your money or my money

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
is it your money or my money.....and i am not talking about your taxes alone, for alone your taxes would amount to squat unless you're rolling in the dough....but most of the libs on this board do not make a lot of money, thus do not pay much in the way of taxes....yet, want to spend other people's money...or "my" money.....

i see many libs who want to spend on social programs.....yet see many libs who have been caught evading taxes.....for taxes are how you get to money and not your money.

many want to spend on military programs....yet i see many cons who have been caught evading taxes....for taxes are how you get to money and not your money.

if it is your money: why isn't your money enough? why do you need to force me to spend my money on programs i don't support?

ah, there in lies the rub....

we don't get to choose as taxpayers how are money is spent, we don't even have standing to challenge how that money is spent.....

so, is the money i earn, your money or my money?
Selfish bastich.

I notice you do not complain about all the public facilities you use that were paid for with other peoples money.
I rererad the thread and my question stands.

Why do you not complain about using things paid for by others money?

huh? you said:

notice you do not complain about all the public facilities you use that were paid for with other peoples money.

wtf are you talking about?

and i did mention military spending....

are you going to debate or whine all night?
is it your money or my money.....and i am not talking about your taxes alone, for alone your taxes would amount to squat unless you're rolling in the dough....but most of the libs on this board do not make a lot of money, thus do not pay much in the way of taxes....yet, want to spend other people's money...or "my" money.....

i see many libs who want to spend on social programs.....yet see many libs who have been caught evading taxes.....for taxes are how you get to money and not your money.

many want to spend on military programs....yet i see many cons who have been caught evading taxes....for taxes are how you get to money and not your money.

if it is your money: why isn't your money enough? why do you need to force me to spend my money on programs i don't support?

ah, there in lies the rub....

we don't get to choose as taxpayers how are money is spent, we don't even have standing to challenge how that money is spent.....

so, is the money i earn, your money or my money?

What in the world makes you think that "most of the libs on this board do not make a lot of money, thus do not pay much in the way of taxes.:"?

Did I miss a financial poll somewhere along the line? :pke:
Nearly every minute of every day, the mythical self-reliant Con is using a service that was paid for or subsidized by tax dollars. From the roads, to the electrical gird, to the water grid, to your garbage pick up, to the inspected food you eat.

Don’t want to pay for these services? Stay the fuck off our roads, don’t use our electrical grid, inspect your own food for pathogens, and drill your own water well.
Naah they can just catch rainwater, it is not too acidic or otherwise polluted. And is not likely to killl them for several years.
Nearly every minute of every day, the mythical self-reliant Con is using a service that was paid for or subsidized by tax dollars. From the roads, to the electrical gird, to the water grid, to your garbage pick up, to the inspected food you eat.

Don’t want to pay for these services? Stay the fuck off our roads, don’t use our electrical grid, inspect your own food for pathogens, and drill your own water well.

do you care to actually address this thread or is your point to babble about your personal beliefs?
I think Yurt really fancies himself a philosopher or something.

We enter into a social contract by being an American citizen. In that contract, it's understood that a certain amount of money has to be spent for this thing called "government." People who think we can do away with said "government" should read some Thomas Hobbes.

It is also understood that there is no way 300 million people are going to agree on how every dollar is spent. I didn't want my tax money spent on the Iraq War; you probably don't want it spent providing healthcare to kids, or something like that.

That's why we have elections; the ideas that prevail represent the majority. The money you earn is MOSTLY your own, and I am on record for a top tax rate of 33%, but we all do agree that it is okay to tax, and that it is okay for the gov't to spend money on certain things to at minimum maintain order - therefore, we all agree that some of what we earn is the gov'ts.
OTE=Onceler;524729]I think Yurt really fancies himself a philosopher or something.

dude...i don't fancy you......:pke:

We enter into a social contract by being an American citizen.

really................really......a new born baby.....good lord onceler....

In that contract, it's understood that a certain amount of money has to be spent for this thing called "government." People who think we can do away with said "government" should read some Thomas Hobbes.

now onceler is saying that if you are born here and happen to be a US citizen, that is a CONTRACT......really onceler....

It is also understood that there is no way 300 million people are going to agree on how every dollar is spent. I didn't want my tax money spent on the Iraq War; you probably don't want it spent providing healthcare to kids, or something like that.

That's why we have elections; the ideas that prevail represent the majority. The money you earn is MOSTLY your own, and I am on record for a top tax rate of 33%, but we all do agree that it is okay to tax, and that it is okay for the gov't to spend money on certain things to at minimum maintain order - therefore, we all agree that some of what we earn is the gov'ts.

ok......then next time a conservative majority wins, you will keep quiet......:rolleyes:
You always clamor for "debate," but when someone tries to provide it, you're left stuttering with cheap shots & weak one liners.

Yes - living in America, and under the American system of government, means entering a social contract, Yurt.

And it has nothing to do with "keeping quiet." That's a very defensive reply, and dishonestly implies that I'm saying the minority should "shut up." We have a proud tradition of dissent in this country, and I have no problem with it whatsoever.

You're such an idiot.
dude...i don't fancy you......:pke:

really................really......a new born baby.....good lord onceler....

now onceler is saying that if you are born here and happen to be a US citizen, that is a CONTRACT......really onceler....

ok......then next time a conservative majority wins, you will keep quiet......:rolleyes:

They all think they are soooooooo smart. YAWNNNNNN!!!
please.....prove me wrong then.....don't get hung up on that.....sheesh

is it your money or my money.....and i am not talking about your taxes alone, for alone your taxes would amount to squat unless you're rolling in the dough....but most of the libs on this board do not make a lot of money, thus do not pay much in the way of taxes....yet, want to spend other people's money...or "my" money.....

Let's start by saying your premise is flawed. You don't have any specifics on either how much the libs on this board make or how much they pay in taxes. Implicit in your statement is that most of the cons on the board make a lot of money and pay a lot in taxes, and that the libs want to spend the cons' or "your" money.

i see many libs who want to spend on social programs.....yet see many libs who have been caught evading taxes.... many want to spend on military programs....yet i see many cons who have been caught evading taxes....for taxes are how you get to money and not your money.

IMO this is irrelevant. Tax money is always going to be spent. The actual spending depends on what program each particular group favors, or the party in power wants.

if it is your money: why isn't your money enough? why do you need to force me to spend my money on programs i don't support?

ah, there in lies the rub....

we don't get to choose as taxpayers how are money is spent, we don't even have standing to challenge how that money is spent.....

I'm not so sure. If you're a liberal you may challenge military spending. If you're a conservative you may challenge health care spending. The problem is, the government doesn't need to take up your challenge.

so, is the money i earn, your money or my money?

If you live in this country some of the money you earn will always go to the government. It's the price of admission into the American way of life. I still don't understand why you think it's a liberal-conservative issue.
UOTE=Onceler;524743]You always clamor for "debate," but when someone tries to provide it, you're left stuttering with cheap shots & weak one liners.

another lie i ask for a response, hence this thread....

Yes - living in America, and under the American system of government, means entering a social contract, Yurt.

really....what is that social contract onceler? what does it say?

And it has nothing to do with "keeping quiet." That's a very defensive reply, and dishonestly implies that I'm saying the minority should "shut up." We have a proud tradition of dissent in this country, and I have no problem with it whatsoever.

You're such an idiot

no worries, i knew you couldn't actually debate, i hoped you would, but pudding onceler, pudding...

I knew he wouldn't know what the term "social contract" meant.

Tutu, I hope you're paying attention; we ARE smarter.....
is it your money or my money.....and i am not talking about your taxes alone, for alone your taxes would amount to squat unless you're rolling in the dough....but most of the libs on this board do not make a lot of money, thus do not pay much in the way of taxes....yet, want to spend other people's money...or "my" money.....

i see many libs who want to spend on social programs.....yet see many libs who have been caught evading taxes.....for taxes are how you get to money and not your money.

many want to spend on military programs....yet i see many cons who have been caught evading taxes....for taxes are how you get to money and not your money.

if it is your money: why isn't your money enough? why do you need to force me to spend my money on programs i don't support?

ah, there in lies the rub....

we don't get to choose as taxpayers how are money is spent, we don't even have standing to challenge how that money is spent.....

so, is the money i earn, your money or my money?
It is called a Republic and not everyone is going to like all the rules all the time, but we do it because we are a society and need to have certain services provided and certain rules implemented to keep the rule of order.

Otherwise, there would be chaos.
What in the world makes you think that "most of the libs on this board do not make a lot of money, thus do not pay much in the way of taxes.:"?

Did I miss a financial poll somewhere along the line? :pke:
I wouldn't disclose that information, anyway.
I think Yurt really fancies himself a philosopher or something.

We enter into a social contract by being an American citizen. In that contract, it's understood that a certain amount of money has to be spent for this thing called "government." People who think we can do away with said "government" should read some Thomas Hobbes.

It is also understood that there is no way 300 million people are going to agree on how every dollar is spent. I didn't want my tax money spent on the Iraq War; you probably don't want it spent providing healthcare to kids, or something like that.

That's why we have elections; the ideas that prevail represent the majority. The money you earn is MOSTLY your own, and I am on record for a top tax rate of 33%, but we all do agree that it is okay to tax, and that it is okay for the gov't to spend money on certain things to at minimum maintain order - therefore, we all agree that some of what we earn is the gov'ts.
Social contracts, thanks, that is the word i was searching for and couldn't come up with this evening, wonderful!