he was calling peoples parents pedos, and I had specifically private messaged him to stay away from that stuff

he's not perma banned.
he was calling peoples parents pedos, and I had specifically private messaged him to stay away from that stuff

he's not perma banned.

Ahhh. A little discipline. Good move. Sometimes a good spanking is all a Repub needs to straighten out. :)
A duel? Considering I'm being challenged by a Republican are you referring to a circle jerk? :dunno:

i am not republican, so i don't understand your presumptions bear man love towards me.

i've known jerks, but never a circle apple. could you extrapolate on what exactly circle jerk is? my clean american mind, dispersed of all the litter on canadian highways, does not understand such an important idiom that i should be aware of.

Let's make it very clear.

News story about a busted pedophile = okay to talk about.

References to people on this board as children being victims of pedophilia, or them being pedophiles = not okay.

So, if you happen upon a news story about some perv like that FL Congressman, we can talk about how sick he is, but if you want to display your inventiveness in trying to get around the sexualized children rule we'll just start making sure you don't pollute the board.
Yeah Bijou. The mods here are very moral. Don't say anything that even slightly implies anything about someone being a pedophile, and don't "sexualize" children.

Now, if you want to wax on for days about how you are willing, even gleeful, to trade 20 five and six year olds, riddled with machine guns dying screaming and in terror, having moments earlier been dreaming of what Santa was brining them next week, for the "right' to continue living in a pathetic fantasy world where someday you're going to Clint Eastwood some nigger and be a here to fat white fucks everywhere, then that's okay.

The baby killers have very high moral standards here Bijou. Please check yourself.
America got a good look at you baby killers on Friday, and I have not seen this atmosphere here since 9/11.

Be warned.

Baby kiling moral cowards. Americans are choking you back up.
LOL. If this is going to go to "killing babies" and that means we somehow can't speak about or support the constitution, maybe we should start yet another abortion thread where people can argue about "killing babies" again... Tell me, which side did you support again?
"You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead, hand"

Promise? You're not just saying that are you? I have a feeling you are just saying that and will give it up like any cowardly baby killer. After getting me all excited.

Don't back down baby killers. Remember what you have always bragged...from your cold, dead hands.

Hey, they don't have to be too cold!
Let's make it very clear.

News story about a busted pedophile = okay to talk about.

References to people on this board as children being victims of pedophilia, or them being pedophiles = not okay.

So, if you happen upon a news story about some perv like that FL Congressman, we can talk about how sick he is, but if you want to display your inventiveness in trying to get around the sexualized children rule we'll just start making sure you don't pollute the board.

Bob's your uncle
LOL. If this is going to go to "killing babies" and that means we somehow can't speak about or support the constitution, maybe we should start yet another abortion thread where people can argue about "killing babies" again... Tell me, which side did you support again?

Hey baby killer.

I am not surprised to see a baby killer "LOL'ing" at the idea of dead babies riddled with a machine gun.