Your Opinion Is ALWAYS Constitutional *FACT*


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
Ever been told your opinion is "Un-Constitutional"?

Since when are you not able to have an opinion? Only ACTUAL Dictatorships don't allow you to have an opinion. So if you are told you can't think a certain way, or believe a certain way, you are at the mercy of an actual Dictatorship.

No one can tell you not to think freely.

The Constitution can always change. It was made to change with time. The people who say it can't are the true Dictators.
Ever been told your opinion is "Un-Constitutional"?

Since when are you not able to have an opinion? Only ACTUAL Dictatorships don't allow you to have an opinion. So if you are told you can't think a certain way, or believe a certain way, you are at the mercy of an actual Dictatorship.

No one can tell you not to think freely.

The Constitution can always change. It was made to change with time. The people who say it can't are the true Dictators.


You DO understand that when this is said, it is understood that the IMPLEMENTATION of whatever said opinion is would be unconstitutional, not the mere voicing of the opinion itself (though with CISPA on the table, that may well change).

You DO understand that when this is said, it is understood that the IMPLEMENTATION of whatever said opinion is would be unconstitutional, not the mere voicing of the opinion itself (though with CISPA on the table, that may well change).

Read the title.

Opinions are ALWAYS Constitutional.

Otherwise tell me why people aren't allowed to have opinions.
Read the title.

Opinions are ALWAYS Constitutional.

Otherwise tell me why people aren't allowed to have opinions.

Re-read my post, because you clearly did not understand it, nor do you understand the expression that you are rallying against.
Ever been told your opinion is "Un-Constitutional"?

Since when are you not able to have an opinion? Only ACTUAL Dictatorships don't allow you to have an opinion. So if you are told you can't think a certain way, or believe a certain way, you are at the mercy of an actual Dictatorship.

No one can tell you not to think freely.

The Constitution can always change. It was made to change with time. The people who say it can't are the true Dictators.

You should read my thread about Liberalism being the most bigoted ideology, because it is LIBERALS who shut down any conversation which doesn't conform to their liberal mantras. Liberals are the ones who want to disregard everyone's opinion except their own, and force their viewpoints on us against our will. They call it being "progressive."

When someone says "your opinion is unconstitutional" it doesn't mean it is unconstitutional for you to have the opinion. It means your idea doesn't currently conform to constitutionality, and thus, is unconstitutional for now. You are perfectly free to assemble people of like mind and petition for redress, and if you get enough support, you can change the constitution to make anything you want constitutional. No one has argued that you don't have this right... (unless it's liberals claiming you can't do this to protect traditional marriage.)
You should read my thread about Liberalism being the most bigoted ideology, because it is LIBERALS who shut down any conversation which doesn't conform to their liberal mantras. Liberals are the ones who want to disregard everyone's opinion except their own, and force their viewpoints on us against our will. They call it being "progressive."

When someone says "your opinion is unconstitutional" it doesn't mean it is unconstitutional for you to have the opinion. It means your idea doesn't currently conform to constitutionality, and thus, is unconstitutional for now. You are perfectly free to assemble people of like mind and petition for redress, and if you get enough support, you can change the constitution to make anything you want constitutional. No one has argued that you don't have this right... (unless it's liberals claiming you can't do this to protect traditional marriage.)

"Liberals are the ones who want to disregard everyone's opinion except their own" Stopped reading here.

Now tell me exactly why anyone in America should disregard their opinion because someone else has a different one..
You should read my thread about Liberalism being the most bigoted ideology, because it is LIBERALS who shut down any conversation which doesn't conform to their liberal mantras. Liberals are the ones who want to disregard everyone's opinion except their own, and force their viewpoints on us against our will. They call it being "progressive."

When someone says "your opinion is unconstitutional" it doesn't mean it is unconstitutional for you to have the opinion. It means your idea doesn't currently conform to constitutionality, and thus, is unconstitutional for now. You are perfectly free to assemble people of like mind and petition for redress, and if you get enough support, you can change the constitution to make anything you want constitutional. No one has argued that you don't have this right... (unless it's liberals claiming you can't do this to protect traditional marriage.)

"When someone says "your opinion is unconstitutional" it doesn't mean it is unconstitutional for you to have the opinion. It means your idea doesn't currently conform to constitutionality,"

Kind of the point of this thread. But thanks for the back-up
"Liberals are the ones who want to disregard everyone's opinion except their own" Stopped reading here.

Now tell me exactly why anyone in America should disregard their opinion because someone else has a different one..
I didn't say America should, I said liberals DO! Perhaps your problem is, you stopped reading? How can you say you comprehend what I post, when you admit you didn't read it? Well... it's because you are a bigoted liberal who thinks he is right about everything, and to hell with what anyone else thinks... that's why.
"When someone says "your opinion is unconstitutional" it doesn't mean it is unconstitutional for you to have the opinion. It means your idea doesn't currently conform to constitutionality,"

Kind of the point of this thread. But thanks for the back-up

No problem, but it was self-evident. You are retarded if you thought otherwise.
I didn't say America should, I said liberals DO! Perhaps your problem is, you stopped reading? How can you say you comprehend what I post, when you admit you didn't read it? Well... it's because you are a bigoted liberal who thinks he is right about everything, and to hell with what anyone else thinks... that's why.

I'm absolutely confident that you think everyone who doesn't fall in line with your thoughts is a bigoted Liberal.

Because if they would simply follow your idea's, it would be freedom........or possibly a Dictatorship
I'm absolutely confident that you think everyone who doesn't fall in line with your thoughts is a bigoted Liberal.

Because if they would simply follow your idea's, it would be freedom........or possibly a Dictatorship

Well maybe if you actually READ my posts, you'd get to know me better? You see, I am not an authoritarian who thinks everyone should be forced to live by my rules and my laws. I got ridiculed once for making this point in a religious thread by saying, if I was KING, abortions would be punishable by stoning. The point was, I am not the King, I don't get to decide what laws we live by, so it doesn't matter what my personal opinion is.

In the second post I made in this thread, I pointed out my rather 'moderate' personal view on gay marriage. I am the only person here who has suggested a real solution to the issue, which would give all sides what they claim to want, and it wouldn't require redefining traditional marriage or government sanctioning of sexual behavior. What it would take, is for Liberals to not be bigoted, and understand that marriage is sacrosanct to most Americans, and for the right to understand that homosexual couples do live in domestic partnerships and deserve to have the same rights as conventional couples. My suggestion was soundly rejected by all the Liberals, because they are bigots who won't budge one inch. It was met with more of the same hate-filled name calling and ad homs, and a defiant "fuck you" from the Liberals.
Well maybe if you actually READ my posts, you'd get to know me better? You see, I am not an authoritarian who thinks everyone should be forced to live by my rules and my laws. I got ridiculed once for making this point in a religious thread by saying, if I was KING, abortions would be punishable by stoning. The point was, I am not the King, I don't get to decide what laws we live by, so it doesn't matter what my personal opinion is.

In the second post I made in this thread, I pointed out my rather 'moderate' personal view on gay marriage. I am the only person here who has suggested a real solution to the issue, which would give all sides what they claim to want, and it wouldn't require redefining traditional marriage or government sanctioning of sexual behavior. What it would take, is for Liberals to not be bigoted, and understand that marriage is sacrosanct to most Americans, and for the right to understand that homosexual couples do live in domestic partnerships and deserve to have the same rights as conventional couples. My suggestion was soundly rejected by all the Liberals, because they are bigots who won't budge one inch. It was met with more of the same hate-filled name calling and ad homs, and a defiant "fuck you" from the Liberals.

I'm guessing the only person who didn't read the post you made was yourself.

It was practically a rant about people who held opinions and how you couldn't stand that they wouldn't change their opinion.
What exactly do you mean by "No problem"?

The problem in understanding was yours. Not mine.

No, you had the problem in understanding. You apparently thought "your opinion is unconstitutional" meant that you were not constitutionally entitled to an opinion. I clarified this for you, that it meant your opinion is something that is currently not constitutional... two completely different things. I can have the opinion that rape should be legal, that consent doesn't have to happen, that I can run around naked in public.... it's not unconstitutional for me to have this opinion, it would be unconstitutional to make my opinion the law of the land, unless we pass a constitutional amendment.
I'm guessing the only person who didn't read the post you made was yourself.

It was practically a rant about people who held opinions and how you couldn't stand that they wouldn't change their opinion.

I never said a thing about changing your opinion. I said you should accept the opinions of others as noble and valid.
I never said a thing about changing your opinion. I said you should accept the opinions of others as noble and valid.

Actually you made an entire post about how Liberals are bigoted and won't or are unable to change their political stance. You made this before I even came here to make my post.

You clearly don't understand the political process or the party process. (since you do the exact same thing)
Actually you made an entire post about how Liberals are bigoted and won't or are unable to change their political stance. You made this before I even came here to make my post.

You clearly don't understand the political process or the party process. (since you do the exact same thing)

Nope... didn't say anything about changing their political stance. I recognise we all have different stances, and that's fine. I have no problem with liberals believing in liberal ideals, or even expressing those ideas and trying to legislate based on them. The problem I have is Liberals not respecting the ideas of others, and believing they have hubris over others because they are Liberals.

I DO understand the political process. Joe Lieberman was a liberal, I disagreed with him politically on just about everything, but he was objective and fair minded, and opened his mind to the opinions of others who didn't agree with him. He was able to find common ground, to work together with the opposition to solve problems and resolve issues. He was not so bigoted that he believed only HIS idea was valid, and to hell with everybody else.