Let's get back to the point of the OP...politics distorts science. What you just did is a perfect example of that.
You posted a graph with an ominous looking curve. Two problems with that though:
1) Your graph doesn't prove causation.
2) Your graph covers a period of just shy of 140 years. 290ppm to 403ppm looks like a huge increase on that graph but when charted as part of the entire known history of CO2 levels it wouldn't be that large of a curve, in fact that time period would be very short and very low compared to much of our planet's history and pretty flat too.
You just did what the OP complained about.
You ignore the fact that CO2 levels have not been this high for at least about the last million years, perhaps much longer. So, your claim that the graph would be flat is incorrect. It would be relatively flat UNTIL the last 150 years.