How is there agenda different than dumps?
I saw on Morning Joe this morning Joe saying dump is spending like a liberal and needs to get back to conservatism.
What exactly is conservatism now days?
How is there agenda different than dumps?
I saw on Morning Joe this morning Joe saying dump is spending like a liberal and needs to get back to conservatism.
What exactly is conservatism now days?
Modern conservatism just means being against whatever Democrats are for. Period. End of story. They define themselves politically as being against liberals.
That includes supporting the Kremlin, accepting the help of Russian state intelligence services, taking money from Russian oligarchs, allowing Russia's invasion of Ukraine to stand - in exchange for Kremlin help to maintain political power in the U.S.
The last time I actually heard a conservative enthusiastically and passionately advocate for an actual policy, was when conservative posters were telling me that invading Iraq was going to be a great idea.
Conservatism has had the goal of removing all social programs, including Medicaid, Medicare, social security and others like food stamps. The process is to bury us in red ink so they can say we cannot afford them. Tax cuts and huge spending is the methodology. We spend more on military than next 10 nations. So we crank it up. We build a stupid wall that is only about wasting money. It will not do what Trump promises. We cut corporate taxes to the lowest levels ever, even though corporate profits were already at the highest levels in history. We give 85 pwercent of tax cuts to the wealthy, who do not need it. Why? red ink. Fucking Ryan, who is nice compared to most Repubs ,has admitted that. Check Repub presidents from reagan on. This is what they do. They crank up debt and when Dems come in, scream about tightening the belt. We know what the first notches are.
Conservatism has had the goal of removing all social programs, including Medicaid, Medicare, social security and others like food stamps. The process is to bury us in red ink so they can say we cannot afford them. Tax cuts and huge spending is the methodology. We spend more on military than next 10 nations. So we crank it up. We build a stupid wall that is only about wasting money. It will not do what Trump promises. We cut corporate taxes to the lowest levels ever, even though corporate profits were already at the highest levels in history. We give 85 percent of tax cuts to the wealthy, who do not need it. Why? red ink. Fucking Ryan, who is nice compared to most Repubs ,has admitted that. Check Repub presidents from reagan on. This is what they do. They crank up debt and when Dems come in, scream about tightening the belt. We know what the first notches are.
Does returning to Republican conservatism mean keeping the racist at bay and out of the lime light?
That's the only difference I see.
How is there agenda different than dumps?
I saw on Morning Joe this morning Joe saying dump is spending like a liberal and needs to get back to conservatism.
What exactly is conservatism now days?
Conservatism has had the goal of removing all social programs, including Medicaid, Medicare, social security and others like food stamps. The process is to bury us in red ink so they can say we cannot afford them. Tax cuts and huge spending is the methodology. We spend more on military than next 10 nations. So we crank it up. We build a stupid wall that is only about wasting money. It will not do what Trump promises. We cut corporate taxes to the lowest levels ever, even though corporate profits were already at the highest levels in history. We give 85 percent of tax cuts to the wealthy, who do not need it. Why? red ink. Fucking Ryan, who is nice compared to most Repubs ,has admitted that. Check Repub presidents from reagan on. This is what they do. They crank up debt and when Dems come in, scream about tightening the belt. We know what the first notches are.
Wasn't a dead girl's body found in Joe Scarborough's office a few years back?
Conservatism now a days is fascism.
If you care as much as you claim, programs like Medicaid and food stamps should be removed so you bleeding hearts can prove your compassion.
Last time I looked, military spending was a delegated authority of Congress, whereas, there is no mention of any of the programs you named in the Constitution.
You can't give a tax cut to people that already don't pay the taxes you cut.
Who the fuck are you to determine what someone else needs?
What was it before?
deregulation and tax cuts to bankrupt the nation
I love liberal predictions, racist.
you dont love anything you are a sociopath