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Bottom line, white christian world has come to an end in America
Not yet.
Building the wall will keep us from becoming the minority.
Bottom line, white christian world has come to an end in America
Not yet.
Building the wall will keep us from becoming the minority.
Not yet.
Building the wall will keep us from becoming the minority.
Shut up you pathetic piece of ghetto trash.nope the demographic shift is coming from citizens who are us born minorities,
nice try you bible thumping piece of white trash
Not yet.
Building the wall will keep us from becoming the minority.
this pretty much reflects your "kulture" and white christian southern mentality , the rest of the country laughs at your kind except the 15 percent who live outside of jesusland trump asslickers who aspire to that low IQ asshattery
39.8% of those on welfare are black 38.8% of those on welfare are white. You're just an idiot.
Report: White Men Stockpile Guns Because They’re Afraid of Black People
"Racial anxiety was a big reason for the uptick in gun ownership, according to Angela Stroud, a Northland College sociologist. Stroud went through concealed-weapon applications in Texas and interviewed applicants. She found that many of them wanted to protect their loved ones during the impending race war.
Apparently, Barack Obama came to the secret black meeting and told black people to attack the whites. (Wait ... you missed the meeting? It was great. Especially the catering. Best watermelon and Kool-Aid I ever tasted.)"
crazy peckerwood crakas
like that's going to stop the peckerwoods from dying out![]()
When you use those percentages and do the math, it translates to 1 in every 3 1/2 blacks and only 1 in 12 - 13 whites.
STFU racist pile of dogshit.Donald Trump always enjoyed massive support from uneducated, low-information white people, (the dying demographic). As Bloomberg Politics reported back in August.
Now outright fear and panic have gripped them as they are coming to realize it's coming to an end for them
like the commercial says
STFU racist pile of dogshit.
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You and other trumpster Boomers will be in the grave soon and the country can move on
To what? A Euroweenie Socialist utopia?
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And we are not talking about the undocumented population overtaking the white christians, it is the native born minorities of color
Since 2011 the majority of children under the age of 5 in the united states are children of color
So the trump rabble is only temporary, it will be very enjoyable going forward
Hazleton’s experience offers a glimpse into the future as white Americans confront the end of their majority status, which often has meant that their story, their traditions, their tastes, and their cultural aesthetic were seen as being quintessentially American. This is a conversation already exploding across the country as some white Americans, in online forums and protests over the removal of Confederate monuments, react anxiously and angrily to a sense that their way of life is under threat. Those are the stories that grab headlines and trigger social media showdowns. But the shift in status—or what some are calling “the altitude adjustment”—is also playing out in much more subtle ways in classrooms, break rooms, factory floors, and shopping malls, where the future has arrived ahead of schedule. Since 2000, the minority population has grown to outnumber the population of whites who aren’t Hispanic in such counties as Suffolk in Massachusetts, Montgomery in Maryland, Mecklenburg in North Carolina, as well as counties in California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, New Jersey, and Texas..
you wont matter soon
you wont matter soon
Eat shut and die a slow agonizing death.
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Eat shut and die a slow agonizing death.
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