"Caitlyn" Jenner might run for the Senate. Dems will face a dilemma if that happens


The Superb Owl
"Caitlyn" Jenner might run for the Senate. Dems will face a dilemma if that happens


Ideology is more important than gender. So if a trans disabled POC came up to me and tried to sell me on trickle down economics I'd still call zim a dumb fuck.
Ideology is more important than gender. So if a trans disabled POC came up to me and tried to sell me on trickle down economics I'd still call zim a dumb fuck.

The money trickled down. And American's chose to spend it on foreign goods instead of over priced socialist union made American products. :palm:

Even union workers won't buy over priced goods made by other American union workers when given a choce :palm:
Trannies are mentally ill - like people who think they're dogs. Jenner is a perfect example. A 6 foot tall great athlete who says "but actually i'm a girl".

He's nuts and we need to say that.
if one had intelligence, they'd come to see that any celebrity running for office needs to be shut the fuck down as immediately as possible. From baby diaper wearing franken to 'get to the chopper' arnold........and everyone in between.
He will not win in CA PERIOD!

Republicans will never win again in CA.

She may wear a dress, but he's still a right wing nut job.
Obviously he didn't know that.

But so is Kid Rock.

So much for republicans hating 'celebrities'

Kid rock is another right winger who pimped the ghetto to get where he is.

Blacks don't like him and would not vote for him.

NAACP has made mistakes before, hell they gave awards to dump and donald sterling. The organization has been run by white folks for decades.
Kid rock is another right winger who pimped the ghetto to get where he is.

Blacks don't like him and would not vote for him.

NAACP has made mistakes before, hell they gave awards to dump and donald sterling. The organization has been run by white folks for decades.

The NAACP has 'mistaked' itself into irrelevancy .. and you're right about Kid Rock.
if one had intelligence, they'd come to see that any celebrity running for office needs to be shut the fuck down as immediately as possible. From baby diaper wearing franken to 'get to the chopper' arnold........and everyone in between.

Didn't some folks try that with the star of 'The Apprentice'?
That doesn't just come from the right-wing.

Black culture is popular .. and it sells.

For sure. Had lunch with a friend last week who has started hiphopTV and is raising money for it. He's traveled the world working on this site and spoke about how popular urban American culture is across the world.

TTQ64 mentioned right wingers specifically. I was just curious if any big names fit in that category.