Just spit on 'em like a normal liberal


Obamacare will be your death, millions of voters are getting fucked, unemployment and more and more people on welfare thanks to Obama. Your democrat overlords failures are stacking up higher and higher, and not even the media can ignore them any longer.
dude that meme isn't going to work.

its why the Rs fought this so hard.

they know it will work and will become as untouchable as medicare.

remember your idiots carrying signs that said "keep your government hands off my medicare"

that is what happens when you court the stupid voter and lie to them all the time
see they wont touch all the court documentation that the republican party HAS TO CHEAT or it loses elections
dude that meme isn't going to work.

its why the Rs fought this so hard.

they know it will work and will become as untouchable as medicare.

remember your idiots carrying signs that said "keep your government hands off my medicare"

that is what happens when you court the stupid voter and lie to them all the time


Court the stupid voter, are we talking about democrats?
No its the idiots like you who will deny clear cut facts to remain a fucking idiot for their manipulation

If it was not for welfare, you would have no way to control your biggest voting block.. As long as you keep the welfare flowing to them, they will vote how you tell them. Meanwhile a black president sits in charge and black unemployment is at 12.9%.

fuck you very much you racist piece of shit.

cheating in elections is about as un-American as you can get.

your a traitor to this country.
Is there any real proof that Vietnam Veterans were spit on? It is a 40 year old spam story and urban legend, the kind Nova accepts without any critical thought. It's nothing but bullshit and should hold no weight in rational debate.
yeah they lie

The internets is killing their party now.

there lies can be outed for all to see.
Is there any real proof that Vietnam Veterans were spit on? It is a 40 year old spam story and urban legend, the kind Nova accepts without any critical thought. It's nothing but bullshit and should hold no weight in rational debate.

So you discount Bob Greenes book The Homecoming?
Is there any real proof that Vietnam Veterans were spit on? It is a 40 year old spam story and urban legend, the kind Nova accepts without any critical thought. It's nothing but bullshit and should hold no weight in rational debate.

My dad claimed it happened to him when he returned from Vietnam. Yes it did happen...too often.

But you're a hyper partisan dimwit who never lets reality, facts or the truth get in the way of your stupidity.
My dad claimed it happened to him when he returned from Vietnam. Yes it did happen...too often.

But you're a hyper partisan dimwit who never lets reality, facts or the truth get in the way of your stupidity.

and your fucks spit on civil rights rights fighters.

hell they killed them

fuck you very much you racist piece of shit.

cheating in elections is about as un-American as you can get.

your a traitor to this country.

Hey desh....so you mean THESE people ?
You haven't shown us even ONE Republican charged or convicted of voter fraud...

  1. [h=3]Connecticut Democrat state rep accused of voter fraud - True The Vote[/h]www.truethevote.org/.../connecticut-democrat-state-rep-accused-of-voter...‎
    Connecticut Democrat state rep accused of voter fraud. "Some voters are outraged after allegations surfaced into whether state representative Christina Ayala of ...

  2. [h=3]Vote Fraud News - Republican National Lawyers Association | (RNLA)[/h]www.rnla.org/votefraud.asp‎
    Democrat Election Commissioner Frances Knapp was indicted and plead not guilty to .... The two are accused in a voter fraud scheme, where in which 280 East ...

  3. [h=3]Ballot-fraud convictions shed light on Obama's '08 campaign | The ...[/h]dailycaller.com/.../ballot-fraud-convictions-shed-light-on-obamas-08-illi...‎
    Apr 26, 2013 - Blythe, then a Board of Elections employee and Democratic Party volunteer, was accused of forging multiple pages of the Obama petitions.

[h=3]Fraud Map :: Rotten Acorn ::[/h]www.rottenacorn.com/activityMap.html‎
Another 8,000 cards from the same city will be scrutinized for possible fraud. FL, 2009, In September, 11 ACORN workers were accused of forging voter ...

[h=3]Former Brownsville resident accused of vote fraud - San Antonio ...[/h]www.mysanantonio.com/.../Former-Brownsville-resident-accused-of-vot...‎
Aug 20, 2013 - McALLEN — A former resident of Brownsville was accused Tuesday of voter fraud during the 2012 Democratic primary runoff for the U.S. ...

  1. [h=3]Officials found guilty in Obama, Clinton ballot petition fraud | Fox News[/h]www.foxnews.com/.../officials-found-guilty-in-obama-clinton-ballot-peti...‎
    Apr 26, 2013 - A jury in South Bend, Indiana has found that fraud put President Obama ... employee and Democratic Party volunteer, was accused of forging ...

  2. [h=3]DEMOCRATS Arrested and/or Convicted of Voter Fraud ...[/h]eastaustinvoice.wordpress.com/.../democrats-arrested-andor-convicted-of...‎
    Jan 20, 2012 - DEMOCRATS Arrested and/or Convicted of Voter Fraud | Specfriggintacular's Blog. Proof that voter ID is needed to keep our elections ...

  3. [h=3]Poll worker accused of voter fraud in Hamilton County speaks out ...[/h]www.wcpo.com/.../poll-worker-accused-of-voter-fraud-in-hamilton-cou...‎
    Feb 6, 2013 - A woman accused of possible voter fraud. ... 19 possible cases of alleged voter fraud following months of investigation after the 2012 election.

    That should end her idiot posts for awhile...

Is there any real proof that Vietnam Veterans were spit on? It is a 40 year old spam story and urban legend, the kind Nova accepts without any critical thought. It's nothing but bullshit and should hold no weight in rational debate.


And yet you believe Desh and her spitting on a 300lb black drug dealer and he did nothing but run from her neighborhood.