Although, Trayvon getting shot should never have happened if only the stupid Zimmer would have said who he was and why he was checking out Trayvon, the facts are that Trayvon was trying to impress his cellphone "girlfriend" who teased him about maybe Zimmer was another Howey coming after Trayvon's ass. Showing off and trying to be "macho", Trayvon took it upon himself to try to kick the creepy honky cracker's ass, and that is how this all came down. Zimmer happened to be packing a legal gun, bad luck for Trayvon. If the Martin's sue Zimmer, then all of Trayvon's prior thug history will come out since Right now, Trayvon is over 18 years of age. You Blacks need to wake up and smell the coffee and stop your racist crap, do you really think that like Trayvon, you can kick Whitey's ass?:0)
Here is my salute to conservatives .. black conservatives in particular
That's what I think of their stupid ass article .. where they virtually beg for recognition with repeated "there's never been a better time to be a black conservative," :0)
Oh Really?
What did Romney end up with in percentage of black votes in 2012?
At one point it was projected to be ZERO PERCENT. :0)
Do all so-called 'black conservatives' agree with the morons of this article? .. NO?
The Black Conservative: Black Conservatives for Trayvon Martin
We are pro second amendment, pro national security, pro-life, pro educational choice, pro free enterprise, and pro justice for Trayvon Martin. There are groups of prominent black conservatives who have taken public stances in defense of George Zimmerman. They do not speak for us. We will be accused of heresy because we don't kiss the rings of the pundit popes of conservatism.
We will be called “pseudo-conservatives” because we vehemently reject the idea that an unarmed adolescent boy was justifiably killed because of social media pictures, skittles, and a hoodie. While we understand we will be excoriated by our ideological "brethren", we stand firm, and hope that our legal system will charge Zimmerman. Contrary to popular belief, black conservatism is not monolithic.
Truth is, black conservatives have their heads down and don't want to be noticed among the only community they would have any real impact .. the black community.
Real easy to talk that bullshit of the article among white audiences .. but show up at a black college with that and see what you get. :0)
Never been a better time to be Allen West, huh?
:0) Sure
Although, Trayvon getting shot should never have happened if only the stupid Zimmer would have said who he was and why he was checking out Trayvon, the facts are that Trayvon was trying to impress his cellphone "girlfriend" who teased him about maybe Zimmer was another Howey coming after Trayvon's ass. Showing off and trying to be "macho", Trayvon took it upon himself to try to kick the creepy honky cracker's ass, and that is how this all came down. Zimmer happened to be packing a legal gun, bad luck for Trayvon. If the Martin's sue Zimmer, then all of Trayvon's prior thug history will come out since Right now, Trayvon is over 18 years of age. You Blacks need to wake up and smell the coffee and stop your racist crap, do you really think that like Trayvon, you can kick Whitey's ass?
Not interested in you or your ignorant thoughts.
I posted the ignorance of believing that black conservatives were anything but an anomaly .. which signals that republicans will be hard pressed to win a national election anytime in the foreseeable future .. a truth which you avoided.
No need to ever question again .. for all time .. why blacks will not vote for republicans.
Maybe if you didn't have such a chip on your shoulder?
Hey, ILA, was it you or USF that made that awesome thread of "one day's posts by Desh"?
Somebody should do the other libs.
BTW, why isn't Rune crying that Black Ass Hole is self-moderating in Boris' thread?
The answer is simple.
Just don't post in ignorant threads started by ignorant shit-eaters, Boris, Patrician, etc.
Let them fall off the bottom of the page unanswered.
If the shitbums get no replies, they will leave out of boredom eventually.
You are just another ignorant Leftist who thinks that Conservative blacks are race traitors.This message is hidden because I Love America is on your ignore list.
This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.
I invite them to respond in kind and put me on their ignore list .. given that I don't give a rat's ass what they say or think about anything .. given that I think them completely ignorant.
But ILA chooses to stalk me like a love sick puppy. I ignore him, so now he creates threads about me. :0)
That's sweet, but you're not my type. :0)
You are just an ignorant shit eater who has never had a correct thought in your entire life.You are just another ignorant Leftist who thinks that Conservative blacks are race traitors.
You are just another ignorant Leftist who thinks that Conservative blacks are race traitors.
The answer is simple.
Just don't post in ignorant threads started by ignorant shit-eaters, Boris, Patrician, etc.
Let them fall off the bottom of the page unanswered.
If the shitbums get no replies, they will leave out of boredom eventually.
And who the fuck are you, bitch to define "correct"? Just because I don't gulp the Liberal koolaid doesn't make me incorrect.You are just an ignorant shit eater who has never had a correct thought in your entire life.
And who the fuck are you, bitch to define "correct"? Just because I don't gulp the Liberal koolaid doesn't make me incorrect.
:0) Mean ol' Boris attacks woman .. after black guy spanks his ass with truth.
Wanna' pick on someone .. 'I'll be your huckleberry.'
Believe me, you don't want to fuck with me.:0) Mean ol' Boris attacks woman .. after black guy spanks his ass with truth.
Wanna' pick on someone .. 'I'll be your huckleberry.'
Word to the wise, Rune may act like an old woman at times but he is a man. He is Cape Cod's answer to Captain Birdseye.