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my brother was sitting in front of a USAF radar screen in Scotland during the Cuban missile crises.....he's told me at one point we were less than five minutes away from nuclear war......
his comments were related to Soviet bombers flying near the "this is the fucking end" point on the radar before turning around and heading for home....
The president's airborne command center was readied for takeoff, but no one could find Jimmy Carter to put him on board. So his plane took off without him, presumably leaving the president to find a suitable hole in the ground to hide in.
Read more: 6 Tiny Mistakes That Almost Ended the World |
You still see some interesting stuff on radar. We routinely pick up flocks of birds and mylar balloons, and of course, weather patterns are forever pissing us off. Another fun radar anomoly is mountainous areas with roads in close proximity to radars. Then we can actually pick up road traffic.
That's one thing that I find hard to believe, I'm sure that the Secret Service must know the whereabouts of a President at all times.