Lots of them. look ate the happiness coefficients and you will find Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Canada all way ahead of us. healthcare is a huge component of that.
Those happiness coefficients aren't because of healthcare. Look at the low population of blacks in those countries. I'm willing to bet the few blacks that live in those countries aren't the entitlement minded freeloaders so many in the U.S. have been enabled allowed to be due to programs like affirmative action.
Sure, the black man is holding you down, we got it, long, long ago. You've morphed into everything you decry you pathetic entitled little feckless prick of a shitpile. Now run along to another thread and prattle on about how Europeans are being run over by a mysterious dark horde headed hear next.
There isn't one capable of doing that. In was looking out for n-lovers like you.
What's your problem exactly? Do you live in a black neighborhood or something?
Ok lefties, If you could have USA modeled after a socialist country, which would it be? What is the greatest socialist country that you know of?
Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Canada.
Finland Denmark and the Netherlands.
There isn't one capable of doing that. In was looking out for n-lovers like you.
They aren't Socialist countries, Nerdberg.
Below, you will see some of the most socialistic nations in the world today:
New Zealand
They aren't Socialist countries, krudzu.
They are MORE socialist than the US.
Ireland has arguably one of the best welfare systems in the world, with unemployment checks higher on average than Denmark or Switzerland’s average. Around 25 percent of Ireland’s GDP goes towards paying for the welfare system, as compared to 15 percent of America’ GDP towards America’s social support programs.
They aren't Socialist countries, Nerdberg.
They aren't Socialist countries, Nerdberg.
Finland has one of the world’s best education systems, with no tuition fees and also giving free meals to their students. The literacy rate in Finland is 100 percent. Finland has one of the highest standards of living in the world.
Like Denmark and other European countries, equality is considered one of the most important values in society. Whereas in the Netherlands, government control over the economy remains at a minimum, but a socialist welfare system remains.
The lifestyle in the Netherlands is very egalitarian and organized, where even bosses do not discipline or treat their subordinates rudely.