CNN feeds on and regurgitates poison.


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The poison originates from Trump, is devoured by CNN and cycles through their news-grinder as entertainment, generating them billions in profit. Viewers watch this, get worked into a frenzy, and have no release other than to vent on social media or worse. This is a deliberate business plan on behalf of CNN. Trump is the biggest gift that they have ever received -- and by feeding on poison, they have been infected and now are a carrier of poison.

People say that CNN is fake news. It's not. It's worse. It's real news mixed in with anti-climatic talking heads who simply leave people perpetually frustrated on both sides of the argument.

People also say that CNN is a left-wing outlet. FALSE. They have one goal and ideology, and that's the Almighty Dollar. They would hire Steve Bannon if it earned them a buck. Just as they hired Corey Lewandowski, Jeffery Lord, Paul Begala, Maria Cardona, and a host of other losers from across both sides of the isle.

With Fox News, at least you know that you're getting hoodwinked. It's blatantly fake, and unabashedly pro-Trump. CNN is worse in that they present themselves as a network with journalistic integrity and cuts straight down the ideological center.

Zucker is worse than Trump.
The poison originates from Trump, is devoured by CNN and cycles through their news-grinder as entertainment, generating them billions in profit. Viewers watch this, get worked into a frenzy, and have no release other than to vent on social media or worse. This is a deliberate business plan on behalf of CNN. Trump is the biggest gift that they have ever received -- and by feeding on poison, they have been infected and now are a carrier of poison.

People say that CNN is fake news. It's not. It's worse. It's real news mixed in with anti-climatic talking heads who simply leave people perpetually frustrated on both sides of the argument.

People also say that CNN is a left-wing outlet. FALSE. They have one goal and ideology, and that's the Almighty Dollar. They would hire Steve Bannon if it earned them a buck. Just as they hired Corey Lewandowski, Jeffery Lord, Paul Begala, Maria Cardona, and a host of other losers from across both sides of the isle.

With Fox News, at least you know that you're getting hoodwinked. It's blatantly fake, and unabashedly pro-Trump. CNN is worse in that they present themselves as a network with journalistic integrity and cuts straight down the ideological center.

Zucker is worse than Trump.

All cable news is infotainment, and they all frame thier coverage to appeal to what they think is thier audience
Shooting the messenger has never worked...
Nice try though...


CNN is actively fueling conflict, drama, and partisanship for ratings. Their panels involve one or two intelligent people, and half a dozen political hacks. Very few things are seriously discussed.

And if you think Zucker is a quality human being, I pity you.
CNN is actively fueling conflict, drama, and partisanship for ratings. Their panels involve one or two intelligent people, and half a dozen political hacks. Very few things are seriously discussed.

And if you think Zucker is a quality human being, I pity you.

I guess Fucks Snooze just sat idly by and never instigated anything for ratings...
Sweet little lambs...
The poison originates from Trump, is devoured by CNN and cycles through their news-grinder as entertainment, generating them billions in profit. Viewers watch this, get worked into a frenzy, and have no release other than to vent on social media or worse. This is a deliberate business plan on behalf of CNN. Trump is the biggest gift that they have ever received -- and by feeding on poison, they have been infected and now are a carrier of poison.

People say that CNN is fake news. It's not. It's worse. It's real news mixed in with anti-climatic talking heads who simply leave people perpetually frustrated on both sides of the argument.

People also say that CNN is a left-wing outlet. FALSE. They have one goal and ideology, and that's the Almighty Dollar. They would hire Steve Bannon if it earned them a buck. Just as they hired Corey Lewandowski, Jeffery Lord, Paul Begala, Maria Cardona, and a host of other losers from across both sides of the isle.

With Fox News, at least you know that you're getting hoodwinked. It's blatantly fake, and unabashedly pro-Trump. CNN is worse in that they present themselves as a network with journalistic integrity and cuts straight down the ideological center.

Zucker is worse than Trump.

Trump really fucked up when he decided to start attacking CNN and it's reporters, didn't he? You reap what you sow. Was it Mark Twain that said "Never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel"? But, since the moron Trump doesn't read, he wouldn't know about that quote.