
zimmerman has been getting boxing training for the last 8 months. The more I read about this, I am thinking he might have a decent shot at winning.

If he does this just confirms another of the many lies that those of us who thought him guilty believed were told under oath at his trial.
George Zimmerman has agreed to a celebrity boxing match.

His opponent, DMX

He wants to mess George up, even if he has to cheat to do it!

I wonder if George will agree to this match and how much he will earn.

Desperate people do desperate things.

There is no way I would step into the ring with DMX! Lol.

Washboard abs that Cawacko would envy!

Haha, I can't beat a skinny crackhead for abs!!! Lol...
Well looks like the fight is cancelled now

Rats. I hate boxing but would have watched this!

"But the musician, 43, told TMZ he couldn't wait however, couldn't wait to fight the former neighborhood watchman of a gated community in Sanford Fla. He was acquitted last summer of murder and manslaughter charges after the shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon to in 2012.

"I am going to beat the living f--- out of him," DMX boasted, according to TMZ. "I am breaking every rule in boxing to make sure I f--- him right up."

Team DMX! Support the arts!

So you're happy a teenager died.......

not all teenagers are good. Yes, I do believe trayvon deserved to be killed. Trayvon was NOT the victim, he was the perpetrator. Zimmerman was the victim and he has been rightfully redeemed in the eyes of the law. Just like I would celebrate an attempting rapist being killed, I celebrate the death of someone who chose to violently attack someone who was breaking no laws. Trayvon 100% deserved what he got.
not all teenagers are good. Yes, I do believe trayvon deserved to be killed. Trayvon was NOT the victim, he was the perpetrator. Zimmerman was the victim and he has been rightfully redeemed in the eyes of the law. Just like I would celebrate an attempting rapist being killed, I celebrate the death of someone who chose to violently attack someone who was breaking no laws. Trayvon 100% deserved what he got.

So without using any weapons except his hands he deserves to die. So I guess If I'm punching a guy out in a fair fight (assuming we are both somewhat similar in height and weight) and I'm getting the best of him I deserve to die as well? You have a cold way of justice my man. Cowards are the only people that make me nervous. By the way I never said Trayvon was a good kid. I don't judge people I don't know. I'm sure Trayvon like a lot of teenagers his age that do dumb shit get into shit. I'm sure he was into the dumb shit people his age are into but there is a difference between being an impressionable teenager doing dumb criminal shit than a wannabe cop with a history of violence shooting an unarmed teenager all because he is whipping your ass in the street.
That sucks that DMX wimped out like a bitch.

Zimmerman even had his ride all ready......


Storm you're a coward and you know its funny I was talking with a coworker and the subject of race was discussed and of course like a lot of people with low key racist feelings that like to generalize he started his statement with "I'm not racist but..." it clearly reminded me of you. I love the smell of the vagina scent that comes from a racist person.