You've Just Gotta Love The Fake Outrage From The Right

During the Reagan administration, senior administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran, the subject of an arms embargo.[1] Some U.S. officials also hoped that the arms sales would secure the release of hostages and allow U.S. intelligence agencies to fund the Nicaraguan Contras. Under the Boland Amendment, further funding of the Contras by the government had been prohibited by Congress.

It happened dude.

Reagan only got out of it by playing the stupid guy with onset alzhimers
Michael Ledeen, a consultant of National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane, requested assistance from Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres for help in the sale of arms to Iran.[19][20] Having been designated a State Sponsor of Terrorism since January 1984,[21] Iran was in the midst of the Iran–Iraq War and could find few Western nations willing to supply it with weapons.[22] The idea behind the plan was for Israel to ship weapons through an intermediary (identified as Manucher Ghorbanifar)[2] to the Islamic republic as a way of aiding a supposedly moderate, politically influential faction within the regime of the Ayatollah Khomeini who were believed to be seeking a rapprochement with the United States; after the transaction, the United States would reimburse Israel with the same weapons, while receiving monetary benefits.[23] The Israeli government required that the sale of arms meet high level approval from the United States government, and when McFarlane convinced them that the U.S. government approved the sale, Israel obliged by agreeing to sell the arms.[

Now what would you assholes be saying if Obama sold arms to Iran?
Re writing history is no longer going to save your party.

the internets make it too easy to point out your lies.

Reagan agreed to sell illegally arms to Iran.

He is you hero.

you people pretend it meant nothing yet create fake sandal when you think you have found a dirty pair of Obamas socks under the couch.

It just keeps showing how utterly dishonest the right in this country is.

enjoy that last mouthful of tar
Re writing history is no longer going to save your party.

I don’t have a fucking party stupid!

the internets make it too easy to point out your lies.

What lies? When have you ever pointed out anything? Your only capability is stupid irrelevant accusations and insinuations.

Reagan agreed to sell illegally arms to Iran.

Looks like Benghazi is Obama giving illegal arms to Al-Qaeda in Syria. Let’s let it play out Dippy!

He is you hero.

I don’t see a Republican making deals with a Democrat, (Tip O’Neal), that damn near tripled the national debt as anything near a fucking hero Goober. I had several issues with the Jellybeaner from the left coast.

you people pretend it meant nothing yet create fake sandal when you think you have found a dirty pair of Obamas socks under the couch.

Let us not forget your power hungry bitch Hillary. I expect her shitty panties are all over the fucking cover up.

It just keeps showing how utterly dishonest the right in this country is.

enjoy that last mouthful of tar

Right and left is all the same to me Dippy. They both do the same thing. They both love BIG government they both lie like the bastards they are and the only difference between them is who they allow to feed at the government trough first.
more right wing fucks screaming "Im not a republican I just support all their historically failed ideas".

Reagan Broke the law and got away with it.

Obama has done nothing illegal and you just keep pretending he has at every drop of the pin.