Brennan’s Tweet


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“When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history. You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but you will not destroy America...America will triumph over you.“

oh man how I want to nail that pissant.
Nunes sent out interrogatories asking when they first became aware of the Steele dossier.
Gowdy asked the same -Brennan came back with his usuual deflection
oh man how I want to nail that pissant.
Nunes sent out interrogatories asking when they first became aware of the Steele dossier.
Gowdy asked the same -Brennan came back with his usuual deflection

The Steele Dossier came out in Sept 2016.. Carter Page and Manafort had already been under surveillance for 18 months by then. Nunes is screwing with you.
oh man how I want to nail that pissant.

Fantasies of revenge and bitter resentment are not good for your spiritual or mental health. Although I have noticed that Trumpettes tend to be vindictive, petty, and cruel.

Your Orange Hog is going down in history as one of the worst, most incompetent presidents this nation as ever had. You will one day look back at the countless hours of your life you spent defending him on obscure message boards, in a mixture of self-loathing and disgust. Imagine how else those countless hours could have been used....
Fantasies of revenge and bitter resentment are not good for your spiritual or mental health. Although I have noticed that Trumpettes tend to be vindictive, petty, and cruel.

As you and your ilk gleefully celebrate attacks on Trump associates and family members. Hypocrite much?
oh man how I want to nail that pissant.
Nunes sent out interrogatories asking when they first became aware of the Steele dossier.
Gowdy asked the same -Brennan came back with his usuual deflection

Nunes and Gowdy will not fare much better than trumpy in the end
Fantasies of revenge and bitter resentment are not good for your spiritual or mental health. Although I have noticed that Trumpettes tend to be vindictive, petty, and cruel.

Your Orange Hog is going down in history as one of the worst, most incompetent presidents this nation as ever had. You will one day look back at the countless hours of your life you spent defending him on obscure message boards, in a mixture of self-loathing and disgust. Imagine how else those countless hours could have been used....
you forgot to ask why I despise him...Do you recall the "kill list" by Brennan for Obama?
Brennan is the guy who institutionalized Signature Strikes -which really DO create terrorism!
There is no happiness in seeing what horrors Trump has brought us. Trump has to be stopped due to his Russian connections. Russia interfered in our elections. They buried us in anti Hillary and pro Trump propaganda. They got into state election systems. they are able to shut down the electrical grid. Russia is not America's friend, just Trumps. We want Trump justice.
Fantasies of revenge and bitter resentment are not good for your spiritual or mental health. Although I have noticed that Trumpettes tend to be vindictive, petty, and cruel.

Your Orange Hog is going down in history as one of the worst, most incompetent presidents this nation as ever had. You will one day look back at the countless hours of your life you spent defending him on obscure message boards, in a mixture of self-loathing and disgust. Imagine how else those countless hours could have been used....

you do realize you just typed a fantasy of revenge after condemning it, don't you retard?
Fantasies of revenge and bitter resentment are not good for your spiritual or mental health. Although I have noticed that Trumpettes tend to be vindictive, petty, and cruel.

Your Orange Hog is going down in history as one of the worst, most incompetent presidents this nation as ever had. You will one day look back at the countless hours of your life you spent defending him on obscure message boards, in a mixture of self-loathing and disgust. Imagine how else those countless hours could have been used....

Didn't the liberals of the 80s say that kind of crap about Reagan?