Young men in the US used to lean left. Could they now hand Trump the presidency?

Your theory is based upon your political bias and holier-than-thou feelings of superiority that I found contemptuous, pretentious, and insulting in every way.

What the hell does it matter what my theory is based on? Why should I care that YOU find it "contemptuous, pretentious, and insulting in every way", especially when you don't seem to be willing to put forth your own theory? :chicken:?

So, in my opinion, your hubris and arrogance COULD BE getting in way of you ever being able to assess things accurately, fairly, or responsibly- LIKE DONALD TRUMP FOR EXAMPLE.

So, in MY opinion, your hubris and ignorance COULD BE getting in way of you ever being able to assess things accurately, fairly, or responsibly- LIKE DONALD TRUMP FOR EXAMPLE.

When I said, "COULD BE", that in itself means I was merely suggesting a THEORY!

Okay, so your theory was that my theory was fucked up. That's nonresponsive to the OP, and typical of you leftists. If you have an alternative theory as to why young men are turning more conservative, let's have it. Stop the ad hominem BS and engage on the issue...unless you're a :chicken:.

What part of "COULD BE" do you not understand?

Could be that you're engaging in semantics again, and I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain to you why that's a waste of time.
What the hell does it matter what my theory is based on? Why should I care that YOU find it "contemptuous, pretentious, and insulting in every way", especially when you don't seem to be willing to put forth your own theory? :chicken:?

So, in MY opinion, your hubris and ignorance COULD BE getting in way of you ever being able to assess things accurately, fairly, or responsibly- LIKE DONALD TRUMP FOR EXAMPLE.

Okay, so your theory was that my theory was fucked up. That's nonresponsive to the OP, and typical of you leftists. If you have an alternative theory as to why young men are turning more conservative, let's have it. Stop the ad hominem BS and engage on the issue...unless you're a :chicken:.

Could be that you're engaging in semantics again, and I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain to you why that's a waste of time.
OK! Let's not overthink things here.

You and I simply do not agree! I am OK with this!