Black Conservatives and the Zimmerman Case

There was some real truth spoken in the article .. a truth that the person who posted this bullshit knows nothing about.

"There is no better time in general to be a Black Conservative than when the Conservative media needs a Black face to give it cover to denouncing the usual targets: Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, and the NAACP. Now that the target is the protests following the jury’s decision that Zimmerman would not be punished for killing Martin, Black Conservatives are in especially high demand."


To be noticed and to get attention they would otherwise not receive.

'Massa' .. is we sick?'

It's why they are so rejected.
why is it the right ignores what 97% of black people and their opinions but just loves these tiny few?
Go stand in a mirror and repeat that shit to yourself a thousand times .. see if it makes any difference.

"Innocent until proven guilty" .. what a fucking joke.

What was Martin guilty of before that racist fuck stalked him?

You're wasting your time talking to me about this case. I don't care what you think about it.

I'm simply speaking to the undeniable outcome .. African-Americans won't be voting for republicans PERIOD.

One doesn't have to call them racist .. just call them republicans.

He wasn't stalked, no matter how many times you've told yourself that, race baiter.
1) If your goal on political chat sites is to change people's political opinions I'd highly recommend reading Dale Carnegie's "How To Win Friends And Influence People". I'd argue it should almost be required reading in schools but that aside it's a great book about basic human communication.

2) How many people's political opinions do you believe you've changed in your years on the internet?

It would be even nicer, if she knew how to use the quote feature; so everyone could at least see who's post she's ranting about.
There was some real truth spoken in the article .. a truth that the person who posted this bullshit knows nothing about.

"There is no better time in general to be a Black Conservative than when the Conservative media needs a Black face to give it cover to denouncing the usual targets: Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, and the NAACP. Now that the target is the protests following the jury’s decision that Zimmerman would not be punished for killing Martin, Black Conservatives are in especially high demand."


To be noticed and to get attention they would otherwise not receive.

'Massa' .. is we sick?'

It's why they are so rejected.

Bigoted race baiter, that you are, hates his own race.
It would be even nicer, if she knew how to use the quote feature; so everyone could at least see who's post she's ranting about.

I used to get annoyed by her inability to use the quote feature, but in the end, it doesn't really matter.

She bleats on about the same bullshit, same tired quotes, same tired memes. I figure, let it be first come first serve.

I actually think she does it on purpose so she gets more responses to fuel her ego. It is like her own little JPP gang bang
Kiss my ass you stupid bitch :0)

This is about African-American response to republican hate.

Don't like it .. so what? Who the fuck cares?

I know I don't. Keep doin what yer doin and you keep gettin what yer gettin.

Sort of a ashame that all those good white people died trying to free your sorry asses and how do you repay us? You vote yourselves back into the bondages of slavery by staying on the democrat party plantation.
Kiss my ass you stupid bitch :0)

This is about African-American response to republican hate.

Don't like it .. so what? Who the fuck cares?

But the reality is; is that there is no Republican hate, except for that which race baiters like you want to try and promote.
You have the crab mentality.

I'd kiss your ass; but your glasses are in the way and your mustache tickles.
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