Why is there so much vitriol aimed at Trump.

Trump’s Tax Cut Hasn’t Done Anything for Workers

Forget what Trump has said about grabbing women and your personal general dislike of the man. But why is there such deep seated hatred that Trump haters would rather see this country harmed rather than work with him. Is it so important that Trump fail you Trump haters would rather see the USA harmed than him succeed? I know GW and Obama were hated but never in history has there been so much hatred aimed at a president.

Please give honest answers not the left wing talking points.

Working with Trump is working to see this country harmed. Trump is the worst President ever. Obama was the target of an unending stream of lies. Trump can't stand the truth about himself. GW, for all his many faults, was a much better President than Trump. Trump is the enemy of the Constitution and all that America stands for. He has made that more than obvious. His rampant narcissism won't allow him to work for anyone's good except his own.

I was going to start a topic with this, but it seems apropos here:Trump’s Tax Cut Hasn’t Done Anything for Workers

"First, the tax reform hasn’t yet resulted in appreciably higher wages for American workers. Real average hourly compensation actually fell in the first quarter after the tax reform was passed:"
"And growth hasn’t really sped up either — real per capita gross domestic product growth was only 1.34 percent in the first quarter, below 2017’s pace, and considerably less than in 2014 and 2015:"
It does not matter. It is like having a drivers license when you don't have a car. it does not matter. You cannot use it. neither can they. They went through the process to get clearance, then went out of the government. The clearance, which they cannot use, just lingers. It is how it works. This is Trump show business. You shows a shiny object and people like you get distracted and fixated on nothing. How easily you are led around.

there are uses for driver's licenses other than driving a car......buying liquor, checking in at hotels, getting on an airplane, identifying yourself to police, cashing a check, even voting in some progressive states.........what other use is there for a security clearance as a private citizen?......
They don't have access.. Trump is trying to divert your attention from the Mueller investigation and get revenge.. Trump is famous for vengeance since way back in the 1980s.

then they don't need clearance......this is a no brainer and lib'ruls still struggle with it.............
Daffy Dawn is a fake president, and the world knows it, TD.
So do you.

You're wrong. You've always been wrong. You know you are wrong because you are too cowardly to take my bet. No one really cares what you think and anyone with a brain knows that you lack the intelligence to ever get anything right.

I do wish you had a modicum of intelligence; then you wouldn't have to constantly embarrass yourself with moronic predictions. Let's see, it has been about 550 days since your first prediction that Trump wouldn't be in office now. Still running with that moronic tantrum? :rofl2:
The 2016 election was not legitimate.
Daffy Dawn is a fake president.
You know.
I know it.
The world knows it.

:lolup:This is the mentally deficient state liberals are wallowing in; any questions? :rofl2: The more you cry, the harder I laugh.
