Brennan’s Tweet

Yep.....the communist party USA is dead.:laugh: Its not like there are hundreds of left wing politicians with direct ties to Communism. Do you know just what a Socialist is? Have you never heard of the Congressional (wink, wink) PROGRESSIVE CAUCUS?

Socialist: a person/persons that advocate state ownership of property, banks, education, and healthcare.

Communism: A FORM OF SOCIALISM....that advocates state ownership of property and ownership of the economy.

IDIOTS :palm:

Do you comprehend why they call themselves PROGRESSIVE instead of SOCIALIST or COMMUNISTS? The same reason they have re-defined an unborn human child as a FETUS........the term progressive just rolls off the tongue so much easier than Social Communist.

Communism died in 1989 and Gus Hall died in 2000 at the age of 90.. LOLOL..
Yep.....the communist party USA is dead.:laugh: Its not like there are hundreds of left wing politicians with direct ties to Communism. Do you know just what a Socialist is? Have you never heard of the Congressional (wink, wink) PROGRESSIVE CAUCUS?

Socialist: a person/persons that advocate state ownership of property, banks, education, and healthcare.

Communism: A FORM OF SOCIALISM....that advocates state ownership of property and ownership of the economy.

IDIOTS :palm:

Do you comprehend why they call themselves PROGRESSIVE instead of SOCIALIST or COMMUNISTS? The same reason they have re-defined an unborn human child as a FETUS........the term progressive just rolls off the tongue so much easier than Social Communist.

shut the fuck up, retard.
As you and your ilk gleefully celebrate attacks on Trump associates and family members. Hypocrite much?

It's always been amusing to me how reporting the news of downturns in the personal affairs of politicians and celebrities is seen by those who adore them as "attacks." But reporting the same downturns on someone you don't like is.... news.

Funny how that works, isn't it?
Then they claim glee. That is not what I feel about Trump and his family of crooks. I feel sad for the country and worry about how much damage they will wind up doing. His incompetency and rashness are creating a real mess. His administration is a band of wealthy thieves destroying governing from the inside. How will we recover from this ?
And "ANDY" just got fired. Brennan is a full fledged COMMUNIST SUPPORTOR. He will go down just like the other conspirators who made the mistake of underestimating Donald J. Trump. Its not like we the people have a hot mike and video evidence of Brennan's boss whispering into the ear of a RUSSIAN leader. Its all a conspiracy. ;)

You're so funny.
The Free Beacon paid for the dossier looking for dirt on Trump during the Repub primaries and before. It was before Steele got hired and before the Dems took it over.

A) That has yet to be proven.

B) that was an allegation with hiring Fusion GPS long before Steele, the FBI, FISC, and the pissgate dossier became involved and had nothing to do with information provided by Russian intelligence agents.
Brennan is a good man and a good American.. Look at his track record for service.
he's a murderous bastard..why don't you ask Pakistan what they think of Brennan's drone campaign?

drone death toll July 26, 2013
On one side are US officials who assert that the strikes kill few, if any, Pakistani civilians.
In June 2011, President Barack Obama's then-counterterrorism adviser John Brennan claimed improbably during a speech at the Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies "there hasn't been a single collateral death because of the exceptional proficiency, precision of the capabilities that we've been able to develop."

Two months later, U.S. officials speaking on condition of anonymity told the New York Times that around 50 civilians had been killed in drone strikes in Pakistan since the 9/11 attacks.
On the other side of the debate are Pakistani officials such as the country's powerful Interior Minister Rehman Malik, who asserted in 2012 that 80% of the people killed in drone strikes were civilians.
he's a murderous bastard..why don't you ask Pakistan what they think of Brennan's drone campaign?

drone death toll July 26, 2013
On one side are US officials who assert that the strikes kill few, if any, Pakistani civilians.
In June 2011, President Barack Obama's then-counterterrorism adviser John Brennan claimed improbably during a speech at the Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies "there hasn't been a single collateral death because of the exceptional proficiency, precision of the capabilities that we've been able to develop."

Two months later, U.S. officials speaking on condition of anonymity told the New York Times that around 50 civilians had been killed in drone strikes in Pakistan since the 9/11 attacks.
On the other side of the debate are Pakistani officials such as the country's powerful Interior Minister Rehman Malik, who asserted in 2012 that 80% of the people killed in drone strikes were civilians.

You think drone strikes are the equivalent of air strikes ?
You think drone strikes are the equivalent of air strikes ?
if they are signature strikes they are not even known targets. you do know sig strike?
It's where a "terrorist"is targeted without their identity being known, only their behavior ( signature) of acting like a terrorists..

It leads to horrific mis-targeting

US to continue 'signature strikes' on people suspected of terrorist links

Signature Strikes’ and the President’s Empty Rhetoric on Drones
On March 17, 2011, four Hellfire missiles, fired from a U.S. drone, slammed into a bus depot in the town of Datta Khel in Pakistan’s Waziristan border region. An estimated 42 people were killed. It was just another day in America’s so-called war on terror. To most Americans the strike was likely only a one-line blip on the evening news, if they even heard about it at all.''''
he attack was what has come to be called a “signature strike.” This is when the CIA or the military makes the decision to fire based not on who the targets are but on whether they are exhibiting suspicious patterns of behavior thought to be “signatures” of terrorists (as seen on video from the drone). Given that the CIA is killing people it’s never identified based on their behavior,

The New York Times quoted a senior State Department official as saying that when the CIA sees “three guys doing jumping jacks,” the agency thinks it is a terrorist training camp.
if they are signature strikes they are not even known targets. you do know sig strike?
It's where a "terrorist"is targeted without their identity being known, only their behavior ( signature) of acting like a terrorists..

It leads to horrific mis-targeting

US to continue 'signature strikes' on people suspected of terrorist links

Signature Strikes’ and the President’s Empty Rhetoric on Drones
On March 17, 2011, four Hellfire missiles, fired from a U.S. drone, slammed into a bus depot in the town of Datta Khel in Pakistan’s Waziristan border region. An estimated 42 people were killed. It was just another day in America’s so-called war on terror. To most Americans the strike was likely only a one-line blip on the evening news, if they even heard about it at all.''''
he attack was what has come to be called a “signature strike.” This is when the CIA or the military makes the decision to fire based not on who the targets are but on whether they are exhibiting suspicious patterns of behavior thought to be “signatures” of terrorists (as seen on video from the drone). Given that the CIA is killing people it’s never identified based on their behavior,

The New York Times quoted a senior State Department official as saying that when the CIA sees “three guys doing jumping jacks,” the agency thinks it is a terrorist training camp.

How do you think airstrikes work?