Guno צְבִי
We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
White evangelicals saw in Donald Trump a president who could help them in their fight against diversity, abortion and the shrinking role of religion.
Ever since World War II, white evangelicals in the United States have waged a desperate and largely failing war against thickening walls of separation between church and state, the removal of Christianity from public schools, the growing ethnic and religious diversity of the country, the intrusion of the federal government into their everyday lives (especially as it pertains to desegregation and civil rights), and legalized abortion.
Shift to a Majority-Minority Population in the U.S. Happening Faster than Expected
And this is data that is reflective of a few years ago
The future sure doesn't look good for them
Ever since World War II, white evangelicals in the United States have waged a desperate and largely failing war against thickening walls of separation between church and state, the removal of Christianity from public schools, the growing ethnic and religious diversity of the country, the intrusion of the federal government into their everyday lives (especially as it pertains to desegregation and civil rights), and legalized abortion.
Shift to a Majority-Minority Population in the U.S. Happening Faster than Expected

And this is data that is reflective of a few years ago

The future sure doesn't look good for them