Black Conservatives and the Zimmerman Case

I've told you before; I'm not really sure if I fucked your mother or not.
Is she freaky or frigid?
Does she moan or just lay there?
Does she like a "back door man" or would she rather be flat on her back?

You really need to give more information, before I can truly say that I fucked your mother or not.

Blackasshole thinks he is scaring us when he uses the word "motherfucker". He is trying to goad us into calling him nigger. We don't have to

I remember the way he made Howey his little bitch. Didn't take long for Hiwey to crawl on his knees and beg for forgiveness.
I've told you before; I'm not really sure if I fucked your mother or not.
Is she freaky or frigid?
Does she moan or just lay there?
Does she like a "back door man" or would she rather be flat on her back?

You really need to give more information, before I can truly say that I fucked your mother or not.


Like a give a fuck about your teenage bullshit.

You're just an ignorant bitch on a website .. not qualified to insult me.

Why would I care what a ignorant bitch says about my mother?

Got a present for you bitch ..

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Like a give a fuck about your teenage bullshit.

You're just an ignorant bitch on a website .. not qualified to insult me.

Why would I care what a ignorant bitch says about my mother?

Got a present for you bitch ..

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BAC, don't mind her. She works for a juvenile correctional facility, making little more than minimum wage. Stupid as fuck, and stuck in imagined "white privilege'. Totally "classless". I read that bitch the riot act over a year ago.

Like a give a fuck about your teenage bullshit.

You're just an ignorant bitch on a website .. not qualified to insult me.

Why would I care what a ignorant bitch says about my mother?

Got a present for you bitch ..

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I guess the realization that I had possibly fucked your mother, was just more then you could handle.

This is just proof that not only are you a race baiter; but you're also a liar.

You responded to me, in this post, at 4:13, and yet at 4:11 you said I was on IA:

Like a give a fuck about your teenage bullshit.

You're just an ignorant bitch on a website .. not qualified to insult me.

Why would I care what a ignorant bitch says about my mother?

Got a present for you bitch ..

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Did your mother talk about me much?
BAC, don't mind her. She works for a juvenile correctional facility, making little more than minimum wage. Stupid as fuck, and stuck in imagined "white privilege'. Totally "classless". I read that bitch the riot act over a year ago.

You didn't read anyone any "riot act" at anytime.
What you did do, was cry and whine like a bitch; because you posted so much info about yourself, then forgot what you had posted, and then begged the mods to ban people.

Is the Mayor going to shun you again, this year?
I've told you before; I'm not really sure if I fucked your mother or not.
Is she freaky or frigid?
Does she moan or just lay there?
Does she like a "back door man" or would she rather be flat on her back?

You really need to give more information, before I can truly say that I fucked your mother or not.

Are you talking to yourself?
You didn't read anyone any "riot act" at anytime.
What you did do, was cry and whine like a bitch; because you posted so much info about yourself, then forgot what you had posted, and then begged the mods to ban people.

Is the Mayor going to shun you again, this year?

Do you have to do that?
But the reality is; is that there is no Republican hate, except for that which race baiters like you want to try and promote.
You have the crab mentality.

I'd kiss your ass; but your glasses are in the way and your mustache tickles.

Seriously, fuck off and die.