It's different when DEMOCRATS do it.

Meddling? Obama sent taxpayer money to a campaign to oust Netanyahu



The State Department paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayers grants to an Israeli group that used the money to build a campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a parliamentary election, a congressional investigation concluded.

Some $350,000 was sent to OneVoice, ostensibly to support the group’s efforts to back Israeli-Palestinian peace settlement negotiations. But OneVoice used the money to build a voter database, train activists and hire a political consulting firm with ties to President Obama’s campaign — all of which set the stage for an anti-Netanyahu campaign, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations said in a bipartisan staff report.

In one stunning finding, the subcommittee said OneVoice even told the State Department’s top diplomat in Jerusalem of its plans in an email, but the official, Consul General Michael Ratney, claims never to have seen them.

He said he regularly deleted emails with large attachments — a striking violation of open-records laws for a department already reeling from former Secretary Hillary Clinton’s handling of official government records.

Netanyahu survived the election, and the U.S. spending was not deemed illegal because the State Department never put any conditions on the money.
Remember when Obama broke international & US law? Pepe Ridge Farm remembers

Obama meddled in elections all over the world. Apparently, the media decided there’s no reason for Americans to know about this illegal activity.

Meddling in other’s elections is a violation of international law. In 1965, the United Nations General Assembly reaffirmed this with a resolution stating: “No State has the right to intervene, directly or indirectly, for any reason whatever, in the internal affairs of any other State.” And the International Court of Justice also considers such intervention to be illegal.

More importantly, U.S. law prohibits the use of tax dollars to influence foreign elections.

Nevertheless, the violation of both American and international law did not stop Obama from intervening repeatedly in the elections of other nations.

Moreover, most of Obama’s meddling was known by many foreign correspondents and if it was reported at all, it was downplayed.

Most certainly, the media did not condemn it nor drop hints about impeaching Obama.
Remember when Obama threw a reporter out of the White House?

There was no faux outrage from the leftist White House Press Corps; in fact they heiled Obama.

Listen to their Fascistic chant @ around 24:55.
Remember when Bush would misspeak he was an idiot. But if Obama misspeak it was just a slip of tongue.

Bush mispronounced "nuclear" and the left went ballistic. Obama, who is supposedly from Hawaii, thought it was in Asia.
"57 states...Corpse-man"? :rofl2:

"If we deepen our ports all along the Gulf - places like Charleston, SC, or Savannah, GA, or Jacksonville, FL - . . . " while on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno

"While I meet with world leaders, what's striking, whether it's in Europe or here in Asia . . " while speaking at a summit in his supposed birthplace of Hawaii.

"Three years ago I visited Kenya as the first sitting American president to come from Kenya." B. Hussein Obama
It's "treason" to talk to Putin, but Obama got caught funding terrorists

The Obama administration approved a $200,000 grant to a group in Sudan with ties to Al Qaeda even though it had been designated a terrorist-financing organization by the U.S. years earlier.

Further, an agency official acknowledged the prior administration allowed taxpayer money to flow to the group even after its designation was discovered.

The 2014 grant to the Islamic Relief Agency, through the U.S. Agency for International Development specifically authorized the release of at least $115,000 of this grant even after learning that it was a designated terror organization.
It's apparently OK for DEMOCRATS to attack this man's bi-racial family


John James is a veteran running for the Senate in the Great State of Michigan
When Biden was with him you didn't hear the slurping and smacking of scum bag kissing Putin's ass and licking his feet. Ya poor Scum Bag he's treated so poorly. If your a asshole you will be treated like a asshole. It's just not that complicated.


The State Department paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayers grants to an Israeli group that used the money to build a campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a parliamentary election, a congressional investigation concluded.

Some $350,000 was sent to OneVoice, ostensibly to support the group’s efforts to back Israeli-Palestinian peace settlement negotiations. But OneVoice used the money to build a voter database, train activists and hire a political consulting firm with ties to President Obama’s campaign — all of which set the stage for an anti-Netanyahu campaign, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations said in a bipartisan staff report.

In one stunning finding, the subcommittee said OneVoice even told the State Department’s top diplomat in Jerusalem of its plans in an email, but the official, Consul General Michael Ratney, claims never to have seen them.

He said he regularly deleted emails with large attachments — a striking violation of open-records laws for a department already reeling from former Secretary Hillary Clinton’s handling of official government records.

Netanyahu survived the election, and the U.S. spending was not deemed illegal because the State Department never put any conditions on the money.
This is funny, you people play it both ways, somehow your trying to suggest it's OK for Scum Bag being involved with Putin to screw up our election because Obama got involved with Israel election of this anti peace candidate. Lets put it this way, you people would never let the opposite to be acceptable. That's the real hypocrisy. You people don't get it, what someone else does is absolutely no justification of what scum bag does. You can't paint a pig to look like a swan.