MSNBC Host To Rick Santorum: What Are You Doing About ‘White Men With Guns’?


Sanctimonious santorum has no good answer to the question, unsurprisingly.

"This morning on MSNBC, Joe Scarborough asked Rick Santorum a simple question: What can we do to show the millions of peaceful Muslim Americans that they are valued and respected members of society? Santorum rejected the question and said that onus was on every Muslim American to confront “the cancer within Islam.” Santorum said that “most Muslims” in America were shirking their duties to confront radicalism.

Co-host Mika Brzezinski had enough. “I’ll turn the argument around on you. Why aren’t you working on white men with guns?,” she asked. “You are telling Muslim Americans they all need to come out and talk about the tiny percentage of their community that has kind of, quite frankly, wreaked havoc. But yet, you look at the data of white men wreaking havoc on this country? Why aren’t white men coming forward? Why don’t you call on them to do that?,” Brzezinski continued.

Santorum responded by saying he was dealing with the problem of “gun violence.” Not by supporting any kind of gun safety legislation but by encouraging people to get married.

Brzezinski is right on the data. Since 9/11, fatalities from attacks by right-wing extremists — a group of almost exclusively white men — has accounted for 254 fatalities. Meanwhile, Islam-inspired attacks accounted for 50 fatalities over the same period. (This data was from June so did not include the recent attacks in Colorado and San Bernardino.)

Prejudice against Muslims in America is not without consequences. ThinkProgress has documented 46 anti-Islam incidents, many of them violent, since the terrorist attacks in Paris. Santorum criticized the Obama and George W. Bush administrations for being too accommodating toward Muslims."
you libbies are really getting funny.

Trump must be really getting to you. I sense you fear he can actually win.

I'm torn over Trump. I think the guy's a hot mess with no policies, no experience and no Constitutional knowledge. But on the other hand I would love to see him try and browbeat Congress and the American people should he get elected. Trump doesn't seem to understand the theory behind the three branches of government.
Trump is needed as a stooge to get hitlery elected!
These white trash republtards don't even know how close trump and clintons are
I'm torn over Trump. I think the guy's a hot mess with no policies, no experience and no Constitutional knowledge. But on the other hand I would love to see him try and browbeat Congress and the American people should he get elected. Trump doesn't seem to understand the theory behind the three branches of government.

Like I told GayRod, coming from someone who has supported and cheered Obama's unconstitutional actions you are in no place to talk.

How many times has Obama said "If Congress won't act, I will do executive orders"?

Does that sound like someone who wants to "work with the other branches"? He basically wants it his way or no way. So spare me your faux indignation.
Like I told GayRod, coming from someone who has supported and cheered Obama's unconstitutional actions you are in no place to talk.

How many times has Obama said "If Congress won't act, I will do executive orders"?

Does that sound like someone who wants to "work with the other branches"? He basically wants it his way or no way. So spare me your faux indignation.

Stop saying "faux" indignation. When I'm indignant, it's authentique, not faux.
I met this dude who works on Capital Hill and is a Republican and I asked him what was the difference between the Republican led Congress of the '90's and today. I asked why could things get done in the '90's and not now. His response was basically after the beating in the '94 mid terms Clinton was far more open to working with Congress and they were able to get things done. He says Obama's idea of negotiating is "I won" (the election).

This is just one person's opinion.
Sanctimonious santorum has no good answer to the question, unsurprisingly.

"This morning on MSNBC, Joe Scarborough asked Rick Santorum a simple question: What can we do to show the millions of peaceful Muslim Americans that they are valued and respected members of society? Santorum rejected the question and said that onus was on every Muslim American to confront “the cancer within Islam.” Santorum said that “most Muslims” in America were shirking their duties to confront radicalism.

Co-host Mika Brzezinski had enough. “I’ll turn the argument around on you. Why aren’t you working on white men with guns?,” she asked. “You are telling Muslim Americans they all need to come out and talk about the tiny percentage of their community that has kind of, quite frankly, wreaked havoc. But yet, you look at the data of white men wreaking havoc on this country? Why aren’t white men coming forward? Why don’t you call on them to do that?,” Brzezinski continued.

Santorum responded by saying he was dealing with the problem of “gun violence.” Not by supporting any kind of gun safety legislation but by encouraging people to get married.

Brzezinski is right on the data. Since 9/11, fatalities from attacks by right-wing extremists — a group of almost exclusively white men — has accounted for 254 fatalities. Meanwhile, Islam-inspired attacks accounted for 50 fatalities over the same period. (This data was from June so did not include the recent attacks in Colorado and San Bernardino.)

Prejudice against Muslims in America is not without consequences. ThinkProgress has documented 46 anti-Islam incidents, many of them violent, since the terrorist attacks in Paris. Santorum criticized the Obama and George W. Bush administrations for being too accommodating toward Muslims."

Those stats indicate Muslims get a lot of bang for the buck, considering the fact they are such a slim minority compared to white males. And anti Jew violence is the consistent leader in the overall data, but the media doesn't find that to be interesting.
Stop saying "faux" indignation. When I'm indignant, it's authentique, not faux.

no it is phony. If it were real indignation, you would apply it across the board regardless of party. However you don't. You don't care about the principle itself, just that it is Trump. Ergo it is faux indignation.

In fact you are having faux indignation about me accusing you of having faux indignation.
I met this dude who works on Capital Hill and is a Republican and I asked him what was the difference between the Republican led Congress of the '90's and today. I asked why could things get done in the '90's and not now. His response was basically after the beating in the '94 mid terms Clinton was far more open to working with Congress and they were able to get things done. He says Obama's idea of negotiating is "I won" (the election).

This is just one person's opinion.

And your opinion is dead on. All Obama needs to do is whisper 'government shut down' and he wins.

The Republican caucus are a bunch of cowards. Except for Ted Cruz---it's one of the reasons I like him. That and the fact congress hates him.

Kinda tells you all you need to know about him.
I'm torn over Trump. I think the guy's a hot mess with no policies, no experience and no Constitutional knowledge. But on the other hand I would love to see him try and browbeat Congress and the American people should he get elected. Trump doesn't seem to understand the theory behind the three branches of government.

Huh?....why is you think hes going to rule by executive order, ignore Congress, push bills through before its possible for anyone to read them....
in the dead of night on Christmas Eve maybe ?

Afraid he might take over Obama's phone and pen.....try to be our second "emperor"....
Sanctimonious santorum has no good answer to the question, unsurprisingly.

"This morning on MSNBC, Joe Scarborough asked Rick Santorum a simple question: What can we do to show the millions of peaceful Muslim Americans that they are valued and respected members of society? Santorum rejected the question and said that onus was on every Muslim American to confront “the cancer within Islam.” Santorum said that “most Muslims” in America were shirking their duties to confront radicalism.

Co-host Mika Brzezinski had enough. “I’ll turn the argument around on you. Why aren’t you working on white men with guns?,” she asked. “You are telling Muslim Americans they all need to come out and talk about the tiny percentage of their community that has kind of, quite frankly, wreaked havoc. But yet, you look at the data of white men wreaking havoc on this country? Why aren’t white men coming forward? Why don’t you call on them to do that?,” Brzezinski continued.

Santorum responded by saying he was dealing with the problem of “gun violence.” Not by supporting any kind of gun safety legislation but by encouraging people to get married.

Brzezinski is right on the data. Since 9/11, fatalities from attacks by right-wing extremists — a group of almost exclusively white men — has accounted for 254 fatalities. Meanwhile, Islam-inspired attacks accounted for 50 fatalities over the same period. (This data was from June so did not include the recent attacks in Colorado and San Bernardino.)

Prejudice against Muslims in America is not without consequences. ThinkProgress has documented 46 anti-Islam incidents, many of them violent, since the terrorist attacks in Paris. Santorum criticized the Obama and George W. Bush administrations for being too accommodating toward Muslims."

wow...254 claim by white men with a 15 year period?.

The total number of gang homicides reported by respondents in the NYGS sample averaged nearly 2,000 annually from 2007 to 2012. During roughly the same time period (2007 to 2011)

well here is 5 years of gang killing....avg. 2000 a year....Thats 10,000 in 5 years....don't you want to disarm the blacks.....

Sanctimonious bullshit is what spews out of Mida's mouth.....
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wow...254 claim by white men with a 15 year period?.

The total number of gang homicides reported by respondents in the NYGS sample averaged nearly 2,000 annually from 2007 to 2012. During roughly the same time period (2007 to 2011)

well here is 5 years of gang killing....avg. 2000 a year....Thats 10,000 in 5 years....don't you want to disarm the blacks.....

Sanctimonious bullshit is what spews out of Mida's mouth.....

Pay attention. It's about right-wing extremists, not your random white guy violence.

Where did your statistics come from? Do you want to disarm blacks?
Like I told GayRod, coming from someone who has supported and cheered Obama's unconstitutional actions you are in no place to talk.

How many times has Obama said "If Congress won't act, I will do executive orders"?

Does that sound like someone who wants to "work with the other branches"? He basically wants it his way or no way. So spare me your faux indignation.

"The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president." Mitch McConnell throwing down the gauntlet.That came back and bit the GOP big time, didn't it. If that was the objective, where does working with the president come in?
I met this dude who works on Capital Hill and is a Republican and I asked him what was the difference between the Republican led Congress of the '90's and today. I asked why could things get done in the '90's and not now. His response was basically after the beating in the '94 mid terms Clinton was far more open to working with Congress and they were able to get things done. He says Obama's idea of negotiating is "I won" (the election).

This is just one person's opinion.

His opinion suggests that Clinton didn't work with Congress before that election.
no it is phony. If it were real indignation, you would apply it across the board regardless of party. However you don't. You don't care about the principle itself, just that it is Trump. Ergo it is faux indignation.

In fact you are having faux indignation about me accusing you of having faux indignation.

What do you want me to be indignant about, Obama's drone program? Hillary's hawkishness? Been there, done that.