How is there agenda different than dumps?
I saw on Morning Joe this morning Joe saying dump is spending like a liberal and needs to get back to conservatism.
What exactly is conservatism now days?
What was it before?
Conservatism,not remotely that now!
I recall conservatives like Goldwater and Eisenhower warning us of where we are now.
Isn't this what dump is doing?
Why do people keep saying they need to return conservatism? Why do people keep saying dump is destroying the republican party when he is implementing their agenda?
Oh and now you hear so many republicans claiming to be libertarians. Their agenda isn't much different.
Wasn't a dead girl's body found in Joe Scarborough's office a few years back?
is that the same guy?.....I didn't know that.....
Yep. Morning Joe.
I'm surprised they let him on television.....
Conservatism has had the goal of removing all social programs, including Medicaid, Medicare, social security and others like food stamps. The process is to bury us in red ink so they can say we cannot afford them. Tax cuts and huge spending is the methodology. We spend more on military than next 10 nations. So we crank it up. We build a stupid wall that is only about wasting money. It will not do what Trump promises. We cut corporate taxes to the lowest levels ever, even though corporate profits were already at the highest levels in history. We give 85 percent of tax cuts to the wealthy, who do not need it. Why? red ink. Fucking Ryan, who is nice compared to most Repubs ,has admitted that. Check Repub presidents from reagan on. This is what they do. They crank up debt and when Dems come in, scream about tightening the belt. We know what the first notches are.
Isn't this what dump is doing?
Why do people keep saying they need to return conservatism? Why do people keep saying dump is destroying the republican party when he is implementing their agenda?
Oh and now you hear so many Republicans claiming to be libertarians. Their agenda isn't much different.
It is the agenda of the super rich who pull the strings. It is not what the vast majority of Repubs think they are voting for, but it is. The super rich are remaking America into a plutocracy and they are taking over the media. The idiot rightys think the press is left. It is corporate . It is owned by a slice of the top 1 percent.
The Republican party is gone. They snuck away rather than face Trump and his Trumplestilskins.
is that the same guy?.....I didn't know that.....
It's referred to as starving the beast.
Cut taxes to then cut budgets. Budget cuts lead to poorer services, which in turn is used to justify reducing/eliminating altogether.
Budgets never get cut. Stop lying
EPA, dumbfuck.
Prove it
Conservatism now a days is fascism.