Hillary slips to +5 in RCP

Well by throwing mud against the wall and hoping it sticks is a fantastic method of convincing yourself in something you already believe in. The vast majority of people though see it as mud slinging and, to wit, it's not gaining any traction.

So there is that.

actually there are plenty of people who are not so enamored of Hillary (like you are) that realize its not mud.......I remember campaigning for McGovern against Nixon.....we talked about Watergate before the election.......there were people who said it was mudslinging........
We have an electoral college though so these polls mean very little.

yes we do....
from RCP about North Carolina
RCP Average 8/4 - 8/29 -- -- 42.3 40.3 8.5 2.0 Clinton +2.0
Emerson 8/27 - 8/29 800 LV 3.4 43 45 8 2 Trump +2
Gravis 8/15 - 8/17 723 RV 3.6 38 39 10 2 Trump +1
NBC/WSJ/Marist 8/4 - 8/10 921 RV 3.2 45 36 9 2 Clinton +9
PPP (D) 8/5 - 8/7 830 LV 3.4 43 41 7 2 Clinton +2

two months to go.....
Well Mott's a big fan of conventional wisdom---in this unconventional election year lol.

Assuming the assumptions are correct, Hillary has an 80% chance of winning, if it were held today.
LOL Conventional wisdom my ass. The numbers show that Clinton has a substantial lead in the electoral college, and even without including toss up States she's already over 270 EV's. This isn't conventional wisdom. It's simple math.

But who knows...maybe there is hope...maybe Bill will get another hummer? LOL LOL LOL

I mean you guys are almost Southern with your lost cause mentality. I was talking yesterday at lunch with three high ranking GOP members of the Ohio legislature and they are planning and working on down ticket races and have given up on Trump...and he's essentially tied in Ohio (I think we're about the only State).

That would not be the case if we were permitted to build the wall on the Ohio river to keep all those Kentucky and West Virginia hillbilly immigrants out and all the meth and heroin they bring into our State.
LOL Conventional wisdom my ass. The numbers show that Clinton has a substantial lead in the electoral college, and even without including toss up States she's already over 270 EV's. This isn't conventional wisdom. It's simple math.

its simple math based on the opinions of voters in the separate states in August.......you can apply your simple math to August all you want and it tells you absolutely nothing about November......I'm more interested in what is HAPPENING to voter's opinions in those states......and in every one of them the favor-ability of Clinton is dropping....

1) can she hang on until November?....and
2) will those people who have a high opinion of her even bother to go and vote in November......
That would not be the case if we were permitted to build the wall on the Ohio river to keep all those Kentucky and West Virginia hillbilly immigrants out and all the meth and heroin they bring into our State.

if there weren't Ohioans using it, why would they bother to bring it across the river?......
its simple math based on the opinions of voters in the separate states in August.......you can apply your simple math to August all you want and it tells you absolutely nothing about November......I'm more interested in what is HAPPENING to voter's opinions in those states......and in every one of them the favor-ability of Clinton is dropping....

1) can she hang on until November?....and
2) will those people who have a high opinion of her even bother to go and vote in November......

Mott is banking heavily on assumption #2.
its simple math based on the opinions of voters in the separate states in August.......you can apply your simple math to August all you want and it tells you absolutely nothing about November......I'm more interested in what is HAPPENING to voter's opinions in those states......and in every one of them the favor-ability of Clinton is dropping....

1) can she hang on until November?....and
2) will those people who have a high opinion of her even bother to go and vote in November......
Well there is always hope! LOL LOL LOL
Maybe he thinks we grow our own poppies lol. Actually, the bulk of it comes from the liberal hell hole of Detroit.
Yes it is sad that those Liberals have ran Detroit into bankruptcy like the other great Cities that they run like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, Houston, Dallas, Boston, San Francisco, Seattle....oh...wait a second...those are some of the most prosperous cities in the world.

What great cities have Republican government created economic miracles? Well let's see there's Cincinnati....and...and....and....???
