-five, you have no heart; if you are a socialist after twenty-five, you have no head."
COULD BE...........................You don't know what the fuck you are talking about!
Until now, twentysomething voters were a thorn in Donald Trump’s side, opposing him robustly in previous elections and making their resistance corporeal as leaders in the Women’s March, Black Lives Matter protests and climate movement. Yet recent election polls suggest that while young women remain committed to the cause, there has been a tremulous withdrawal from young men.

In 2016, 51% of young men identified with or leaned toward the Democratic party. By last year, it was down to 39%. Young men now favor Republican control of Congress and their support for Trump has grown since 2020.

They have found out that women prefer real men who are not woke soy boys.
Young men tend to be stupid, impulsive and immature.

I felt that way when I was one of them, which is why I mostly had older friends.

Or at least I liked my older friends better than the younger ones closer to my age.

I always felt they were mostly assholes.

If young men gravitate towards Trump, those are the main reasons why.

All that BS about lack of opportunities is crap.

There are plenty of opportunities out there for those willing to make sacrifices.

And not expect to have everything they want right away.

Young people in general today seem to think that way.
Pretty sure YOU don't know what the fuck I'm talking about! What part of "I have a theory" do you not understand?

These guys say they can help with your reading comprehension. No thanks necessary.
Your theory is based upon your political bias and holier-than-thou feelings of superiority that I found contemptuous, pretentious, and insulting in every way.

So, in my opinion, your hubris and arrogance COULD BE getting in way of you ever being able to assess things accurately, fairly, or responsibly- LIKE DONALD TRUMP FOR EXAMPLE.

When I said, "COULD BE", that in itself means I was merely suggesting a THEORY!

What part of "COULD BE" do you not understand?
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Until now, twentysomething voters were a thorn in Donald Trump’s side, opposing him robustly in previous elections and making their resistance corporeal as leaders in the Women’s March, Black Lives Matter protests and climate movement. Yet recent election polls suggest that while young women remain committed to the cause, there has been a tremulous withdrawal from young men.

In 2016, 51% of young men identified with or leaned toward the Democratic party. By last year, it was down to 39%. Young men now favor Republican control of Congress and their support for Trump has grown since 2020.

Maybe young men are starting to wake up and realize that the left has bren pussifying them for decades
Maybe young men are starting to wake up and realize that the left has bren pussifying them for decades
Shouldn't you be off someplace counting dead Zionists ?

Haw, haw................................................haw.
Shouldn't you be off someplace counting dead Zionists ?

Haw, haw................................................haw.
No you should be since hamas has killed a lot of people they claim to have no problem with. You're a dick sucker of Jew killers.
Who said anything about real men raping would you demented queer. Oh right it was you...the demented queer.
Shouldn't you be off someplace counting dead Zionists, tatt-boy ?

Haw, haw....................................haw.