Remember When There Was News About Other Things Besides The President?


Diversity Makes Greatness
I think President Trump is going to be really depressed when he leaves office. This man is such an attention hog I don't think he's going to handle it very well when the news is NOT all about him.

He's not a very good leader. He's a terrible micro-manager. He wants to tell everybody how to do everything.

He even tried to tell PM May how to do Brexit.

A good president is a good leader.

Donald Trump is not a leader. He doesn't trust people to know what they're doing. He doesn't listen to good advice. He's a controller, not a leader.

He wants to control everything, control the media, control the headlines.

How often does the news begin the same way?

"In the headlines today, President Trump ..."

It's ALWAYS about him! He's SO insecure. And nothing makes him happy. He sits there in those meetings with his arms crossed tightly and this strained pout on his face.

He doesn't look comfortable. He looks like he wishes he could crawl out of his skin.

It's like he knows he is a Fake President, and he's afraid of being exposed.

I gotta tell ya, that Sarah Sanders is a freaking magician. She's got to try to explain and justify what Donald Trump says and tweets? Ha! Wow, she is amazing. And she does it all with a straight face. What an actress! Really nice act. Really amazing. It probably galls Trump that she's not a babe. I wonder why he didn't pick Ivanka for that job?

I long for the days when the president let everybody do their job and didn't have to be the center of attention all the time. It was nice when you never knew what the news was going to be about. These days, hardly a newscast airs without some kind of story about Trump. Usually a controversy, too. Turmoil just swirls around this man. Either somebody is accusing him of something, he is accusing somebody else of something, he is involved in a scandal, or an investigation. Or he is backtracking something he said, reversing positions on something if it didn't play well for him in the press. In his view.

I bet he has set the record for the president who has been involved in the most lawsuits in his life. And he must have the record for being the president with the most news stories about him. Usually not good, either.

I look forward to a future when we can have the news be about something else besides the president!
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Sarah's no magician, she just lies without conscience. So maybe he will be depressed, he's already seriously ill now. He's pro 2nd amendment (ahem), maybe he'll get a pistol.
" Remember When There Was News About Other Things Besides The President?"

Yes and no. Practically every day since I was a precocious child, newscasts said something about the POTUS of the day. At the same time, other stories were also covered. As a gifted observer, I wondered at an early age why all three television networks always ran the same top stories.
Unfortunately, I suspect that even after he leaves office...his name and deeds will dominate the news. My guess is that his name and deeds will remain in the news for the rest of this century.

Remember...Adolf Hitler dominated the news LONG after he left office...and you can still see plenty of mention of him today.
Unfortunately, I suspect that even after he leaves office...his name and deeds will dominate the news. My guess is that his name and deeds will remain in the news for the rest of this century.

Remember...Adolf Hitler dominated the news LONG after he left office...and you can still see plenty of mention of him today.
Try to focus on the good that's happening in the country....You'll feel better, I promise;)
Now get out there before it rains....if it isn't already....
Try to focus on the good that's happening in the country....You'll feel better, I promise;)
Now get out there before it rains....if it isn't already....

It is raining already, TOP, and it is a stead rain.

Today...fourth Monday in the maintenance day at our course. I should be pressure hosing the carts, but we generally skip that when it is raining.

Got rain in the forecast for the rest of the week. I'm gonna go nuts. Got little else to do except come here and piss on Donald Trump.
It is raining already, TOP, and it is a stead rain.

Today...fourth Monday in the maintenance day at our course. I should be pressure hosing the carts, but we generally skip that when it is raining.

Got rain in the forecast for the rest of the week. I'm gonna go nuts. Got little else to do except come here and piss on Donald Trump.
Boo.....Have fun this glad that you wake up on the right side of the dirt...and that you can p....s;)
Boo.....Have fun this glad that you wake up on the right side of the dirt...and that you can p....s;)

Yeah...I will. You are absolutely right...that is very, very important to be thankful for what is right about one's world.

But to fill the time...

...gotta spend hours at the keyboard!

And...well...ya know!
I think President Trump is going to be really depressed when he leaves office. This man is such an attention hog I don't think he's going to handle it very well when the news is NOT all about him.

He's not a very good leader. He's a terrible micro-manager. He wants to tell everybody how to do everything.

He even tried to tell PM May how to do Brexit.

A good president is a good leader.

Donald Trump is not a leader. He doesn't trust people to know what they're doing. He doesn't listen to good advice. He's a controller, not a leader.

He wants to control everything, control the media, control the headlines.

How often does the news begin the same way?

"In the headlines today, President Trump ..."

It's ALWAYS about him! He's SO insecure. And nothing makes him happy. He sits there in those meetings with his arms crossed tightly and this strained pout on his face.

He doesn't look comfortable. He looks like he wishes he could crawl out of his skin.

It's like he knows he is a Fake President, and he's afraid of being exposed.

I gotta tell ya, that Sarah Sanders is a freaking magician. She's got to try to explain and justify what Donald Trump says and tweets? Ha! Wow, she is amazing. And she does it all with a straight face. What an actress! Really nice act. Really amazing. It probably galls Trump that she's not a babe. I wonder why he didn't pick Ivanka for that job?

I long for the days when the president let everybody do their job and didn't have to be the center of attention all the time. It was nice when you never knew what the news was going to be about. These days, hardly a newscast airs without some kind of story about Trump. Usually a controversy, too. Turmoil just swirls around this man. Either somebody is accusing him of something, he is accusing somebody else of something, he is involved in a scandal, or an investigation. Or he is backtracking something he said, reversing positions on something if it didn't play well for him in the press. In his view.

I bet he has set the record for the president who has been involved in the most lawsuits in his life. And he must have the record for being the president with the most news stories about him. Usually not good, either.

I look forward to a future when we can have the news be about something else besides the president!
Agree on most counts. trump will be depressed after he leaves the WH in shame alright, but not because of the impending obscurity. He can continue to make the news via toilet tweets. No...trump will sink into despair because every time his name is mentioned, he'll be portrayed as an incompetent buffoon who made Dubyah look like a genius.

trump's daily barrage of headline grabbing comments is by design. He quietly destroys the nation from the bottom up, and nobody even knows about it.

His every move is aimed at his re election. He's just that stupid.

And his weekly Klan rallies are simply necessary to raise money to pay for his defense attorneys.
I think President Trump is going to be really depressed when he leaves office. This man is such an attention hog I don't think he's going to handle it very well when the news is NOT all about him.

He's not a very good leader. He's a terrible micro-manager. He wants to tell everybody how to do everything.

He even tried to tell PM May how to do Brexit.

A good president is a good leader.

Donald Trump is not a leader. He doesn't trust people to know what they're doing. He doesn't listen to good advice. He's a controller, not a leader.

He wants to control everything, control the media, control the headlines.

How often does the news begin the same way?

"In the headlines today, President Trump ..."

It's ALWAYS about him! He's SO insecure. And nothing makes him happy. He sits there in those meetings with his arms crossed tightly and this strained pout on his face.

He doesn't look comfortable. He looks like he wishes he could crawl out of his skin.

It's like he knows he is a Fake President, and he's afraid of being exposed.

I gotta tell ya, that Sarah Sanders is a freaking magician. She's got to try to explain and justify what Donald Trump says and tweets? Ha! Wow, she is amazing. And she does it all with a straight face. What an actress! Really nice act. Really amazing. It probably galls Trump that she's not a babe. I wonder why he didn't pick Ivanka for that job?

I long for the days when the president let everybody do their job and didn't have to be the center of attention all the time. It was nice when you never knew what the news was going to be about. These days, hardly a newscast airs without some kind of story about Trump. Usually a controversy, too. Turmoil just swirls around this man. Either somebody is accusing him of something, he is accusing somebody else of something, he is involved in a scandal, or an investigation. Or he is backtracking something he said, reversing positions on something if it didn't play well for him in the press. In his view.

I bet he has set the record for the president who has been involved in the most lawsuits in his life. And he must have the record for being the president with the most news stories about him. Usually not good, either.

I look forward to a future when we can have the news be about something else besides the president!

Donald Trump will spend the rest of his days ... Trolling whoever is the next President.
