KING SAMIR SHABAZZ says black people should create militias to exterminate whites, skin them alive, pour acid on them, sic pit bulls on them, bust their heads with rocks and even raid nurseries to "kill everything white in sight."
"I would love nothing more than to come home with a cracker's head in my book bag," Shabazz, a Philly street preacher and national field marshal for the New Black Panther Party, said on a black-power radio show.
Such sentiment hasn't gotten him arrested.
But allegedly carrying a gun did.
Shabazz, 41, whose real name is Maruse Heath, is best known for sparking a federal probe for voter intimidation after he brought a billy club to a North Philly polling place on Election Day 2008.
But on Thursday night, police in New York say they spotted him wearing a bulletproof vest in Harlem, stopped him and found him carrying a loaded, unlicensed handgun. He was jailed on $75,000 bail on charges of illegal gun possession and the illegal wearing of body armor.
You should spit on him Desh, I am sure he would run away and leave your hood....